Chapter 173 Die for me!


Lu Qing threw the body of the young player aside, and then looked at the sniper rifle hanging on the glass windowsill.

This item is not an item that the young player carried before entering the dungeon, but a newly acquired item that was not held in his hand when he died, so it belongs to Lu Qing at this time.

However, this prop has been damaged, exuding a light blue light.

[Prop name: PMPS-125 (damaged)]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: The electromagnetic sniper rifle made by WOOP is an extremely expensive high-end weapon. If you want to buy it, you must have the authorization document of WOOP. Without the document, you can’t buy it even with more money. 】

[It is said that the PMPS-125 electromagnetic sniper rifle has an extremely powerful range and power. The bullets after electromagnetic strengthening can penetrate even the large suspension vehicle armor plate of the Gear Machinery Company!Although no one has personally verified this. 】

[Skills: Charge and store power, high-definition focal length, reaction force reduction, and the powerful armor-piercing projectile. 】

[Recharging power storage: PMPS-125 electromagnetic sniper rifle can be charged, the longer the power storage time, the stronger the bullet power! 】

[High-definition focal length: PMPS-125 has an extremely powerful aiming magnification lens. When using this weapon, the hit rate increases by 20.00%! 】

[Reaction force reduction: After shooting, the firearm reaction force is reduced by 50.00%! 】

[Big Power armor-piercing bullet: When using the Big Power armor-piercing bullet, the armor-piercing capability of the gun is increased by 80.00%! 】

[Remarks: Let the bullets fly for a while. 】

"This is good stuff!"

When Lu Qing finished reading the attributes of this sniper rifle, the emotions that had been forcibly calmed down by the ruthless mask suddenly became agitated again.

But in the next moment, with the mental fluctuation of the ruthless mask, Lu Qing's excited mood became calm again.

"The battle is not over yet, I have to help Xiaolan." Lu Qing thought.

Carrying this sniper rifle on his body will affect his actions, not to mention that it is a broken firearm. Lu Qing plans to leave this thing here first, and then take this gun away after the Mantis Knife player is dealt with.

Then find Bucky to see if it can be repaired. If it can be repaired, then it is really developed.

Lu Qing herself can't use it. On the one hand, she doesn't know how to do it;

But she doesn't use it, which doesn't mean others can't use it. It just so happens that Muir doesn't have much fighting power. Let her learn, so she can hide behind and be responsible for shooting artillery, ah no, shooting sniper rifles.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Panic with chest pain, Lu Qing couldn't help but coughed twice, her eyebrows under the mask were furrowed.

After some activities, the toxin penetrated deeper, not only in the lungs, but Lu Qing felt uncomfortable in some places near her lungs.

"We must end the battle quickly, and then go to the doctor!" Lu Qing thought.

Stretching out his hand to touch his abdomen, the previous continuous rolling and running at full speed, the wound that had been bandaged had already opened at this time.

"It's really adding insult to injury."

It is true that the ruthless mask can keep people calm, but this uncomfortable feeling cannot be eliminated.

Moreover, if she lost too much blood, she would faint even with the Ruthless Mask on.


The three ghouls staggered up the stairs leading to the second floor. After the threat of sniper rifles was gone, Lu Qing had no scruples in moving her hands.

The Ripper threw the knife, and the knife hit the heart, sending the three unlucky ones to hell.

Taking back all the flying knives on the ground, Lu Qing covered the wound on her abdomen with one hand, and walked towards the battlefield on the side of the mantis knife youth.

"Damn it, this ghost is really difficult!"

The player holding the Praying Mantis Knife looked at the ghost that was constantly dangling beside him, but it was difficult to deal with it for a while, and bursts of anger rose in his heart.

He had noticed Lu Qing when the corpse exploded over there, but if he wanted to go there, he would be entangled by this ghost and couldn't get away at all.

I tried to break through several times, but was blocked. The only good news is that this ghost was probably slashed several times with the praying mantis knife in his hand in order to entangle him. , Thinking about it, he couldn't resist a few knives from him.

If that's the case, it's fine, just give him some more time, and he can kill the ghost in front of him.

But the problem is, he saw the female assassin player before, and successfully ran to the room on the second floor!

In his heart, he hoped that his companion would win, but the result was that when the female assassin entered, no sound came out.

He was quite clear about his companion. In reality, that young man was a talented mechanical student, and the first dream he entered was also a high-tech dream world.

Proficient in firearms and machinery manufacturing, he made all the mechanical traps in the abandoned basement.

The reason why she took action against Lu Qing this time can actually be said to be revenge.

Because his companion has a robot, a robot that can be controlled remotely, which looks almost like a real person.

Those who used remote VR equipment to control were sent out to find out what the so-called player organization was like, but Lu Qing wiped it out.

So in order to retaliate, his companion hired a cyber hacker to find information related to Muir and Lu Qing.

After learning about the gang of the Golden Triangle Gang, they investigated the location of the gang's base, and then occupied it, and took some of the original members of the Golden Triangle Gang as their subordinates.

At this time again, Muir called the former boss of the Golden Triangle Gang and said they would come over.

After hearing the news, the two brothers simply clapped their hands, giving up their plan to take a group of men to attack Lu Qing's house. die.

Unexpectedly, the trap was discovered, and in the end they had to face it head-on.

"Damn it, why didn't the body of the gun come in? He couldn't have rolled over." The mantis knife player glanced in the direction of the second floor again, only to see Lu Qing walking out of the room intact.


With a snarl, the Mantis Knife player swung the Mantis Knife on both arms to force back the ghost in front of him, preparing to retreat directly.

His good friends are all dead, he doesn't want to fight two by himself.

However, although Xiaolan is a ghost, her IQ is not bad, so she can naturally see what the guy in front of her is thinking, and she blocks the exit in a blink of an eye.


Seeing this, the Praying Mantis Knife player stopped helplessly. Knowing that there was no hope of escape, he saw the scene where Lu Qing walked down from the second floor clutching her stomach.

"This guy looks injured"

The Mantis Knife player squinted his eyes. Whether it was Ghost Xiaolan or Lu Qing, both of them were not in good condition.
"Since you can't run away, let me die!" the Mantis Knife player said grimly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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