The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 166 It's impossible to dye your hair with tattoo earrings~

Chapter 166 It's impossible to dye your hair with tattoo earrings~
"So where is this place?"

After reading the second-stage goals and special goals on the notice board, Lu Qing distracted her attention from the notice board and observed her surroundings.

The area of ​​this basement is not very large, the floor is a smooth concrete floor, the air is not dry, but it is not humid either.

He touched the top of his injured head, which had been wrapped with a bandage.

The bed sheet was lifted, and the puncture wound on the abdomen and the bullet wound on the thigh had also been treated.

Anyway, out of the dangerous situation, the wounds on the body have been dealt with.

This should be the place Muir brought her here, so Lu Qing is not very worried about her situation.

It is as long as one does not die.

After sitting on the bed and waiting for a while, about half an hour later, the iron door of the basement was opened.

Muir came in from the door, and was taken aback after seeing Lu Qing wake up, and then showed a happy expression.

"You finally woke up, have you read the main goal of the second stage?" Muir came to Lu Qing's side and said.

"Look, there are werewolves, vampires, and headless horsemen with special goals." Lu Qing replied.

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing asked Muir:

"Where is this place?"

"This is the basement of the prosthetic doctor I know," Muir said.

"Prosthetic doctor, isn't that just for replacing other people's prosthetics?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Anyway, it has the word doctor, of course it will cure the disease." Muir explained after hearing Lu Qing's doubts.

"Except for the prosthetic doctor's clinic, there are only hospitals in the city center left in the night city, but that hospital is only a place for rich people." Muir explained to Lu Qing another aspect of the night city. A common sense said.

"I see."

"Speaking of which." After a pause, Lu Qing carefully observed the surroundings of the basement, and asked:
"Where's my equipment?"

To be honest, when she asked this question, Lu Qing was still nervous for a while, but now that she is awake and her thinking ability has recovered a lot, Lu Qing is a little worried that her equipment will be hidden by Muir.

Fortunately, what Lu Qing was worried about did not happen.

"right here."

Muir bent down, took out a huge suitcase from under Lu Qing's hospital bed, and put it next to Lu Qing's hospital bed.

Opening the suitcase, all Lu Qing's belongings were placed in it, except those ordinary clothes.

There was nothing surprising about this, after all, after the explosion, the clothes on Lu Qing's body were already covered with dust, and after that, they were even covered with a sticky mixture of blood and dust.

It's not something important, just throw it away and it's over. Who would deliberately wash and sew such dirty clothes and return them to her?

As for the dexterous cloak, there were no traces left on it, so Lu Qing had to sigh that the quality of this cloak was really good.

It's a pity that it's just a cloak, and it can't protect all parts of the body.

"What should I wear to go out in a while?" Lu Qing asked.

"You want to go out?" Muir frowned subconsciously.

"What's wrong?" Lu Qing asked with some doubts.

"The prosthetic doctor here said that your wound will not fully heal until at least noon the day after tomorrow. Before that, if you move around, the wound in your abdomen may rupture," Muir said.

"You mean to tell me to stay in bed for the past two days?" Lu Qing looked at Muir speechlessly and said.

Two days is not long, but if it is short, it is not too short. It is enough for the players to do some preparatory activities.

Lu Qing didn't want to lie on the bed for two days.

"It's true to say that, but if the wound is opened, it will recover again." Muir looked a little distressed.

"Just leave the hospital, as long as you don't fight, the wound won't open." Lu Qing persuaded.

"I don't want to lie on this bed for two days." After Lu Qing finished speaking, she added.

"Okay, I'll talk to the doctor later." After thinking carefully, Muir promised Lu Qing.

Muir is not a persistent person. Since Lu Qing wants to go out, she should go out. It is really painful to lie in bed and do nothing for two days.

Fights don't happen every day, as long as they are more honest these two days, the wounds will heal.

"Speaking of which, my injury doesn't feel very serious. I recovered within two days. At that time, I thought I was going to die." Lu Qing stepped down from the hospital bed, took the clothes Muir handed her, and said.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, Muir rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said, "This is a dreamland with a high-tech background with a distorted technology tree. The medical system is not well developed."

"As long as people have one breath, there is only one brain that can save you a world, what do you think?"

"Then it seems that I felt right at the time."

Thinking carefully about how she felt when she lost too much blood, Lu Qing couldn't help but shed a batch of cold sweat.

Although it was in a dream, the feeling of approaching death step by step before dying was quite real, which made Lu Qing feel a little scared.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing looked at Muir. The girl noticed Lu Qing's gaze. After staring at each other for a while, she turned her gaze away in embarrassment and asked, "What are you looking at me for?"

Seeing this, Lu Qing couldn't help laughing, and said softly:

"Thank you for saving me from under the rubble."

"Well..." Hearing Lu Qing's words, Muir's ears couldn't help turning red, and he whispered:
"No, you're welcome."

Instead of continuing to talk to Muir, Lu Qing put on her clothes quickly, and then put the props in the suitcase back on her body one by one.

After looking around, Lu Qing walked to a sink in the basement with a mirror on it.

The new clothes that Muir brought to Lu Qing consisted of a blue shirt, a fur coat with plush inside, and a set of dark blue trousers and autumn boots.

How should I put it on, after wearing it, I feel like a street gangster, and I just need to get a tattoo, in that case, I will be like a bad girl outside.

That's not right, I have to get earrings and dye my hair.

But that was impossible for Lu Qing.

As if seeing Lu Qing's thoughts, Muir coughed twice and explained:
"No way, everyone in the capital of the night wears it like this, and these sets are the most sold."

"It's okay, I don't feel bad." Lu Qing waved her hand, saying indifferently.

Pretty girls look good in anything, although she feels a little cheeky, but Lu Qing really thinks she looks good in this outfit.

Put on a smart cloak, and the sense of mystery will come immediately, and those bad girls outside can't compare with her!

(End of this chapter)

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