Chapter 188 Poisonous Gas
Pushing open the door of the bathroom, Lu Qing and Muir walked out of the bathroom, only to see the muscular man with a strong figure still standing at the door, waiting for them.

Lu Qing didn't say anything, just pulled Muir silently, and then walked to the door of the private room.

Reaching out to push open the metal door in front of her, all the muscles in Lu Qing's body tensed up, ready to face emergencies at any time.

However, when Lu Qing pushed the metal door open, she found that nothing happened.

"Little deer?"

A familiar voice came from her ears, Lu Qing was slightly taken aback, and then looked in the direction of the voice.

"Xiaorou?" Lu Qing looked at the girl not far in front of her in surprise, and asked with surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I should be the one asking you this question." Fang Qingrou looked at Lu Qing, then looked behind Lu Qing, and finally her gaze stayed on Lu Qing's hand holding Muir.

"This is?" Fang Qingrou looked at Muir curiously and asked.

"She is [Fang Tang], my new friend." Lu Qing smiled.

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing turned her head to look at Muir, and introduced: "She is [Donut Lover], my friend in the real world."

There were other people in the private room, so when they talked, they didn't say each other's real name.

While a few people were talking, the others didn't speak either, they just watched the scene silently, and some who were even more aloof sat quietly on the sofa, resting with their eyes closed.

These people seemed to be players, and counting the three of them, there were seven players in the whole private room!

Taking Muir to sit beside Fang Qingrou, Lu Qing turned to Fang Qingrou and asked:

"[Fang Tang] and I came here after hearing that there was a commission related to vampires, how about you, Xiao Rou?"


Fang Qingrou thought about it for a while, and said: "I'm about the same as you guys, someone stuffed a letter in the mailbox in front of my house yesterday, which told me the entrance to the fantasy dream, and asked me to come here with this letter, saying that there is Something to do with vampires."

After Fang Qingrou finished speaking, a young player with yellow hair said:

"It seems that everyone is the same."

"Like you, I was also told that there is something related to vampires here, so I was called here."

After finishing speaking, Huang Mao looked at the other players and said, "Since we are all the same, I think the others are similar."


After a moment of silence, a man in a black fur coat stood up and said, "That's true, that's right. I was the first person to come here. I have been waiting for almost an hour, and the client still hasn't shown up."

"Could it be that someone hasn't arrived yet?" Another female player not far away frowned and said.

"Who knows?" the last player said.

The private room fell into silence again. After thinking for a while, Lu Qing took out her personal terminal and made a call to the woman who called her yesterday.

After waiting for a while, someone on the other end of the phone answered the phone.

"We've already arrived, what about the entrustment you mentioned?" Lu Qing said in a cold tone.

"What a anxious little girl." On the other end of the phone, the woman's voice seemed a little lazy.

"I've already seen it."

The woman sat on the sofa, leaning against the soft back of the chair, and said, "Do you want to know what your commission is?"

Listening to the woman's words, Lu Qing's mood became a little bad. She had already sensed the danger, but now she felt that something was wrong with the woman on the other end of the phone.

"Your commission is"

"Yang palm!"

The four smooth metal walls fell down immediately, increasing the firmness of the entire room by a large margin. Then, accompanied by the sound of some kind of gas flowing out, a light gray mist began to spread in the room.

Until this time, the woman spoke her last words.

"Die here."


The other end of the phone was hung up, and Lu Qing couldn't help swearing. She never thought that the so-called danger would be poisonous gas.

Even in the face of vampires and werewolves, she will not feel any fear, but if it is poison gas

The man in a black leather jacket, with a pair of dark red boxers on his arms, hit the metal wall hard with one blow.

"No, this wall is too hard to open."

"Nonsense, this is a metal wall." The last young player who spoke before said.

"Damn it, we were all plotted against." The yellow-haired player said with an ugly face.

"Who can think of a way to get out?" the player in the black jacket looked at the people in the private room and asked.

"I don't know, but I have the [Basic Poison Resistance] skill, so I shouldn't be poisoned to death." Another female player besides Lu Qing said.

"Even if you won't be poisoned to death, you will be killed by the black hands behind the scenes." Muir complained.

"I know, I just want to say that my survival rate is higher." The female player looked at Muir and said.

"I think I should have a way." Right here, Lu Qing, who had been thinking for a moment, said.


After hearing Lu Qing's words, all the people present looked at her. Seeing this, Lu Qing didn't say anything, but silently took out a brass-colored metal ring.

This metal ring is the penetrating ring obtained in the prison cell in the script world when performing in the opera house!
Recalling the position of the door of the room before, Lu Qing put the metal ring on it, and as the runes on the metal ring lit up one by one, a round hole just enough for people to stretch out their hands appeared on the wall.

However, it wasn't until Lu Qing finished this step that she realized that just having a vent is not enough, because the poisonous gas will not go out through the vent by itself.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing looked at other players and asked:

"If there is a vent, can anyone blow the poisonous gas out?"

After a moment of silence, Fang Qingrou, who was standing next to Lu Qing, was about to speak when she saw the female player who said she had [Basic Poison Resistance], and said:

"I can release the magic of the wind element, and I can blow out the poisonous gas."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Lu Qing nodded and said.

"Hmm." The female player didn't say much, she just took out a leaf from her body, clasped her hands together, clasped the leaf in her palm, and closed her eyes as if praying.

The next moment, an invisible wind flowed in the room, and the dark gray mist all flowed out along the airflow through the round hole made by the penetrating ring.

At this moment, Lu Qing's personal terminal suddenly rang, and she picked it up to have a look, and Lu Qing found that it was a text message sent to her by the woman before.

The text message reads:

"You missed your only chance to survive."

(End of this chapter)

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