The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 165 Investigate and eliminate the werewolf and vampire forces in the night capital

Chapter 165 Investigate and eliminate the werewolf and vampire forces in the night capital

"My forehead hurts."

The field of vision in front of her was pitch black, and Lu Qing felt as if her head was about to split open, her brain was drowsy, and her limbs were weak.

The remaining rationality was telling her that her condition should be caused by excessive blood loss.

The man in black is obviously a robot, and someone behind him should be remotely controlling it. She feels that this large-scale explosion should not be caused by her destruction.

After all, if it was an explosion caused by destruction, its power should not be so terrifying.

The player who controlled the robot probably stored some explosive material inside the robot. After finding out that his robot was not working, he directly started the self-explosion.

Of course, this is just Lu Qing's guess, but thinking about it, there shouldn't be such a big mistake.


He struggled to push away the rubble that was pressing on him. Fortunately, Lu Qing was not hit by the collapsed wall, but was hit on the head by some larger stones, and
Stretching out her hand to touch her abdomen, Lu Qing only felt a piece of sticky liquid. She clenched her five fingers and opened them again, a sticky feeling was attached to each finger.

I don't know what pierced a hole in the abdomen, but luckily it didn't hit the vital point.

"Huha. Huh. It hurts."

Leaning her body against the wall behind her with great effort, Lu Qing was sweating profusely from the pain in just these few steps.

Taking two deep breaths, Lu Qing rested for a while, and after feeling less uncomfortable, opened Hawkeye.

The pitch-dark environment suddenly became brighter. After roughly looking around for two times, Lu Qing closed Hawkeye in disappointment.

In this small space, apart from the pool of blood on the ground and some scrapped metal parts, there was nothing that could attract her attention.

The shield value of the ice elf necklace will be cleared after the damage of the explosion is resisted, which is why Lu Qing was injured by the gravel.

As for where the abdominal wound came from, Lu Qing didn't know, because it was like this when she woke up.

The ghost knows what caused the injury, and now she just wants to take a good rest, and then see if she can find a chance to go out.

Although it feels like the chances are a little slim, I can only hope that the fragments of the wall buried above her head are not very thick.

Now that Lu Qing exerts a little force on her waist, she will be in pain and break out in cold sweat.

Putting on the ruthless mask, the cold touch made her feel her brain was cool, followed by sedation.

The abdominal wound didn't seem so unbearable, Lu Qing calmly thought about what to do next.

After fumbling for a while on the waist bag, Lu Qing took out a metal ring from the backpack.

If you want to observe the thickness of the rubble above, this penetrating ring is perfect.

After the observation, she only needs to choose a place that is easiest to push away, and get out.

Of course, this is because the ruins above her head are not so thick.

Under the effect of the Ruthless Man's mask, Lu Qing has subconsciously ignored the idea of ​​how painful it would be to push these walls hard.

But just when Lu Qing wanted to implement her idea, a blue figure came in from the wall.

Even in the dark environment, the figure of the other party was still so conspicuous. Lu Qing recognized it at a glance, it was Muir's ghost.

The other party glanced at Lu Qing after getting in, and then got out silently.

After a while, Lu Qing felt as if she heard footsteps and Muir's voice.

"It's right below, are you sure you read it right?"

Lu Qing couldn't hear the voice behind her anymore. Even if the Ruthless Mask has the effect of forcing calmness, people who have lost too much blood should still faint.

This is similar to being knocked unconscious with a stick from behind. It is a force majeure situation unless you are stimulated.

But now there is obviously nothing to stimulate her. The moment she heard Muir's voice, Lu Qing knew that she was saved.

As for whether the other party came here with some special thoughts, even she who was about to faint knew that it was impossible.

After all, if she was left alone, she might die. Even if Lu Qing survived by chance, it is impossible to blame Muir for not coming. After all, she made Muir run away before, and it is normal that the other party did not come back.

So Muir came, and nine times out of ten it was to save her.

If it wasn't for that Lu Qing also recognized it, anyway, it was just a dream of an official event, if it fails, it will fail.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing simply closed her eyes, her consciousness plunged into darkness.

You know, fighting drowsiness itself is quite a painful thing.

The next day, afternoon.

"Uh, the main goal of the second phase has been released?"

After Lu Qing woke up, she immediately found the newly refreshed text on the notice board.

Lu Qing didn't look at it in a hurry, but sat up first, and took a rough look at the environment she was in at this time.

There are no clean and white walls, and there is no smell of disinfectant. This is a dark and dim basement, and she is lying on a white hospital bed.

After seeing no one in the basement, Lu Qing focused on the notice board.

[Congratulations on completing the main goal of the first stage: successfully entering the Night Capital within ten days! 】

[The main goals of the second phase are being announced. 】

[The main goal of the second phase is released! 】

【Investigate and eliminate the werewolf and vampire forces in the capital of night! 】

[I don't know when, some strange incidents began to appear on the bottom of the night capital. Many people mysteriously disappeared in every corner of the block. Occasionally, in the alleys, some people would find bloody internal organs and gnawed Corpse after eating. 】

[In addition, in every corner of the city, there are many rooms inside, especially on the bed or sofa, there are often mummies that seem to have not struggled before death, with fangs pierced on the neck or wrist. trace. 】

[Special target released! 】

[The Headless Horseman of the Night City. 】

[For some special reasons, a special existence came to this world, and his arrival made this world have something different. 】

【His whereabouts are uncertain, his destination is unknown, no one knows where he is, and no one knows what he is going to do, but his existence has caused an irreversible impact on this world. 】

[In order to prevent further expansion of such influence, players are requested to find a way to make the Headless Horseman disappear from this world! 】

PS: Calvin, there is no Chapter 2 today, I am very sorry.

( ̄ ̄)σ...(__)ノ|Wall reflection

(End of this chapter)

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