The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 160 Isn't it normal for girls to take a bath together?

Chapter 160 Isn't It Normal for Girls to Take a Bath Together?

"Don't you want to take a bath?" Muir looked at Lu Qing and asked.


Lu Qing subconsciously wanted to answer no, but then she remembered that she hadn't taken a bath since entering the Night City.

The time is not too long, there is nothing uncomfortable, and the amount of exercise outside today is not enough to make people sweat too much.

However, when I just played the game, it was because of the length of the connecting wire of the gamepad and the size of the display screen.

The two of them were actually sticking together when they were just playing the game, and they didn't pay much attention when they were playing. Now, after the game was turned off, Lu Qing realized that the clothes were a little sticky to her body.

Of course, it's just a little bit, no matter how hot the two of them stick together, they won't get much hotter.

However, if you sleep like this, it may still be a little uncomfortable.

So taking a bath has become a more important thing, but the problem is, if Lu Qing is the only one in the family, she will definitely take a bath without hesitation, but the problem is that there are two people here!
When taking a bath, you must take off your equipment, right? If Muir gets his boots and summons a ghost at this time, the situation will be very unfavorable to Lu Qing.

She didn't want to let go of her vigilance after playing games with the other party for two hours. Although the relationship has indeed become closer, the vigilance that she should have cannot just be let go.

There is not no solution for both, that is, two people wash together, but...
"wash together"

Lu Qing stared at Muir carefully, her soft face, supple and smooth skin, and her figure should not be much different from her own.

"Isn't it normal for girls to take a bath together?" Lu Qing thought in her heart.

Sorry, shy or something, how is that possible?
Lu Qing blushed and glanced at Wein who was standing on the hanger in the room. He watched it for a while when the two were playing games, and went to sleep after thinking it was boring.

According to Wein, when he sleeps, he is actually cultivating, the brain is sleeping, and the body is absorbing negative energy in the spiritual realm.

Wein said that this is an ability that all cursed beings in the spiritual realm are born with.

Staring at Wein carefully for a while, after confirming that the other party has fallen into a deep sleep at this time, Lu Qing looked at Muir and said:
"Yes, do you want to wash together?"

I stuttered accidentally, and I don't know if it was caused by her being too excited or shy.

Muir didn't pay much attention to this, because he lowered his head and put on a hood, so he couldn't see Lu Qing's flushed face.

And hearing Lu Qing's words, Muir's expression also became a little awkward.

Seeing this, Lu Qing couldn't help but feel a little funny, her emotions calmed down a lot, and said:
"The main reason is that you are afraid that you will take something and run away while I am taking a shower."

"This, that's it." Hearing Lu Qing's words, Muir hesitated and said, "Yes, yes."

"Then let's get started."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Qing took off the hood on her body, revealing her long silver hair.

And Muir, who noticed Lu Qing's movements, stared at Lu Qing for a while, and suddenly said:

"Our eyes are all blue."


Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's right, but I'm ice blue, and you are light blue, it's still a bit different."

After taking off the weapons one by one, and looking carefully, Lu Qing put the throwing knife on the vacant place on the counter where the game cassettes were placed.

The Mithril Dagger, Hidden Blade, Piercing Ring, Demon Horn, and Merciless are all on the living room table.

The smart cloak is hung on the hanger like other clothes.

The blessing of the ice elf doesn't need to be taken off, it's just a necklace, and it won't affect you when you take a bath.

Even if something unexpected happens, Lu Qing can use the necklace to protect herself.

When there was only underwear left on her body, Lu Qing looked at Muir, and it happened that Muir was also looking at her at this time.


Anyway, sooner or later, she would have to take off her clothes. With a heartbroken, Lu Qing took off her last clothes and went into the bathroom.

More than 40 minutes passed quickly, and when Lu Qing walked out of the steam-filled bathroom, her hanging heart finally let go.

Shaking her face that might have been reddened by the steam, Lu Qing took out another set of pajamas from her suitcase, and quickly put it on.

Of course, all the moisture on her body has been wiped dry, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to put on clothes.

"Well, do you have my clothes?" Muir also came out at this time, and she asked Lu Qing who was changing clothes.


Lu Qing didn't think of this question until this time. After thinking about it, Lu Qing took out another set of pajamas from the suitcase and handed it to Muir.

The height difference between the two is not much different. As for the figure, according to the observation just after taking a bath, there is not much difference. As long as it is not Fang Qingrou's level, Lu Qing's clothes will be fine to wear.


Stretching comfortably, Lu Qing stood in front of the window of her house, and let out a sigh of relief when she saw the street that was still full of people coming and going.

The lights of the night capital will change with time, because this is underground, the change of lights is mainly to make it easier to distinguish the changes of time.

This refers to the official lights that hang from the underground ceiling.

It emits white light during the day, and it is the brightest at noon, to the extent that it can illuminate the entire underground street.

In the afternoon, it will gradually dim, and finally completely extinguished.

And after these lights are extinguished, it is the world of all kinds of neon lights.

Many people in modern cities have chaotic lives, let alone a cyberpunk worldview?
This is especially true for the bottom-level residents of the night city who live underground.

So even at night, there are still many people walking on the street, and some people may just wake up.

Lu Qing felt that she already hated this chaotic life in her previous life, just like she didn't want to eat instant noodles.

After checking the time, Lu Qing drew the curtains and got ready to sleep.

"There is only one bed in the room, you and I can work together." Lu Qing looked at Muir and said.

Anyway, we've taken a bath together, so it's not so unacceptable to sleep together.

As for whether the other party will run away while sleeping?

There is no need to worry about this, Lu Qing sleeps on the outside of the bed, and she can wake up if there is any movement from Muir.

This is a skill developed by Lu Qing while sleeping in the wilderness. Although it does not work from time to time, isn't there still Wein?

Wein's mind is very sharp at night, and Lu Qing had specifically told Wein before, so there is no need to worry.

Lu Qing glanced at Wein who had not made any movement, and felt a little unreliable.

"Turn off the lights."

The lights in the house were turned off, and the room was completely dark.

It was quite comfortable to sleep after taking a bath. Lu Qing was lying on the bed, feeling drowsy constantly. She was still a little worried about Muir, but it dissipated after Muir took the lead in falling asleep.

"I'm not vigilant at all, I fell asleep faster than me." Lu Qing looked at the sleeping Muir with eagle eyes and thought.

"Ha~ I can't do it, I'm sleepy."

After taking a deep breath, Lu Qing buried her head in the pillow, and soon fell asleep soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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