Chapter 171 Mantis Knife
It is of course impossible to bury landmines in concrete and cement. Even if you do get them in, it will be useless for the person to step on them.

Unless, like just now, a detection device is used to activate the bomb when it detects that someone is walking.

In fact, there are many such detection devices, and they are not only used to detonate explosives.

Some hidden cold weapon traps are equally threatening.

For example, a hidden crossbow launcher, this mechanism is hidden in the corner, and there should be a detection device inside the launcher.

Lu Qing didn't see any silk thread, pressure plate, light scanning device and other items at all, and was startled by the sudden crossbow.

Even though he reacted, he was still shot by the crossbow.

Fortunately, the defense of the dexterous cloak was strong, and Lu Qing was not injured at all.

Originally, Lu Qing could dodge, even if the crossbow bolt was very close to her position, but if she wanted to dodge, Lu Qing had to make some forceful movements with her waist, which might cause the wound to open , Lu Qing did not dodge.

It was just an ordinary crossbow bolt, it was impossible to pierce through her dexterous cloak.

However, Lu Qing was shot by the crossbow, which shocked Muir a lot. He hurried to check her body, and he was relieved after learning that Lu Qing was not injured.

"I'm sorry, Lu Yi, you are injured, but you are still required to investigate the trap." Muir looked at Lu Qing apologetically and said.

Her fighting ability is too weak, without Xiaolan's protection, if she triggers the trap, she will definitely die, so she can only let Lu Qing walk in front.

"It's okay, it's just a trap. Didn't you solve the most troublesome enemy?" Lu Qing comforted Muir with a smile.

The two continued to walk forward, and some corpses gradually appeared on the ground, all of which were dealt with by Muir's ghost, Xiaolan.

Lu Qing's impression of this ghost is still quite deep. The thief six with a butcher's knife in one hand has to have 80.00% progress in basic knife skills.

Of course, this is just Lu Qing's guess, and she doesn't know how much it is, but it's just very powerful.

The corpses I saw along the way were all stabbed to the core, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

However, after the two of them walked a certain distance, Muir's expression suddenly changed twice, and he said, "Xiaolan has encountered a difficult guy."

Lu Qing suddenly became serious, looked at Muir and asked, "Can you know what kind of guy it is?"

"No." Shaking his head, Muir explained: "I can only passively perceive Xiaolan's emotions, but I can't interpret her thoughts and what she sees."

"That's it, since that's the case, let's hurry over there." Lu Qing said with a serious face.

Xiaolan is a ghost that is immune to physical attacks. According to the information Muir told her, apart from flames, lightning, and the traditional salt method, only special energy attacks can cause damage to her.

Coupled with Xiaolan's ghostly speed and sword skills, one can imagine how strong the person who can make Xiaolan fall into a hard fight will be.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Qing felt a headache.

"My injuries haven't healed yet, why did something happen at such a time!" Lu Qing thought with some distress.

To be honest, she was already prepared for the wound to open
Continue to walk forward, but after a while, the two came to the innermost room.

The size of this room is large, and the ground is also very messy. The dilapidated wire stairs connect a man-made platform and a room embedded in the wall.

Looking in through the glass window of this room, Lu Qing could tell that it should be the main control room of the base.

Once there, Lu Qing can use the device inside to open the metal door outside.

However, the situation at this time was not good enough for her to go there and open the metal door.

Xiaolan is currently fighting a young man in black leather armor. Don't think too much about it. A young man with such fighting ability must mean that the player has no choice but to run away.

The weapon used by the opponent was a weapon that Lu Qing had never seen before. To be honest, this weapon was quite handsome, which made Lu Qing a little bit excited.

It was a weapon mounted on the wristbands of two arms. The extended blade looked like the arms of a praying mantis, exuding a strong cyberpunk style, and the low-key dark red light bar seemed to breathe like life. moving.

Let's call it the Mantis Knife, anyway, this young man is using the Mantis Knife mounted on both arms to fight with Xiaolan.

Judging from Xiaolan's dodging movements, the praying mantis knife was obviously capable of hurting her. I don't know if it was a special weapon or the opponent used salt.

Lu Qing thinks it should be a special weapon, don't ask why, just ask is handsome.

Well, just kidding, Lu Qing just figured out that the guys in this room who were not dead held guns in their hands but didn't attack Xiaolan.

After all, if it is materialized by salt, the firearm can also cause damage to Xiaolan.

"Stay here and don't move." Lu Qing said to Muir beside her.

There are other people in this room, and those guys with guns can pose a threat to the two of them, so we must be cautious.

"Assassinate these guys first."

Lu Qing opened her eagle eyes, looked around, and found that besides the player holding the Praying Mantis Knife, there were only six players left.

As for whether there are still people in the room on the second floor, Lu Qing is not very clear, after all, Hawkeye can't go through walls.

Only a part of the picture can be seen in the glass window, and it is impossible to tell whether there is anyone inside.

Carefully hiding in the darkness, Lu Qing slowly moved towards the six members of the Golden Triangle Gang with the help of obstacles.

The difficulty of stealth is not too great, you just need to avoid being spotted by the camera. The things here are very messy and the light is not good, so it is convenient for Lu Qing to avoid.

As for whether there is such black technology as bio-radar, Lu Qing does not know, but presumably there is no such thing.

This is just an ordinary gang, how could there be such a black technology thing!

As for the reason why the Golden Triangle helped?

Lu Qing didn't know, she didn't want to think about it, she should have something to do with the guy holding the praying mantis knife, after she got rid of these six people, she teamed up with Xiao Lan to take him down, and forced him to find out why he came here!
Her breathing became short of breath, and after a lot of effort, Lu Qing finally walked around behind the six people.

At this time, they were all watching the fight between Xiaolan and the Mantis Knife player nervously and intently, it was a good time to make a move!

Lu Qing's eyes flashed, she threw two throwing knives with a flick of her hands, and then quickly approached, the mithril dagger cut one's throat, and the Hidden Blade pierced another's heart!
But in the blink of an eye, the four of them were killed in sequence!

(End of this chapter)

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