Chapter 185 Bullet Six

Lu Qing punched open the opening of the ventilation duct in front of her, and then jumped out of the ventilation duct.

There was blood on the ground, and many footprints could be seen with eagle eyes.

That vampire just rested here, and then a group of people came and took her away?
"Could it be the medical team?" Lu Qing frowned, feeling that things had become a little troublesome.

During this month, she first took a week of rest honestly. Apart from going to the shooting range to practice marksmanship, she just rested at home. Occasionally, when she was in a good mood, she went to the streets outside to go shopping with Muir.

And on the second day after her injury recovered, Lu Qing asked the owner of the flower and bird tailor shop to finish the leather armor made for her.

As promised, the armor includes the breastplate, bracers, pant legs, and boots.

The female owner of the tailor shop is quite reliable. The armor after making it fits well and does not affect the action.

As for the holster, there is nothing to say. It is hung on the back of the waist, and the white wolf is put in it. When you want to use it, you stretch your hand behind it and grab it in your hand.

And because of the replacement of the wrist guards, Hidden Blade and Shadow Blade Lu Qing also removed them from the original wrist guards and installed them on new wrist guards.

However, the properties of the new armor are not bad, it is a better white item.

[Prop Name: Silver Moon Wolf King Armor]

[prop quality: white]

[Introduction: The leather armor is made of the leather and hair of the Silver Moon Wolf King. The designer not only adopts the classical production style, but also adds some aesthetic elements in line with the modern and cyber era, making the whole set of leather armor very attractive. It highlights the charm of the wearer even more. 】

[Because of the particularity of Silver Moon Wolf King's leather and hair, the leather armor not only has pretty good defensive power, but also has very good toughness and has a certain warmth retention effect. Having said that, the armor does not It will increase the heat of the wearer's body when it is hot~]

[Skills: Beast Eyes, Night Combat, Blood Tracking]

[Beast Eyes: Werewolves have extremely powerful eyesight and can see things at night. The leather armor retains a part of the ability, which can make the wearer's sight even better. 】

[Night combat: Werewolves are more powerful at night than during the day. When the wearer of the armor fights at night, his physical attributes will increase. At the same time, when illuminated by moonlight, he will receive [Moonlight Blessing] 】

[Moonlight Blessing: Under the moonlight, the wearer's strength is enhanced. The higher the degree of completion of the moon, the stronger the increase! 】

[Blood Tracking: Werewolves are very sensitive to blood. After wearing the armor, your nose will be very sensitive to blood. 】

[Remarks: Aww~ I heard that learning the cry of a wolf can increase your strength. 】


Lu Qing took a sniff with her nose and felt the vampire's smell in the air. She had already left the room instead of hiding in any corner of the room.

The reason why she came here was because she chose a mission in the mercenary hall of fantasy.

This task is to hunt and kill this vampire.

Both vampires and werewolves are graded. Low-level werewolves and vampires, like real beasts, can only sink and float under their own instincts.

And high-level werewolf vampires are all intelligent.

It's just that after a werewolf transforms, its sanity will dissipate. Only a werewolf with a very high level can still maintain its sanity after transformation.

As for the vampire that Lu Qing was going to hunt this time, she used to be a human being, but later became a vampire for unknown reasons.

She usually pretends to be a human being, and only sneaks up on those people who no one cares about, sucking their blood to live.

Lu Qing took this task, of course not for making money.

On the one hand, eliminating the vampire itself is what her main goal is to do. On the other hand, Lu Qing wants to investigate to see if she can learn from this vampire how she became a vampire.

But it's a pity that when Lu Qing found the vampire and wounded him, he turned the vampire into a bat and ran away along the ventilation duct.

Fortunately, the newly acquired leather armor brought her the skill [Blood Tracking], which allowed her to smell the vampire, and chased her all the way along the ventilation duct.

"You can't let her run away." Lu Qing thought as she looked at the blood on the ground.

Leaving the room hastily, Lu Qing followed the smell in the air and chased after her.


After advancing for a while, when Lu Qing caught up with the team of the medical team in front, the other party also immediately spotted Lu Qing, and immediately pointed the weapon in his hand over.

When the female vampire saw Lu Qing, her face changed suddenly, and she quickly said to the medical team members beside her:
"It was she who hurt me, stop her!"

After she finished speaking, she hurried forward, as long as she ran to the suspended armored vehicle, it would be impossible for Lu Qing to catch up to her no matter what.

What, you say members of these medical teams?
Just kidding, if these guys can stop Lu Qing, she won't be hacked by Lu Qing!

At this time, running quickly is the right way, let the cannon fodder of the medical team delay it for a while.


Hearing what his own vampire client said, the captain gave orders to his team members without hesitation.

The next moment, countless bullets shot towards Lu Qing.

Regarding this, Lu Qing had nothing to say. She clearly knew that there was a suspended armored vehicle outside the medical team, so she definitely couldn't just let the vampire run away.

Otherwise, when the other party got on the armored vehicle, she really wouldn't be able to catch up.

That being the case, there is no need to waste any more time. Once the ice elf necklace was opened, all the bullets were blocked. Lu Qing took out the White Wolf pistol and fired five bullets without hesitation, killing the members of the medical team in front of her. All headshots.

When these medical teams rescue clients, no matter who is innocent or not, as long as they are a threat, they will be killed directly. There are many innocent lives in their hands, and Lu Qing will not feel at all if she kills them. guilt.

The next moment, she aimed the pistol at the fleeing vampire in the distance. At this moment, there was only the last bullet left in the magazine of the revolver.

The mental power was consumed crazily, Lu Qing concentrated her attention, and her eagle eyes fixed on the fleeing female vampire in the distance.

At the same time, the female vampire, who was running with all her strength, suddenly felt an extremely dangerous coolness rushing straight to the back of her head. When she turned her head, she saw the five members of the medical team fell to the ground, and she was frightened out of her wits.

After a scream, she changed into a bat form, trying to dodge Lu Qing's bullet.

The hoarse scream came into her ears, causing Lu Qing's spirit to stir up waves. Fortunately, her mental power attribute was high enough, and she was not affected too much.

Slowly pull the trigger, the next moment, the mental power in the brain poured into the magazine of the revolver.

[Bullet No. [-]! 】


A gunshot sounded throughout the building, and the female vampire who had turned into a bat screamed again, and was hit by a silver bullet, blasting into a cloud of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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