The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 187 Strange Commission

Chapter 187 Strange Commission
The day after Lu Qing finished off the vampire but fell asleep due to exhaustion of energy.

Lu Qing, who was playing with Muir at home, suddenly received a call from a stranger.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Are you the famous [foreigner]?" On the other end of the phone, a female voice sounded a little deep.


Lu Qing froze for a moment, then remembered that this was her game ID, which she used to register when she registered in the mercenary lobby.

Thinking of this, she replied: "It's me, what can I do for you?"


The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and the woman said: "I didn't expect the [foreigner] in the legend to be as young as the legend."

"I have a commission here, I wonder if you can accept it."

Ignoring the other party's words of praise, whether it was ridicule or genuine praise, Lu Qing asked:

"What commission?"

"For commissions related to vampires, the specific details need to be discussed in detail. In short, the reward will not be less." The woman said.

"I see."

Lu Qing finally knew the reason why the other party came to her.

Although silver bullets have started to be sold in the market, to be honest, the effect of using silver bullets against werewolves and vampires is actually not as good as imagined.

Although it can cause damage, that damage does not affect the werewolf's actions at all. As for vampires, the situation is similar.

As for himself and Muir, during this period of time, they received many tasks related to vampires and werewolves that others were unwilling to complete.

It's normal for people to notice this. As for her phone number, it's not difficult to find her phone number if you want to.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing agreed, "Yes, I agree."

"That's how it is. Tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon, come to Huanmeng, and someone will bring you to find me." The woman on the other end of the phone said.

"I see."

Nodding her head, Lu Qing hung up the phone and began to think carefully.

According to what the woman who called said, this mission seems to be related to vampires.

During this period of time, I have completed many tasks of hunting vampires and werewolves.

If this is the case, then the reason why the other party is looking for him is very likely to kill a certain vampire.

"Oh, worry, when will I be able to complete the main goal like this." Lu Qing thought with a sigh.

Investigating and eradicating the werewolf and vampire forces in the capital of night is not an easy task at all.

The entire night is so big, who knows where the lairs of werewolves and vampires are.

And I don't know to what extent the system said to be eliminated.

Do you want to kill all the vampires and werewolves in the entire city, or just kill the leader of the werewolves and vampires?

If it is the former, then it will be really troublesome. It is impossible to do it only by the strength of the players. I am afraid that we need to rely on the power of the night capital.

For Lu Qing, among the forces she has access to at present, only Huameng can do this kind of thing.

As for other forces, either it is impossible, or Lu Qing can't get in touch with them at all.

But how to make use of the power of illusions is a very difficult problem.

"Headache, in short, very headache."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Qing looked out the window of the house and looked at the street outside, feeling much better.

If you don't understand it, just don't think about it, there will always be a way.

At this time, we must pay attention to a kind of fate. When the fate arrives, we will naturally figure it out.

Ahem, the fate of ghosts actually depends on inspiration.

The next day, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Qing and Muir sat in the car and came all the way to the building at the entrance of Fantasy Dream.

Taking the elevator to the basement floor, the two walked to the stairs at the entrance with ease, and then walked down.

When they came to the entrance, the surveillance camera scanned the faces of the two of them, and after confirming that they were regular customers here, they were let in.

Not long after Lu Qing and the other two entered the fantasy dream, a man with muscles all over his body, wearing a black formal suit, came in front of them.

"Hello, are you two ladies [Foreigner] and [Fang Tang]?" The muscular man asked.

"En." Lu Qing nodded, without saying much.

Seeing this, the expression on the muscular man's face did not change, and he said:

"You two, please come with me."

Lu Qing and Muir followed behind the muscular man and walked towards the second basement floor. After walking for a while, they arrived at the second basement floor.

After walking for a while, the muscular man brought the two of them to a private room.

"The client is already waiting for you two." The muscular man said to the two of them.

Without speaking, Lu Qing looked at the metal door in front of her and suddenly had a bad feeling.

There was no response from the notice board, this premonition just popped up in Lu Qing's heart.

It's like a kind of premonition of danger. Usually, at this time, if Lu Qing didn't have this feeling before encountering danger, the sign will react to remind Lu Qing that there is danger ahead.

And when Lu Qing felt it, the notice board would no longer remind her.

"Where is the bathroom, I suddenly want to go to the bathroom." Lu Qing said to the muscular man.

"It's right there." The muscular man pointed to a room door beside him and said, "There is a toilet over there."

"Thank you."

After thanking him casually, Lu Qing pulled Muir into the bathroom, then quickly took out the pistol, took out the ordinary bullets in it, and replaced them with silver bullets.

Although I don't know what the danger is, but always, it is definitely right to replace the silver bullet first. If you encounter a vampire, the silver bullet in the gun will come in handy.

Hiding is definitely impossible, since they are all on someone else's territory, they will definitely not be able to escape.

All Lu Qing can do is to eliminate all the threats she is about to face.

"You may have to do something later, Muir, you summon Xiaolan, pay attention to your own safety, and you must protect yourself." Lu Qing said to Muir with a serious expression.

Muir's injuries are almost healed, but her own combat power is still very urgent, so it is enough to protect herself well, and Lu Qing has no other requirements for her.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, Muir couldn't help but feel a little depressed. She also wanted to help Lu Qing, but if Xiao Lan wasn't by her side, she could only drag Lu Qing back.

Thinking of this, Muir could only hold back the unwillingness in his heart, nodded and said, "I see."

After speaking, Muir raised his head again, his light blue eyes met Lu Qing's, and he said seriously, "Be careful."

"En!" Seeing this, Lu Qing's heart warmed up, the feeling that someone cared about her made her feel good.

"I will." Lu Qing said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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