Chapter 197 Corrosion Plan
"After reading this document, what do you think?"

"I do not know."

"There are too many werewolves, and vampires are about the same. Is this dream really a gray level?"

"Even if this is the case, we must think of a way. The main goal is this and there is no way."


"Isn't it said in many stories that werewolves and vampires are actually hostile to each other, why not let them fight slowly by themselves, and then we will be fishermen."

"As for the other players, I think it's more likely that Predator's Fang will become a fisherman, and they won't necessarily lose both."

After the three of them had an "intense" discussion, nothing was discussed in the end, so this topic was temporarily skipped.

Lu Qing decided that it would be better to discuss how to do it after reading the remaining two documents.

Anyway, she doesn't count on Muir anymore. She actually noticed it a long time ago. In normal times, Muir looks very reliable.

But really, it's just the outside, and if you're expecting her to come up with some brilliant plan or proposal, forget it.

As for Fang Qingrou.
Well, let’s forget it, it’s not going anywhere.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing clicked on the second file.

I saw that the dense red dots on the previous map disappeared, replaced by green and blue dots.

[Vampire Power Distribution Map]

【Our small stronghold】【Our medium stronghold】【Our advanced stronghold】

【Enemy Small Stronghold】【Enemy Medium Stronghold】【Enemy Advanced Stronghold】

A series of words drilled out along with these blue-green circles. Lu Qing looked carefully and found that the green ones were "our side", while the blue ones were "the enemy."

It is worth noting that the location of [our advanced stronghold] here is actually the location of Huanmeng, that is to say, the "our side" here should refer to Poseney and her vampires.

As for the enemy, Lu Qing is not clear, but it is worth noting that it is written in the notes of [Enemy Advanced Stronghold].

[Located on the upper floor of the Night City, the headquarters of the PMS company. The owner of the company, Huan Pusen, is the leader. The security personnel of the entire company are all high-level vampires, and there are a large number of low-level vampire legions in the lower floors of the company. The existence of a positive counterbalance. 】

"So, of the two vampires, one is the boss of the top company PMS, and the other is the queen of the underground of the Night City, the owner of the illusion?" Lu Qing thought while looking at the information on her personal terminal.

Among these two forces, the owner of Huanmeng, Puseni, has been killed. If there is no accident, the news will probably reach the ears of Huanpusen, the boss of PMS Company, soon.

At that time, Pousney's men will either be wiped out, or they will surrender and join PMS's men.

At that time, there will only be one voice left for the vampires in the entire night capital.

And after that, I'm afraid it's almost the same as what they discussed before. The vampires will fight the werewolves, and the winning side will step on the other side's corpse, and then take the entire night into their pockets.

But that's without player participation.

So, what is the third document? Could it be the distribution map of the night capital?

With this in mind, Lu Qing opened the third document.

【Corrosion plan】

"what is this?"

Lu Qing looked at the name of this file, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

The map on the personal terminal has disappeared, replaced by a 3D model of a building, and various detailed parameters on it have been marked out one by one.

On the 3D model of the building, there are other options.

【Corrosion plan】

【Personnel route】

【Scene Modeling】

At this time, the default option is [Scene Modeling], so on Lu Qing's personal terminal, what is displayed at this time is a 3D model of a building that does not know where.

After roughly glancing at the model, Lu Qing clicked on the [Corrosion Project] option.

After clicking on this option, a dark red pop-up window appeared on the screen.

The entire pop-up window was filled with a large number of small words, Lu Qing squinted her eyes, and quickly read the above content, feeling a burst of surprise in her heart.

This so-called corrosion plan, in fact, its full name should be called [Night City High-level Assimilation Corruption Project]

Just like the name of this plan, the intention of this plan is to assimilate the high-level of the night capital and turn them into vampires.

As for how to assimilate it, this is very simple.

First of all, PMS company released a message on its official website.

The general content of this news is that PMS company has successfully made a breakthrough in biological genetics, which can greatly extend the life span of human beings. After the use of prosthetic bodies, they can survive for thousands of years!
This is almost what it means, and because of the breakthrough of this technology, PMS company plans to hold an exhibition in a week, and invites a large number of other company personnel and night capital executives to participate.

Afterwards, things will be much simpler, as long as you show the strength and physical data of advanced vampires, saying that this is the result of their research, there will definitely be a lot of people willing to try it.

As for the vampires and werewolves that you said have been making a fuss at the bottom of the night capital recently?

I'm sorry, that's our company's product, it's just some experimental product for experimentation, it's just too mysterious to be passed down by the bottom people.

And just like that, those willing to try, after entering what their company calls "enhanced devices," wake up as vampires and can only do so at the beck and call of the vampires who transformed them into vampires.

For those who don't want to try.
Hehe, you're here, and you still want to leave?
In order to control these high-level people, even if they sacrificed some of the first embrace of vampires, it would not be a loss at all. As long as they completely control the capital of the night, wouldn't it be easy to transform vampires in batches?
At that time, the werewolves who also appeared in the night capital will not be their opponents at all.

"If things really develop as planned, it will be terrible." Fang Qingrou said after reading the above plan.

"At that time, I'm afraid we will have to face vampires who can't be killed no matter what." Lu Qing nodded and said.

This plan should be inquired from PMS company by Pousheny. It can only be said that she is worthy of being the queen of the underground. She can even inquire about the internal secrets of PMS company.

But having said that, this chip was given to her by the man who killed Pousney, so why did the other party give her this chip?

Lu Qing couldn't figure it out.

But no matter what, this plan must be stopped. The only problem is that Lu Qing doesn't know how to stop it.

And when Lu Qing was worrying about this matter, the personal terminal placed on the table suddenly rang.

Looking at the caller ID on the screen, there was a string of familiar numbers.

"It's a call from a hot man!" Lu Qing accidentally bit her tongue and said.

(End of this chapter)

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