Chapter 186 Black Car

Lu Qing's face suddenly became very pale, and a large amount of mental power was completely drained by the bullets.

In the final analysis, this is still caused by lack of proficiency. After all, it is the first time for her to use this skill, so she doesn't know the specific effect.

As a result, I accidentally used up all my mental power, and now I have a headache to death.

Unable to resist covering her head with her hand, Lu Qing looked around, found a random place, and rested against the wall.

Taking out the White Wolf pistol, she reached out and opened the magazine, and six silver-white eggshells fell out immediately.

These are the silver bullets that Lu Qing bought in the fantasy trading market. Long before the start of this mission, Lu Qing filled these silver bullets, which are specially used to deal with vampires.

Because werewolves and vampires frequently appeared in the capital of night recently, all major forces knew about the existence of such a thing. After discovering that metallic silver could cause damage to these creatures, silver bullets became popular in various markets.

But silver bullets are not cheap, they are much more expensive than ordinary bullets.

Six rounds were used this time, but only one bullet was used on the vampire, and the remaining five bullets were all used on the medical team.

Thinking of the medical team, Lu Qing suddenly felt that her headache seemed to be getting worse.

There is also a suspended armored vehicle outside. After the vampire died, the other party should be able to receive the signal. Maybe it won't be long before the other party sends someone over to clean up the body.

So, you can't stay in this place for a long time, you have to leave quickly.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing resisted the headache, stood up from the ground, followed the elevator to the first floor, and walked out just like that.

In the case of a platinum client who has died, the members of the medical team are not obliged to avenge the client, they only need to collect the client's body.

Besides, the suspended armored vehicle was on the other side of the building at this time, and Lu Qing would not be seen walking out from here.

Taking out the personal terminal in her arms, Lu Qing called Muir.

The call was quickly connected, and the moment the call was connected, Lu Qing said:

"It's settled, I'm at the entrance of the building now."

Sniper rifles are not so easy to learn. Muir practiced marksmanship for a month, but he still can't use a sniper rifle.

And because she encountered other players in the last mission, Muir suffered some injuries, so Lu Qing didn't let Muir participate in this mission, but just let her stand outside.

In order to prevent accidents, Xiaolan also stayed by Muir's side.

"I see, I'll be right there." Muir's voice sounded from the personal terminal.

"En." Lu Qing nodded, then hung up the phone and waited at the door.

It didn't take too long, after about half a minute, a dark black car drove over.

In a previous mission, after killing the target, Lu Qing snatched it from the opponent's garage, because the car was not unlocked with fingerprints, but with keys.

The car stopped firmly in front of Lu Qing, and then opened the door automatically.

Lu Qing bent down and sat in the car, the opened door closed automatically.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Muir looked at the pale Lu Qing, and couldn't help asking worriedly, "Are you injured?"

"No, it's just that the mental power is consumed too much." Lu Qing explained.

"It's good that you're not injured." Hearing Lu Qing's words, Muir breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's drive away quickly, don't go behind this building, there is a suspension vehicle of the medical team over there." Lu Qing said.

"Have you met someone from the medical team?" Muir asked in surprise.


"That's it"

Muir didn't continue talking, she could see Lu Qing's fatigue, and controlled the car to leave here quickly.

And when it comes to the car, there is one thing I have to say, this matter made Lu Qing depressed for a while.

That was the car they snatched. It was different in structure from the car she knew in her previous life. After she got it, Lu Qing couldn't drive it at all.

Fortunately, the vehicle itself has an automatic driving function. Although it cannot be driven, it is still no problem to use.

It is worth mentioning that the car itself is bulletproof, and it is not known whether it is explosion-proof or not.

After setting the driving distance of the vehicle, Muir turned to look at Lu Qing, quietly waiting for the car to automatically drive to the target location.

Half an hour later, the car parked in the parking lot under Lu Qing's building, and Lu Qing and Muir got out of the car, and then took the elevator to their floor.

"Ah, my bed!"

After returning home, Lu Qing collapsed on the bed, closed her eyes and said that she didn't want to move anymore.

When you consume too much mental power, you should lie on the bed and not think about anything, it will be much more comfortable.

"Really, at least take off your coat first." Muir looked at Lu Qing helplessly and said.

"I'm too tired, I don't want to move~" Lu Qing said childishly.

The two have been living together for a month, and they have become acquainted for a long time. Lu Qing occasionally releases herself, acting coquettishly, being cute or something.

"Are you really so tired?" Muir said, looking at Lu Qing's expression on the bed, not wanting to move.

Thinking about how he could only wait outside for Lu Qing to complete the task by himself because of a little injury, Muir suddenly felt a little guilty.

Staring at the girl's pale face due to excessive mental energy consumption, Muir thought to himself:

"Since Lu Yi is too tired, let me take care of her!"

Thinking of this, Muir came to Lu Qing, stretched out his hand to help Lu Qing up, and then took off the cloak on the girl.


Lu Qing looked at Muir suspiciously, not understanding what the other party was going to do all of a sudden.

While Lu Qing was in a daze, Muir quickly took off the leather armor on her body.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Lu Qing finally came to her senses, her originally pale face was immediately covered with a layer of blush.

"You, what are you doing?" Lu Qing asked a little excitedly.

"Ah?" Muir looked at Lu Qing suspiciously, and said, "Sleeping with a coat on is not good for your health, take it off for you."

After Muir finished speaking, he asked Lu Qing to lie down obediently, and then covered the quilt on the bed sheet.

"Take a good rest if you have a headache. I will wake you up when it's time for dinner." Muir said softly.

Lu Qing always felt that Muir might suddenly burst into the legendary maternal brilliance, and it felt a little strange to be taken care of.

"However, this feeling is not bad." Lu Qing thought to herself.

The massive consumption of mental power made Lu Qing feel very tired, and she fell into a deep sleep in just a few minutes under the warm blanket.

Seeing this, Muir on the side had a satisfied smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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