The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 193 She Won't Really Want to Punch Me

Chapter 193 She Doesn't Really Want to Punch Me, Does She
"Hmph, it really is just a little girl."

On the other end of the phone, looking at the hung up phone, Kirk said proudly.

Bucky on the side heard Kirk's words, and looked at him rather speechlessly, not knowing what to be proud of, and said:
"Isn't it just bullying a little girl, I'm so happy, have you been lonely since I haven't talked to anyone for a long time?"

"Fuck you, do your job quietly!" Kirk glared at Bucky angrily.

"Hmph, I know to trouble the old man."

Bucky stared back unceremoniously, and then focused on typing on the keyboard in front of him with both hands. After typing for a while, he frowned and said:

"There is something wrong with this fantasy system. Even if you use this woman's account, you can only investigate the information in it. If you want to copy it, it will self-destruct during the copying process."

Hearing Bucky's words, Kirk turned his head and skillfully lit a chimney for himself:
"You can handle it."

"Ahem, can you stop smoking here, the old man's health is not very good." Bucky coughed twice as he smelled the smoke.

Looking at Bucky's burly figure and his 90-year-old face, Kirk felt that he might have misunderstood the term "old man".

"Didn't you smoke a lot before? Why don't you stop?" Kirk asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Quit early, smoking is harmful to your health." Bucky said casually.

"With so many prosthetic bodies installed, who are you fooling around?" Kirk said angrily.

If you don’t want to say it, don’t say it, and use this kind of bullshit from hundreds of years ago to fool people. Kirk was smoking a cigarette while looking at the picture on the screen in front of him.

Seeing that the three of Lu Qing had arrived in front of the building he mentioned, Kirk picked up the personal terminal in his hand and called Lu Qing.

Although there are implants, some advanced hackers can inject viruses into the body through the phone, so it is safer to use a personal terminal to make calls.


Hearing the sound of the personal terminal, Lu Qing took out the personal terminal.

Glancing at the locked building in front of her, Lu Qing connected the phone, and the next moment, that beating voice sounded again, saying:
"Didn't you say you wouldn't come?"

"I think you deserve a punch for your words, and I want to punch you, so I came here." Lu Qing said truthfully.


Are young people today so honest?
Before he could react for a while, Kirk was silent for a while, organized his words, and said:

"I have opened the door for you. After you enter, there will be a staircase. Go down the stairs, and then take the elevator to come to my floor."

"Don't hang up the phone, I'll show you the way when you get to this floor."

"His floor?"

Lu Qing didn't speak, and analyzed what the man on the other end of the phone said in her heart.

Could it be that the layer the other party mentioned is the third layer of the illusion?

It is said that the third floor of the fantasy dream is the floor where Possini and her confidantes live. Except for her confidantes, no one knows where the entrance and location of that floor are.

Could it be that the man on the other end of the phone is one of Poseney's subordinates?

Thinking of this, Lu Qing brought Muir and Fang Qingrou to the building, and she saw a staircase leading down.

Turning to look at Muir and Fang Qingrou, Lu Qing thought of leaving these two people here and going down alone.

Seeing Lu Qing looking at them, Fang Qingrou and Muir were taken aback for a moment, and then returned Lu Qing with a "no problem" smile.

"Well, forget it." Lu Qing thought to herself.

It's not necessarily safe to stay here, it's better to let these two people follow her, and she can help out in case of danger.

On the contrary, if the two of them were left here, she would not be able to help them when they were in danger.

Besides, when the three of them stay together, the combat power can be maximized. Even if they are in danger, it is easier to deal with it, isn't it?
Lu Qing felt that the system should not be so cheating, allowing them to encounter enemies they could not fight against.

"What's the matter, did you hesitate when you got there?" On the other side, Kirk saw Lu Qing on the surveillance camera stop and asked.

"No, I'm thinking about which part is better to hit you when I hit your face later." Lu Qing heard the voice from the personal terminal.


The corner of his mouth twitched twice, Kirk smiled and said, "I hope you will still think this way in the future."

"No, it's not sure, maybe I just want to kick your genitals off later." Lu Qing said.


"Hmph, let you fight me!" Lu Qing said secretly in her heart.

The man made this man sneer a few times before, of course Lu Qing will return it.

So, in a depressed mood, Lu Qing racked her brains to think of a lot of snarky words, which finally came in handy at this time.

But to be honest, after she finished speaking, Lu Qing still felt a little regretful.

Would it be a little too reserved for a girl to say such a thing? You must know that Fang Qingrou and Muir are still standing next to her.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing quietly glanced at Fang Qingrou and Muir's expressions, and seeing that the expressions on their faces had not changed, Lu Qing was a little guilty and relieved.

"It looks like there shouldn't be any problem." Lu Qing thought to herself.

She was mainly concerned about her image in the eyes of Fang Qingrou and Muir. After all, these were her only two friends after time travel, and she had to cherish them.

Muir and Fang Qingrou naturally wouldn't know what Lu Qing was thinking.

And if they want to let them know what Lu Qing is thinking, I'm afraid she can't help but laugh out loud.

All the way down, a few people came to the end of the corridor, and there was indeed an elevator here!
Walking into the elevator, Lu Qing stretched out her hand and pressed the down button next to the elevator door.


The elevator door closed slowly, and then began to move slowly downward.

After waiting for about a minute, the elevator door reopened, and Kirk's beating voice came from the personal terminal.

"You can go straight ahead now, and turn left when you meet the second corner. There is a room with the [Control Room] sign there, which is the destination." Kirk pointed at the personal terminal at hand road.

"Are you there right now?" Lu Qing asked.

"Hahaha, you don't really want to punch me, do you?" Kirk said with a smile.

"Ha ha."


Kirk looked at the hung up phone with an inexplicably ominous premonition in his heart.

"She doesn't really want to punch me." Kirk looked at Bucky and said.

"Ha ha."

Bucky smiled imitating Lu Qing's laughter, and then said: "It's fine to punch you. If it were me, I would follow what she said before and kick your genitals."

Kirk: "."

(End of this chapter)

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