The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 192 The man with a bad mouth

Chapter 192 The man with a bad mouth


Pleasantly putting the two blue props into her backpack, Lu Qing looked at the situation of the other people.

Unexpectedly, the young player was killed by the vampire, and it seemed that he died under the fangs of the vampire.

At this time, the other party's body was lying on the ground, and blood was flowing from the bite wound on his neck.

Not far from the young player's corpse, the senior vampire's corpse was lying quietly on the ground, with blood flowing from his head covering his forehead.

Lu Qing just took a look and then looked away. She didn't kill the vampire, so naturally she wouldn't grab other people's spoils.

Looking at Fang Qingrou again, the senior vampire had already been hit in the head by Muir's great sword at this time, and the whole head was cut in half, and his death was quite miserable.

Glancing at the players in the black jackets who had finished the battle, Lu Qing came to Fang Qingrou's side.

Looking down at the vampire's corpse on the ground, but not finding a place emitting light from props, Lu Qing asked:
"Have you taken the materials from this vampire?"

"Take it." Fang Qingrou nodded, and then took out an ear.

"Just take it." Lu Qing nodded and said.

"Come on, let's see if we can find a way out."

As Lu Qing spoke, she stretched out her hand to hold Fang Qingrou's hand, and walked towards Muir's position.

After all, the corridor was pitch black, and neither Fang Qing nor Muir had night vision ability, so Lu Qing had to do things like lead the way by herself.

As for the black jacket and the yellow hair, Lu Qing is not familiar with these two people, and this meeting is just an accident. It is good that she did not grab the spoils of those two people, how could she go out to help them? ?
And judging from the performance of these two people, it is obvious that they have the ability to perceive objects in the dark, and they don't need her help at all.

"Those three are gone." In the darkness, the player in the black jacket glanced at Lu Qing and the other three, and said to the yellow-haired player.

"Phew, I'm finally leaving."

The yellow-haired player breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, they didn't attack us."

Frowning, the player in the black jacket glanced at the body of the young player beside him, and said, "How did this guy die?"

"Anyway, you are a player who can hunt vampires. Will you be bitten to death if you play two against one?"

The player in the black jacket said, his eyes fixed on the yellow hair in front of him.


"I did it." After a moment of silence, the yellow-haired player admitted.

"After all, there is only one prop, but we have two people here. In order to prevent uneven distribution, I secretly gave him an injection."

The yellow-haired player took out an empty syringe while explaining.

"The paralysis effect of this potion is really strong. I just injected a little and he couldn't move. He was bitten to the neck by a vampire."

"Hmph, aren't you afraid that we two won't be able to beat those three female players if he dies?" the player in the black jacket snorted coldly, looked at the syringe in the yellow-haired player's hand with some trepidation and said.

"Oh, I didn't think that much at the time." The yellow-haired player suddenly changed his face as if he had just thought of this, and said in a funny tone.


The player in the black jacket looked at the playful Huang Mao in front of him, and guessed Huang Mao's thoughts for a while.

Poison?Or throw yourself away and let him buy time to escape?Or maybe this yellow hair thinks that the two of them can deal with the three female players?

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't think of anything for a while, anyway, it's impossible for this yellow hair to have any good ideas.

After all, he and this yellow-haired man are nothing more than partners.

"Let's go, it's time for us to leave here." The black jacket player stood up and said.


Huang Mao nodded, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

In his left hand, he was now tightly holding the empty syringe.

"What are you going to do?"

After leaving the corridor, Lu Qing came to the trading hall on the second floor. The lights here have not disappeared, and the entire trading market looks the same as usual.

And at this time, a phone call suddenly came from the personal terminal in her hand.

After carefully looking at the number above, Lu Qing found that the phone number turned out to be the phone number of the woman who invited her here, that is, the phone number of the woman who said she was going to kill them in the private room before.

Lu Qing originally thought that after the other party's plan failed, she would not contact her again, and she couldn't find the other party's location, so she just wanted to leave Huanmeng quickly, but before she left, the other party called her again Come on the phone.

After careful consideration for a moment, Lu Qing still decided to connect the phone, but what she didn't expect was that the voice on the other end of the phone was no longer the woman's voice before, but a man's voice.

"You are [a foreigner], why do you sound like a little girl?" The man on the other end of the phone said in a low voice.

"Who are you?" Lu Qing asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I have something more important here, I can tell you, but I need to think about it." The man said.

For some reason, Lu Qing always felt that she had heard the other party's voice somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"If you just want to talk to me about these things, then I think we can hang up now." Lu Qing said with a somewhat cold tone.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, the man on the other end of the phone was not angry, and said with a smile: "You are really impatient, how about this, I will tell you an address, if you dare to come, I will tell you what I know Tell you."

"How is it? Little girl~"

Displeased, very displeased, the man on the other end of the phone spoke quite unforgivingly, which made Lu Qing have the urge to pull out the shadow blade and stab the other party's ass.

Sneering twice, Lu Qing said in a cold tone: "It's the address again, you don't think I will go to the same place twice, do you?"

"No, no, no, I won't set any traps, I just see if you are willing to come."


"It's fine now. You just need to go straight ahead until you reach the end of the road, and then enter the building on the left. I'll tell you when you get there."

"Is that why you're sure I'll go?" Lu Qing frowned.

"I think you will."

"I don't think so." Lu Qing glanced at the road in front of her, there happened to be a turning intersection here.

"Then why don't you keep going?" the man said with a somewhat complacent voice.

"To shut up."

Cursing her lips in displeasure, Lu Qing felt like an angry child, naively arguing with the other party, saying something completely opposite to the other party, but she was very curious to know what was said on the phone. what.

This made her feel awkward and angry, and wanted to find the man on the other end of the phone and punch him in the face!
(End of this chapter)

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