The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 194 I'll Just Taste

Chapter 194 I'll Just Taste
"They're almost here."

Bucky glanced at the surveillance camera, saw Lu Qing and the other three coming out of the elevator, and said.

"Have you finished copying the data?" Kirk turned to Bucky and asked.

Bucky leaned back on the chair, his hands had already left the keyboard, after hearing Kirk's words, he glanced at the progress bar on the monitor, and said:
"Hurry up, no more than ten seconds at most."

"In this case, let's prepare to retreat." Kirk stood up from his seat and said.

"Don't you wait here?" Bucky looked at Kirk and asked.

"No, just leave this here."

Kirk shook his head and placed a chip on the table.

"You're not afraid of being beaten, are you?" Bucky said half-jokingly.

"How is it possible?" Kirk shook his head with a smile and said, "It's just a little girl, how could I be afraid?"

After finishing speaking, Kirk paused, and said in a low voice: "Now is not the time, my identity cannot be exposed."

Bucky didn't reply, but silently pulled out the chip plugged into the device, saying:

"The copying is over."


Kirk nodded, picked up the fur coat that was on the chair before, draped it over his shoulders, and walked towards the secret passage behind the control room.

Seeing this, Bucky also followed, and just after the two left, the secret passage was quickly closed, and it looked no different from an ordinary wall.

When Lu Qing brought Muir and Fang Qingrou into the room, she only saw the corpse of a woman lying on the ground, which looked like a high-level vampire.

It's a pity that she didn't have any props on her body, so Lu Qing just looked away before looking away.

The man who called him was really not here. Although he had already guessed in his heart, it felt really uncomfortable to feel that he was pigeonholed.

There was a tremor from the personal terminal, Lu Qing picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was a text message.

【The corpse on the ground is Poseney. This woman is the one who lied to you this time. There is a chip on the table. If you are interested, please open it and have a look. 】


Holding a personal terminal in her hand, Lu Qing looked at the metal table in the center of the room, and saw a lavender chip on the smooth table.

Quickly picked up the chip and put it in the pocket, Lu Qing looked at Muir and Fang Qingju with a serious expression:

"Let's go, let's get out of here quickly."

If the information in the text message sent by that man is true, then the woman's body lying on the ground will be very serious.

You know, the other party is the boss of Huanmeng, a legend in the capital of the night, and the most powerful middleman.

And such a character turned into a vampire and died in his own control room, which is simply a big deal.

I don't know how the other party found this place, and what method they used to keep Poseney's subordinates from knowing.

But no matter what, Lu Qing and the others need to leave quickly. If they are discovered by Poseny's men now, then things will become a big mess.

But before leaving, there is one more thing to do.

"Both of you, will anyone be able to control this thing?" Lu Qing asked Fang Qingrou and Muir, pointing to the display screen in the control room.

They must have been captured by surveillance cameras along the way, and the images must be deleted.

And after deleting it, the entire camera must be stopped, otherwise it will still be photographed when going out.

As for the fingerprints, there is no need to worry. After all, Huanmeng is not the Night City Police Station, so how could it have the right to look for fingerprints?
Even if it is possible to check, Lu Qing and the others are all black households, and no matter how hard they check, it is impossible to find out.

"I've never used this kind of thing." Fang Qingrou replied after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"Me, I don't know how to use it either." Muir shook his head and said.

"The problem is that I can't either." Hearing the answers of the two, Lu Qing said with a bit of a headache.

After studying for a long time, several people finally deleted the images reluctantly, then turned off all the cameras, and left in a hurry.

I don't know how the man on the other end of the phone did it. Lu Qing and the others didn't meet anyone when they went back, and they didn't know where they all went.

Along the way, they returned to the second floor cautiously, and a few people came to the first floor with some guilt, pretending that nothing happened, went to the shooting range, and practiced marksmanship for two hours.

What is worth mentioning here is that Lu Qing's [pistol basics] skills have been practiced to [-]% as early as the second time she came to the shooting range.

But after that, although I feel that the marksmanship has improved, but in fact there are no new skills. After thinking about it, it should be because the proficiency is not enough.

Leaving from the shooting range, the three originally planned to leave Huameng directly, but when passing by the tavern, Lu Qing suddenly said curiously:

"Would you like to go in and have a drink or two?"



Listening to the two's answers, Lu Qing felt a little regretful in her heart, but seeing Fang Qingrou's curious and somewhat excited expression, she could only swallow the words "I'm just joking."

"By the way, have I ever drunk before?" Walking into the tavern, Lu Qing thought absently.

Broken memories gradually surged up, and some fragments of memories were recalled in Lu Qing's mind.

When I was young, I seemed to have drank it. At that time, the adults poured white wine into the water glass. At that time, Lu Qing thought it was just ordinary water, so she took a sip, and because she hated it, she spit it out.

Since then, Lu Qing has known that wine is a very bad thing to drink, until she tasted wine later, it tasted surprisingly good, but her stomach felt a little hot after drinking it.

The memory ended here, Lu Qing thought for a while, then turned to look at the two people behind her, and said:

"Just take a couple of sips and go back."

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing, who was a little worried, added another sentence: "Don't drink too much, it will be troublesome if you get drunk here."

"Yeah, don't worry, just take a few sips and have a taste." Fang Qingrou nodded.

"It's the first time I drink it, so I don't know if it tastes good." Muir whispered.

"Three little beauties, what do you want to drink?"

Sitting in front of the counter, the female bartender standing behind the counter asked.

It was the first time to come to this kind of place, Lu Qing didn't know what was there, after thinking about it, she said:

"I want one with a low alcohol content, as long as it tastes better."

"It's your first time." The bartender smiled.


"Where are the other two?" the bartender looked at Fang Qingrou and asked Muir.

"I'm about the same," Muir said.

"There should be a signature bar here, give me a drink." Fang Qingrou said.

"Okay, you three wait a moment."

The female bartender had a standard smile on her face and skillfully mixed the drinks together. After waiting for a while, each of the three had an extra glass of wine in front of them.

Somewhat curiously, she picked up her own glass, Lu Qing looked at it carefully for a while, and saw that the overall color of the wine was lavender.

"Cuckoo, cluck."

Stretching out her tongue to taste the taste, after feeling acceptable, Lu Qing drank the whole glass of wine.

"Is the taste okay~ Oh? Why, the world has turned around."


When her eyes went dark, Lu Qing's head fell on the counter, her blushing face was like an overripe apple.


(End of this chapter)

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