Chapter 189 Secret Attack
Frowning, Lu Qing didn't say anything, and silently put the personal terminal back.

In fact, when the poisonous gas first appeared, Lu Qing panicked for a while because it happened so suddenly, and then gradually calmed down.

After calming down, Lu Qing noticed something was wrong.

First of all, if the other party really wants to kill them, they should use more violent poisonous gas.

This kind of poisonous gas, which is so high that I can't feel any discomfort after inhaling the poisonous gas in the room for about 1 minute, is not right no matter how I think about it.

You know, during this 1 minute, even Muir, who has very poor physical attributes, just felt a little drowsy.

If it was an ordinary person, he might really have fallen asleep, but fortunately, Muir also has certain attributes focused on his physical fitness, so he didn't fall asleep.

So Lu Qing made a bold guess. In fact, the poisonous gas in the room just now was not a poisonous gas that could kill people, but a poisonous gas that could make people fall asleep.

The original idea of ​​the other party should be to seal the room, and then release the sleeping gas to make them all unconscious.

As for the purpose, Lu Qing is not clear, she doesn't even know whether these gases are gases that can make people fall asleep, everything is her own guess.

"Dong dong dong."

The player in the black jacket knocked on the metal wall with his hand, and then said: "Although the poisonous gas has been resolved, we are still locked here at this time. Do you have any ideas?"

"Is there any other idea, is there any gray-level player who can break the metal wall." The yellow-haired youth said.

"Can your ghost walk out from here?" Lu Qing asked Muir in a low voice.

"Yes, but you can only take me alone." Muir replied in a low voice.

"Hmm." Lu Qing knew it would be like this a long time ago, and asking was just a confirmation. After all, she had only seen the properties of Muir's boots once, and she might remember them wrong.

"Is there anything I need to do?" Muir asked.

"No need for now." Lu Qing replied.

It doesn't make sense to let Muir go out alone. After all, Muir's fighting ability is not strong, and if she goes out alone, something may happen.

As for calling Xiaolan out and letting Xiaolan go out, it is also meaningless, it is better to see the situation first.

Just when Lu Qing was thinking this way, the metal wall that fell down suddenly rose up, exposing the door of the private room.

Fortunately, Lu Qing was quick, and when the metal wall started to rise, she took down the ring of penetration, otherwise she might have lost a prop.

"What's going on?" Fang Qingrou looked at the door of the private room with some doubts and said.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be a good thing." Huang Mao answered.

"Anyway, be careful." Lu Qing said to the two people beside her.

"Let me see what's going on." The young player said.

With that said, the pair conveniently came to the door of the private room, reached out to hold the door handle, and pushed the door open.

Nothing happened, and the young player walked out unharmed.

Seeing this, Lu Qing took Muir and Fang Qingrou, followed the young player, and walked out of the room.

Seeing that the four of them had gone out, the remaining players also followed.

Outside the door of the private room is a corridor, and there is a bathroom on the left side of the corridor, where Lu Qing and Muir went before.

Other than that, there was nothing else in the corridor. The muscular man from before was nowhere to be seen, and it seemed that he should have left.


The female player who had released the wind magic was about to say something when she suddenly felt a chill on her neck, and four bloody wounds instantly appeared on her smooth neck.

The moment Lu Qing heard the sound, she turned her head and saw a blood-red figure with wings on her back standing behind the female player, with bright red blood dripping from the sharp claws of both hands.

The next moment, the light in the corridor suddenly disappeared and plunged into darkness.


The small nose moved slightly, without opening the eagle eyes, just relying on the smell of blood, Lu Qing could tell that the vampire just now was approaching her.


With a cold snort, Lu Qing pulled out the dagger hanging from her waist with her backhand, and slashed in the direction of the blood!


Accompanied by the sound of the corpse lying on the ground, Lu Qing casually flicked the blood off the dagger, opened her eagle eyes and looked into the darkness.

The vampire that attacked them just now was not of a high level. It belonged to the kind of low-level vampire that had no intelligence and was like a beast.

Does not have the ability to disguise as a human, or transform into a bat.

But you can't underestimate these guys just because the opponent's level is low.

There are also powerful characters among low-level vampires, depending on the strength of the body owner before being transformed into a vampire.

When being turned into a vampire, there will be a certain probability of becoming an advanced vampire, that is, being able to retain the appearance of a human being, becoming more handsome, and transforming into a bat.

But the greater probability is that it will become a low-level vampire, just like the one in front of it.

So, it's not that low-level vampires are weak, but low-level vampires are stupid, but it's hard to say how strong they are.

Of course, no matter how high it is, it won't be much higher. After all, the bloodline is there. To Lu Qing, this kind of vampire can only be regarded as a mob, the kind that kills each other.

However, the crisis obviously couldn't be limited to this level. After the sneak attacking vampire was killed, many more vampires came out of the darkness one after another.

And among these vampires, apart from those low-level vampires, there were actually five high-level vampires.

At this time, these vampires are relying on their night vision to attack other players in the dark.

She couldn't help but glanced at Muir's direction, and after taking a look, Lu Qing felt relieved.

Xiaolan had been summoned at this time, and was surrounding Muir, protecting Muir. Those low-level vampires were no match for Xiaolan at all, and they were beaten to pieces by the butcher.

As for Fang Qingrou, Lu Qing knew after a glance that she didn't have any night vision skills.

But even though she didn't have the ability to see at night, there was a gust of wind surrounding her, and any vampire who got close would be blown away by the gust of wind.

And after being blown away by the strong wind, she will be chopped to death with the cursed sword in her hand, which is quite cruel.

As for the other players, that's out of Lu Qing's concern.

After confirming that Muir and Fang Qingrou would not have any major problems, Lu Qing stared at the five senior vampires who were watching a play in the distance.

She wanted to hack all five vampires to death. Last time, the vampire was beaten into blood mist, leaving nothing behind. This time, the five vampires should drop some material props after they die. Bar
Thinking of this, Lu Qing couldn't help but licked her lips excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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