The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 172 Go to hell, trash!

Chapter 172 Go to hell, trash!

Lu Qing's movements were quick, but in just two seconds, the four of them died in her hands.

The remaining two people also reacted when they heard the movement beside them, turned around and wanted to use the weapons in their hands to attack Lu Qing.

Before they could raise the weapons in their hands, Lu Qing rushed forward and slashed one of them's neck with a knife.

Covering the wound in pain, bright red blood flowed out from the wound. This member of the Golden Triangle Gang spat out blood-red foam from his mouth and collapsed on the ground.

"This knife is shallow." Lu Qing thought in her heart.

"Death to me!"

Five companions died beside him in the blink of an eye, and only the remaining members of the Triangular Gang, with angry expressions on their faces, raised their submachine guns and shot.

"Da da da!"

The shield blessed by the ice elves guarded her in front of her. With a flick of Lu Qing's left hand, the Ripper's throwing knife directly penetrated the guy's skull.


Withdrawing the Ripper Throwing Knife, Lu Qing just wanted to support Xiaolan's side in the battle, but the corpse under her feet suddenly changed strangely.

The corpses on the ground swelled and distorted rapidly, and a palpitating sense of crisis shrouded Lu Qing's heart. Before Lu Qing could realize what the situation was, these distorted and swollen corpses exploded with a bang. Come!

The explosion produced a huge air wave, and countless dark purple gas filled the place where the corpse exploded.

Lu Qing's figure rushed out of the dark purple gas, and the shield of the ice elf necklace had just resisted all the explosion damage for her.

"Damn it, why did the corpse explode?!"

Lu Qing looked at the cloud of dark purple mist in surprise, feeling a little uncomfortable in her chest, and coughed twice uncontrollably.

"This thing is not poisonous." Lu Qing thought with some horror that she seemed to have inhaled some gas just now.

For some reason, even after breaking away from the fog, a deadly threat still loomed over her head like a dark cloud.

Turn on the eagle eye to observe the surrounding environment. The player with the mantis knife on his arm is still fighting with Xiaolan. The source of danger is

There was a feeling of being pressed against the skin by the tip of a needle in the temple, as if someone was stabbing the needle in with his hand little by little.

Before she had time to observe in the direction of the sense of crisis, Lu Qing rolled forward and left her position without hesitation.


The deafening gunshots rang out, echoing in the closed space like the basement, vibrating and echoing. Not far from where Lu Qing was just now, a red bullet was lying on the ground emitting white smoke.

If she hadn't dodged just now, Lu Qing would have been headshot by that thing at this time.

The sense of threat did not disappear, and Lu Qing ran at full speed while looking in the direction of the bullet.

It's the second floor!
In the room that looked like the main control room, a young man was aiming at Lu Qing with a dark black spear.


Another shot was fired, hitting the ground beside Lu Qing, and the burst cement fragments fell beside her.

Not daring to slow down, Lu Qing ran forward with big strides, and then hid behind a metal container.

"Huha. Huh."

Lu Qing's chest heaved violently, glistening sweat slipped from the top of her head, she was not tired, she thought she might be poisoned.

"Lungs. Huh. Terrible."

Lu Qing felt a tingling pain inside her chest, as if her breathing lungs had shrunk, and every breath was accompanied by intense pain.

And at this time, something even worse happened.

I saw that where the corpses exploded before, when the dark purple smoke dissipated, six hideous and terrifying monsters appeared.

The skin on their bodies was extremely dry, their scarlet muscles were exposed, their waists were bent, and they staggered towards Lu Qing's direction.

Lu Qing could see that in the withered pupils of those monsters, the desire to skin and eat herself was very much like some kind of creature she knew in her previous life.


What the hell is going on with this Golden Triangle Gang! ?Even the ghouls came out, so what was the corpse explosion before? Was it the corpse explosion?
Don't tell me there's actually a Necromancer around here!

Lu Qing complained in her heart, trying to make herself more energetic.

Enduring the pain, Lu Qing put the ruthless man's mask on her face, and took out the devil's horn with her other hand, and put it on her head.


Her breathing gradually became even, and of course Lu Qing's physical condition didn't get better, it was just that she suppressed all her pains.

"Six ghouls, two players, the one from Mantis Knife is being restrained by Xiao Lan, and another guy is hiding on the second floor waiting for me to come out with a sniper rifle. It seems that there is a player who can manipulate corpses."

The ghoul moved very slowly, which gave Lu Qing some time to think.

When the ghoul gradually approached the location where Lu Qing was hiding, Lu Qing had already made her own decision.

Can't sit still, she needs to fight back!
Lu Qing suddenly raised her arm, and in an instant, six throwing knives were thrown from her hand!
People are forced out, this is the first time that Lu Qing holds multiple throwing knives in each hand for throwing.


Three throwing knives hit the ghoul's heart, two of the remaining three hit the opponent's body, and one was thrown away.

[The Ripper Flying Knife Throwing skill proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[The current skill is: Ripper Flying Knife Throwing Method 80%]

[Flying knife specialization skill proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[Current skill is: Flying Knife Specialization 40%]

The ghoul whose heart was pierced fell to the ground on the spot, while the ghoul who was not hit in the heart just paused for a moment, and then continued to run towards Lu Qing.

Seeing this, Lu Qing threw out the fur coat she had taken off a long time ago, and rolled out from the other side without hesitation.


Another shot was fired, and the fur coat thrown by Lu Qing was instantly pierced and fell to the ground.

After Lu Qing rolled out, she threw the throwing knife in her hand towards the young man on the second floor.


The young man was taken aback, he squatted down without hesitation, and hid behind the wall.

Which Lu Qing didn't throw the knife at him in the first place. In order to avoid it in time, the young man couldn't take away the weapon hanging above him at all. The throwing knife thrown by Lu Qing cut off the barrel of the gun directly!
Completely ignoring these slow-moving ghouls, Lu Qing rushed up to the second floor with the fastest speed of her body.

Kicking open the door of the control room, the young man hiding here raised the rifle in his hand and wanted to pull the trigger on Lu Qing. Whoever saw Lu Qing for the first time, a mental shock directly blurred it. on his face.

Before the enemy came back to his senses, Lu Qing picked up the mithril dagger and pierced the opponent's heart together.

"Uh you."

The severe pain brought the other party back to their senses, and the young man stared at Lu Qing with wide eyes, not expecting that he would die like this.

"Go to hell, trash." Feeling the pain in her chest, Lu Qing said angrily.

The next moment, the mithril dagger was pulled out, and a cool feeling came to her heart. Lu Qing's anger had just risen before she was calmed down by the ruthless mask.

(End of this chapter)

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