The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 191 Assassination of Vampires

Chapter 191 Assassination of Vampires

There was a moment of silence in the corridor, and then Fang Qingrou's playful voice came: "It seems that no one thinks how good your opinion is."

"is it?"

The female vampire looked around, and seeing that no players were fooled, she shook her head regretfully, and said:

"You missed your last chance to live, and now, all of you will die here."

"No, it's you who will die."

A slightly cold voice sounded from beside her ears, and the female vampire froze, her face was full of surprise and she wanted to turn her head to see who was speaking.

But before she could turn her head away, there was a sharp pain in her heart.

The next moment, Lu Qing pulled out the mithril dagger from the opponent's heart, and silently took a step back.

"You are."

The body of the female vampire collapsed on the ground, and she swallowed her breath before she finished speaking. Lu Qing guessed that the last thing she wanted to say was how she got around behind her.

In fact, it wasn't that difficult. When those low-level vampires were retreating, Lu Qing approached Muir and asked her to manipulate Xiaolan to do something.

That is to let Xiaolan put on her dexterous cloak to pretend that she is standing here. She doesn't need to do anything, just stand where she is.

And because the vampires were retreating at that time, the corridor was relatively narrow, and their vision was blocked, so these vampires did not see the scene where Lu Qing handed the dexterous cloak to Xiaolan.

After that, Lu Qing hid in the bathroom on the left side of the corridor.

Originally, she just wanted to go in and hide for a while, and then see if she could find a chance to sneak attack and kill one of the five high-level vampires.

Unexpectedly, a ventilation duct was found in the bathroom, and from an eagle-eyed perspective, it seemed that this ventilation duct had been used just a few minutes ago.

And if you think about it carefully, you will remember that when the female player died, she was killed by a low-level vampire that suddenly appeared from above her head.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Lu Qing got into the ventilation duct, and relying on the observation of the eagle eye, she came to the location where the vampire had sneaked in before.

Quietly crawling past here, Lu Qing searched carefully for a while, and then came to the top of the senior vampire.
That's right, it's that simple. The opponent relied on this method to kill a player on their side, and Lu Qing also used the same method to kill a vampire.

Pulling out the mithril dagger, without hesitation, Lu Qing quickly dodged to the side, dodging the attack from the side.

The male vampire standing beside the female vampire looked at Lu Qing with a cold expression. Sharp claws and fangs grew out of his palms and lips.

"You bloody human!"

The body leaped forward, and a pair of pitch-black bat wings grew out from behind the opponent, and they quickly grabbed Lu Qing.

"Ha ha."

Lu Qing sneered twice, although she was not wearing the smart cloak at this time, but Lu Qing didn't panic at all, and ran towards the vampire instead.

Two sharp blades emerged from Lu Qing's wrist, blocking the two sharp claws of the senior vampire.

Afterwards, a wave of spiritual power penetrated into the vampire's brain, causing the other's eyes to be in a trance for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, without hesitation, Lu Qing's right hand gripped the handle of the mithril dagger, and stabbed the vampire's heart fiercely!
"A backstab, a frontal stab, just let you make a pair, are you happy?" Lu Qing looked at the vampire who had recovered from the pain and said.


Hearing Lu Qing's words, the vampire in front of her stared at Lu Qing angrily, her pale lips parted slightly, but she couldn't say anything.

Retracting the blades on the two arms back and locking them, Lu Qing looked at the battle of several other players.

Of the remaining three high-level vampires, one was surrounded by Xiaolan and Fang Qingrou and beat them violently. The other two were yellow-haired and young players who dealt with one, and black jacket players who dealt with one, and became entangled.

As for those low-level vampires, they should have received an order from an unknown high-level vampire at this time, and they ran here again.

Looking at the two corpses beside her, Lu Qing thought for a while, in order not to let these low-level vampires disturb the battle over there, it is better for her to stop these low-level vampires.

After all, she is the only person who can stop these vampires here.

Skillfully brushing a knife on her hand, Lu Qing glanced at the two vampire corpses lying on the ground, and after finding the familiar light blue light on the corpses, she showed a pleasant smile.

It seems that there should be two light blue material props, plus the previous wolf king's heart, she has three blue material props on her body.

After the dream is completed, throw these three materials to the hut, and it should be able to be upgraded again.

Lu Qing is quite looking forward to this, and does not know if there will be any new buildings in the hut, and what new functions the original buildings will have.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing came to the front of the corridor, blocking the front of many low-level vampires.

Throwing the Ripper Throwing Knife quickly, the low-level vampires who ran in the front died first. After the Ripper Throwing Knife was almost thrown, Lu Qing pulled her left hand, and the silk thread in her hand straightened instantly!

There was a burst of resistance from the silk thread held by the left hand, and those low-level vampires who were running wildly in the distance were cut in half immediately after hitting the silk thread arranged by Lu Qing!

The bright red blood flowed on the thread of the Ripper's flying knife, and then disappeared strangely.

However, a ray of reddish light flashed on the silk thread where the blood disappeared, as if breathing, and then disappeared.

"Stupid monster."

Shaking her head, Lu Qing retracted the Ripper Flying Knife, then took out the Mithril Dagger and cut on the senior vampire's body, and quickly cut off the two props emitting light blue light.

One was the ear, severed from the dead male vampire.

[Prop Name: Advanced Vampire Ear]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: The ears of advanced vampires can refine some special medicines, but the refiners need to have certain skills, otherwise the refined things are just a bunch of poisons. 】

[Skill: None]

[Remarks: "This looks a bit like an elf's ear."]

Slightly disgusted, she put the pair of ears into her pocket, and Lu Qing found a container to put them away after preparing.

As for the other light blue item, it was fangs, cut from the body of the female vampire.

[Prop Name: Advanced Vampire Fang]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: The teeth of high-level vampires can also be used to refine medicine. In addition, they can also be used as a medium for casting spells. If they are ground into powder, they are also a good choice for depicting magic circles~]

[Skill: None]

[Remarks: Vampires don't have cute canine teeth, anyway, I haven't seen them—a vampire hunter who doesn't want to be named]

(End of this chapter)

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