Chapter 152 Light Blue Hair

Well, why do you say it is a reference, because the real M500 revolver, the production process has been lost.

Although the current technology is much stronger than that of the old era, it is all network technology and biotechnology.

As for breakthroughs in weapons.
There are many high-tech firearms such as laser weapons and electromagnetic gun weapons in the top companies, but the technology is all in the hands of the company.

Bucky can't do that kind of thing.

And the reason to write down the name of M500 is just to prevent myself from forgetting it later.

After all, he himself suddenly remembered that this pistol was mentioned in the materials he had read before.

The length of the gun is 457mm, the length of the barrel is 266mm, the height of the whole gun is 165mm, the quality of the empty gun is 2.32 kg, and the bullet caliber used is 12.7 mm.

Well, it was a very large caliber in the old days, but in the era when everyone can install prostheses, well, it is still quite large.

After all, issues such as portability and cost have to be considered, and it doesn’t make sense to make the caliber too large. After all, they are all used to deal with people, as long as they can be killed.

The caliber of 12.7 is enough to blow up those bastards who even have prosthetic bodies on their heads.

As for whether there is a larger caliber, there really is, after all, there are always people who are willing to try.

The method of gun manufacturing is well known to many technical experts, including some lunatics.

Bucky has seen a 30.5mm high-power pistol before. To be honest, Bucky thinks that thing has no advantages other than high power.

As for Lu Qing, after staring at this somewhat familiar name and thinking about it for a long time, she didn't remember what it was, so she stopped thinking about it.

After wandering around in the underground workshop for a while, she asked:

"When can I come to get the weapon I want?"

"Up to three days." Bucky said to himself, and after finishing speaking, he added: "You can leave your contact information, and I will call you after the production is completed."

"Okay." Lu Qing nodded in agreement, "My phone number is XXXXXXXXXXXX."

"Well, I see. You will come to pick up the weapon after it's made. If you want to go back, you can go back now." Bucky said.

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said to Lu Qing: "Let's go, I just happen to be going up to close the door."

"Is it because of making weapons?" Lu Qing asked.

"Well." Bucky admitted: "The weapon shop outside is just a cover, and by the way, you can make some extra money. Installing prosthetic bodies and making personal weapons are the real places to make money."

After finishing speaking, Bucky smiled and said, "Of course, because you were recommended by Victor, so I won't charge you too much money."

"Is Victor your friend?" Lu Qing asked.

Shaking his head, Bucky said, "No, it's just that I owed him a favor before."

"That's it."

Lu Qing didn't ask any more questions, but left the basement with Bucky.

When returning to the weapon shop above, he accidentally ran into a customer who came to the shop.

When Lu Qing saw the opponent for the first time, she subconsciously suspected that the opponent was a player.

It was a young girl, about the same age as Lu Qing, with light blue curly hair and light blue eyes.

The clothing on his body was a light blue T-shirt with a somewhat thick beige coat on it.

The lower body is black trousers and apron, but what Lu Qing cares about is the other party's shoes.

It was a pair of red autumn boots that looked a little weird, why did they say they were weird, because Lu Qing always felt that there seemed to be something strange on those shoes.

And at this time, the notice board suddenly trembled.

[When you saw that pair of weird shoes, your extraordinary spirit seemed to have noticed something, a sense of threat hidden in the dark made you vaguely uneasy, and at the same time felt that this breath seemed a little familiar, just Like the ghosts I encountered in the foggy town before. 】

"This guy is definitely a player!" Lu Qing narrowed her eyes and confirmed in her heart.

"Ah, boss, are you finally out?"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the girl turned her head and said to Lu Qing, "I want to buy this! How much is it?"

Lu Qing looked at the weapon the girl was pointing at, and found that it was a rather handsome looking dark black sniper rifle.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing said, "I'm not the owner of this store."

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing moved away from the door of the room and let Bucky walk out from the door.

After Bucky walked out, he also looked at the weapon the girl was pointing at, and said, "PLA244 sniper rifle, priced at 5 yuan."

"fifty thousand!"

The girl's expression froze, and then she whispered, "Can it be cheaper."

"Okay, 4 yuan, if you buy it, hurry up, the store is going to close." Ba Ji said with the idea of ​​closing the store quickly.

However, upon hearing Bucky's words, the girl lowered her head, and the other party whispered:
"I only have 2 yuan"


After a moment of silence, Bucky said, "Sorry, it seems that this gun has nothing to do with you."

"How could this be, I like to say."

The girl's mood became a little depressed. Suddenly, she looked at Lu Qing, as if thinking of something, her eyes suddenly lit up:
"Well, you are also like that, right? Can you buy this for me? As long as you buy it for me, I will team up with you!"

Lu Qing didn't expect that the other party would call her at this time, but she still replied quickly:


She would not easily believe what a strange player said, not to mention that the other party seemed to be able to threaten her?

"I'm very strong, there will be no harm in helping me." The girl looked at Lu Qing and said.

While speaking, she also walked towards Lu Qing.

"Stay where you are and don't move!" Lu Qing frowned, feeling the threat emanating from the opponent, and said.

"Cut, stingy!"

The girl stopped when she heard Lu Qing's words, and said with puffy cheeks.

"Then, I want this!"

The girl looked around again, and then chose a shotgun that looked rather hideous.

"Twenty thousand." Bucky said after seeing this.

Hearing that the money she brought was enough, the girl was overjoyed, took out her personal terminal and happily scanned the money to pay the bill, then picked up the shotgun and left the weapon shop.

As for Lu Qing, after seeing the other party leave, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that any girl you meet is so dangerous, it seems that it's not easy to get into the top [-]." Lu Qing thought in her heart.

"That's right." Lu Qing suddenly remembered that she still had things to do, so she looked at Bucky and asked:
"Can Mr. Bucky make crossbows? If you have the blueprints, and what's more, is there a shop nearby that can make leather armor from animal skins?"

(End of this chapter)

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