The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 159 The Legend of the Night City Kirk

Chapter 159 The Legend of the Night City Kirk

"I said, do you want to play a game for a while?"

In the room, the original quiet atmosphere was broken. Lu Qing pointed to the display screen and handle not far away, and asked Muir.

After the questioning was over, the two fell silent because there was nothing to do.

After all, they are not familiar with each other, so it is inevitable to feel a little restrained in the same room.

Lu Qing checked the time and found that it was just after 06:30 in the evening, so she tentatively said this sentence.

She originally planned to try it when she came back, but because of Muir's affairs, she has not turned on the TV yet.


Muir froze for a moment, she came back from a daze, and looked in the direction where Lu Qing was pointing her finger.

After regaining his senses, he saw the pitch-black display screen and the game controller and game cassettes on the side shelf, with a look of interest on his face.

It could be seen that Muir was interested in the game, Lu Qing stepped forward and turned on the TV, and asked again:

"Want to come and play?"

"I want to play!" The girl nodded excitedly.

"Okay, then wait a moment."

Lu Qing smiled, took off the game controller, and connected it to the socket on the TV.

I don't know who the original owner of this room is. There are three sets of game controllers on the shelf, and if there are game cassettes, there are even more.

"What do you want to play?"

Lu Qing took down these game cards, placed them on the ground one by one, and asked Muir.

The number of these game cassettes is too much, so that Lu Qing doesn't know which games to choose.

"Do these games support two-player play?" Muir asked, looking at the many game cassettes in front of him.

"Uh, I'm not sure about that."

Muir's words reminded Lu Qing that maybe not all of these games have a two-player mode.

Lu Qing picked up the cassette on the ground and found the introduction of the game on the package on the back.

Among them, game cartridges that support two players will be specially marked at the end of the back.

From this point of view, just remove those games without logos.

After some careful screening, there are not so many games left, only five.

"Life and Death Escape, Wilderness Racing, Legend of the Night City, Great Treasure of Luodunmali, and Jedi Knights."


Lu Qing looked at the game name written on the cassette in front of her, feeling like she was dreaming back decades ago.

How should I put it, my heart is full of desire to complain but I don't know where to start, an inexplicable feeling of aggrieved choked in my throat and I can't get it out.

"Let's just play this." Lu Qing picked up the game card of Legend of the Night City and said.

She wasn't interested in driving games, and the names of the next two games seemed unreliable. Among the remaining two games, Lu Qing was obviously more interested in Legend of the Night City.

After all, she is now in the capital of the night.

And Muir didn't express any opinion on this, but just silently watched Lu Qing insert the game cassette into the TV.

As the game started, a blue screen lit up, then gradually dimmed, showing the name of the game, and the start menu appeared.

After clicking to start the game, a section of CG was entered, and the game screen gradually disappeared. When the TV was turned on again, a huge city appeared on the display.

Lu Qing glanced at Muir. For some reason, the girl's expression seemed to be a little strange after the game started.

It seemed that she was very excited. For some reason, Lu Qing recalled herself in her previous life who had just been exposed to games, and she always felt that the expressions of the two were somewhat similar.

"Is this your first time playing a game?" Subconsciously, Lu Qing asked.

"That's right." Muir nodded and said, "I didn't have time to play before, nor did I have the opportunity to play."

"Then I think you will like this thing." Lu Qing said.

Lu Qing likes games very much. She has played most of the more famous games on the market, even those old games from more than ten years ago.

And in order to increase her gaming experience, she is even willing to find tutorials online from scratch to add various mods to the game.

For example, The Elder Scrolls 5, the difficulty of adding MOD to that game is simply inhuman, and it needs to download a lot of tools.

But everything is worth it, because the content that those MODs on the Internet can add to the game is quite rich.

The only consequence is that Lu Qing may spend much more time modding the game than playing the game. Obviously, she just wanted to make the characters in the game more beautiful at the beginning.

Damn it, don't underestimate the power of LSP!

The reminiscence ends here. Along with the low-pitched narration of the game, Lu Qing also roughly knows the plot of the game.

At the beginning of the game, there was a line of small characters in the lower left corner, which was noticed by Lu Qing.

The above is written like this - the plot of this game is adapted from real events 50 years ago.

The protagonist of the game is a man with a silver metal prosthesis on his entire left arm. He wears sunglasses on his face, likes to smoke, and has many tattoos on his body.

His name is Kirk, a former legendary figure in the capital of the night, why did he say once, because this person is already dead, and the body does not know where the body is rotten.

As for the villain in the game, he didn't give too much explanation, but judging from the hints in various places, it should refer to the upper corporate class of the night capital.

As for why we use hints
Nonsense, otherwise this game might not be released at all.

There is nothing to say about the plot of the game. In one sentence, we stop what the company is doing. Anyway, we are against the company.

Gradually develop the power of your subordinates and strengthen your own organization.

In the single-player mode, you control the protagonist Kirk, holding the gun in your hand, and you're done.

When there are two people, there will be another character, which is Kirk's friend, named P Mason, a bald and strong man. It is said that the other party comes from a tough guy family, and he never wears any prosthetic bodies.

This reminded Lu Qing of the man she met when she was eating at that corner noodle restaurant.

The same sunglasses, the same silver metal left arm, I don't know if I smoke or not, because when I was eating in the store, I didn't smoke until Lu Qing left the other party.

However, it is obviously impossible for the other party to be Kirk, because the real Kirk was already a character 50 years ago.

And he died in the final battle with the company.

The content of the game is not much, even with Muir as a rookie, Lu Qing still cleared the game on normal difficulty after two hours.


Letting out a more tear-jerking breath, Lu Qing stretched her somewhat tired waist, and turned her head to look outside at the completely dark sky.

"It's time to rest." Lu Qing looked at Muir and said.

(End of this chapter)

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