The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 196 Known Werewolf Strongholds and Activity Scope

Chapter 196 Known Werewolf Strongholds and Activity Scope
"It's said that Xiaolu will be drunk after a glass of wine." During breakfast, Fang Qingrou recalled what happened yesterday, and said with a smile.


Lu Qing blushed, and said falteringly: "Who, who knew that wine is so easy to get drunk, obviously, obviously, others have to drink several glasses before pouring it down."

"That's right, that's why I said I didn't expect it~" Fang Qingrou replied with a smile.

"Everyone has something they're not good at, and Lu Yi doesn't seem to be good at drinking." Muir joined the conversation between the two.

"Lu Yi"

Fang Qingrou muttered softly, then looked at Muir mysteriously and said, "Hey, did Xiaolu tell you your real name?"

"No." Muir shook his head and said, "Lu Yi said that there was a live broadcast, and his name might be leaked, so he didn't tell me."

"Oh, then why does Xiaolu know your name?" Fang Qingrou asked curiously.

"I said it myself"

Muir briefly described the first meeting between himself and Lu Qing, letting Fang Qingrou know how the two of them met.

Just after Lu Qing finally felt that the topic of wine was covered, Wein suddenly said:

"Gah, the wine you mentioned, is it good?"

"That's it." Fang Qingrou glanced at Wein, with a hint of cunning in her eyes, and said:
"It's not a question of whether it tastes good or not, it's just that kind, a very special kind."

"How special is it?" Vin asked quickly.

Seeing Wein's serious expression, Fang Qingrou's face was a little weird, and she smiled and said:

"Oh, you don't understand this kind of thing after I tell you. After all, you are just a crow. If you really want to know, then go and try it yourself in the future."

"Gah, isn't it the same as not saying it?"

Looking at Fang Qingrou's face, Wein immediately understood that the other party was playing tricks on him, flapped his wings a little angrily, and Wein flew out from the window in the room.

Looking at Wein's plate again, the contents inside have been eaten clean.

"Is he all right?" Fang Qingrou looked at Wein who flew out, regretting in his heart.

"It's okay, this crow's anger comes and goes quickly, and it's actually quite simple." Lu Qing waved her hand.

"Then I can rest assured." Fang Qingrou said with a sigh of relief.

After breakfast, the three of them rested for a while, then gathered together again and sat down around the metal table in the living room.

"No, this, the text message from that man yesterday."

Lu Qing put her personal terminal on the table, allowing both Fang Qing and Muir to see the content of the text messages on it.

After confirming that both of them had read it, Lu Qing took out the chip she got, put it on the table, and said:
"Would you like to open it and have a look?"

Fang Qingrou and Muir looked at the chip on the table, and they both understood that this was the one mentioned in the text message.

After thinking for a while, Fang Qingrou nodded and said, "Open it and have a look."


Lu Qing turned her head to look at Muir, and seeing that the other party also nodded, she said, "Then open it and have a look."

Saying so, Lu Qing inserted the chip into her personal terminal, and then read the above content.

After waiting for a while to read the progress bar, the screen on the personal terminal went black for a moment, and then returned to normal. What was displayed on the screen at this time was a huge map of the night capital.

On the left side of the map, there are three files that can be selected.

The three of them stared at the map for a while, and after thinking they couldn't see anything just by looking at the map, they clicked on the first file.

[Known werewolf strongholds and range of activities]

After clicking on the file, densely packed red circles were marked on the map on the right, and there were corresponding notes on each circle, and after clicking on it, there were more detailed instructions.

For example, this [Small Werewolf Stronghold], after Lu Qing clicks on it, a window will pop up on the screen.

[A stronghold led by a high-level werewolf, the latest information shows that the stronghold has 15 low-level werewolves, who usually hide in the corridor garage, and the high-level werewolf buys meat for feeding. 】

In addition to the [small werewolf stronghold], there is also a [medium-sized werewolf stronghold] with two high-level werewolves, fifty low-level werewolves, and a [large-scale werewolf stronghold] with one Dark Moon wolf king, five high-level werewolves, and one hundred low-level werewolves. Werewolf stronghold].

【Large Werewolf Stronghold】

[The headquarters of the werewolves is located in the south of the old garbage dump in the night capital. The source of funds is the employment money earned by senior werewolves disguised as humans in the night capital. Only low-level werewolves. 】

"Is this the information investigated by those vampires?" Lu Qing thought while looking at the map on her personal terminal.

The man also said that the person who tricked the players to them was Pousse, and Poseney had become a vampire, that is to say.

Is this information obtained by the investigation of the forces that Puseney launched his own fantasy?

So here comes the question, why did the man who killed Pousseni give her this information?
"You can't just look at my good looks." Lu Qing said in her heart.

But having said that, the power of the werewolves is still very strong, let alone the large number of small and medium-sized strongholds on the map, the large strongholds are simply nothing.

One hundred low-level werewolves, one hundred!
Even if the dark moon wolf king and the five high-level werewolves were removed, it would still be a very powerful force.

"Sure enough, if we don't cooperate, this main goal will be impossible to accomplish." Lu Qing thought in her heart.

Looking at the other red dots on the map, in addition to the werewolf stronghold, there are also some lone wolves' range of activities, which are also marked.

If Lu Qing's guess is correct, the locations of these lone wolves should have been uploaded to the mercenary hall of Huanmeng long ago.

However, there is one thing that makes people more concerned, that is, Huanmeng is the chassis of Poseni, and Puseni is a vampire. Why is there a mission to hunt vampires in Huanmeng's mercenary hall?
Is it bait?Or what, if you think about it carefully, wouldn't it be too extravagant to use high-level vampires as bait?

So there is another possibility.

Perhaps the vampires are not monolithic, and those missions placed in the mercenary hall are actually vampires that Pousney is hostile to.

Lu Qing felt that this idea was more reliable, and it sounded like the real thing.

Withdrawing from her thinking, Lu Qing first glanced at the other two files on the left side of the map, and then at Fang Qingrou and Muir.

The matter of the other two documents can be put aside first, Lu Qing intends to share her thoughts with the two of them first, and see if they can discuss something.

(End of this chapter)

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