The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 201 The Mechanical Monster Codenamed Z

Chapter 201 The Mechanical Monster Codenamed Z
"Tch, I don't want to say my name, and I don't have any sincerity." Jackie said with a curled lip.

She looked a little upset, or rather, dissatisfied.

After all, in her opinion, Fang Qingrou and Muir's reluctance to say their names when she, Bucky, and Kirk both said their names was very insincere.

Although knowing the name or not will not affect what they are going to do next, but the other party's secretive behavior seems to be distrusting them.

But if you have to say it, in fact, Jackie doesn't trust Lu Qing and the three of them that much, after all, both of them are just strangers.

But even if you don't trust him, at least you can't show it on the surface, right? At least that's what Jackie thinks.

"Sorry, for some reason, the two of them don't have names." Lu Qing smiled apologetically and said.

This is of course a lie, or the kind of lie that doesn't sound so reliable.

However, as long as the lie is not exposed, then the lie will naturally become the truth.

Moreover, Lu Qing also mentioned her "name" when she was introduced just now. If that's the case, there is no reason for Muir and Fang Qingrou to hide their names.

Then a more reasonable explanation is the same as what Lu Qing just said, Fang Qingrou and Muir have no names.

Why did you tell this lie? The reason? Of course, this sentence is better than "because of some special reasons, so I can't tell you their names".

As for the reason why the two of them don't have names?
Who knows, there must be some reason for not wanting to speak out!Don't inquire about things that others don't want to talk about~
"When did it become like this?" After telling the lie, Lu Qing couldn't help thinking.

You know, in the past, she would blush when she told a lie, or couldn't help laughing out loud.

Up to now, it has turned into a lie, without blushing and heartbeat, and even pretending to be the most suitable expression and tone.

[Basic acting skill proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[Current skill: basic acting skills 60%]

The vibration of the notice board pulled Lu Qing back from her thoughts. She didn't expect that a casual lie would improve her proficiency in basic acting skills.

Having said that, [Basic Acting Skills] and [Basic Disguise] are actually about the same.

No, it's not right, Lu Qing recalled the information of the two skills [Basic Acting] and [Basic Camouflage].

[Basic acting skills] refers to a person's level of acting skills. For example, a person with [basic acting skills] can pretend to be very sad under any circumstances, and even cry.

And [basic camouflage] is actually something similar to makeup, but [basic camouflage] is not a perverted skill like disguise that can disguise a person as another person.

Maybe it's because it's just the basics. Thanks to this skill, Lu Qing knows how to put makeup on herself, or how to disguise herself as a piece of grass or stone.

Of course, the camouflage looks nothing from a distance, but once you get close, it is easy to see the flaws. Generally speaking, it is a useless skill for Lu Qing.

The topic returned to the underground room. After Lu Qing said the words just now, the room fell into a brief silence.

As for the reason for the silence, it is actually very simple, that is, there is nothing to say.

As a co-planner, Kirk seemed to want to wait for Lu Qing to ask him about the plan, but unfortunately, because Lu Qing was thinking about things, he didn't ask.

"Ahem." Bucky coughed twice, breaking the silence in the room, and looked at Kirk.

"What are you waiting for? Tell me all about your plan!" Bucky said, slapping Kirk with his arm.

Bucky's voice interrupted Lu Qing's thinking. She came back to her senses, looked at Kirk, and waited for the legend of the Night City to tell him his plan after his return.

"Yeah..." Seeing that everyone turned their attention to him, Kirk didn't intend to keep the ink on. He turned his head to look at Jackie, and said:
"Jaxey, have you finished sorting out the information?"

"It's been fixed a long time ago." Jiexi nodded and said, after she finished speaking, she took out a small round hole device and placed it on the table.

Lu Qing felt as if she had guessed what it was. Sure enough, after the device was placed on the table, a holographic dark red stereoscopic projection appeared in front of everyone.

The theme of this projection is one huge high-rise building after another. The PMS building is one of them, and it is also the one with the most details among these buildings.

I don't know if the memory of the holographic projection is insufficient or it is unnecessary. Except for the PMS building, the rest of the buildings are just textured buildings with the same appearance and different heights.

"This is a holographic projection designed by combining the architectural data I collected with the drone at night and the instruction manual on the corrosion plan that you copied from Fanmeng before." Jiexie explained.

While talking, she put her notebook on the table, and quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands.

And with her fingers flying on the keyboard, the projections in front of everyone began to change.

"On the day of the exhibition, there will be a total of twenty snipers deployed in nearby buildings, in addition to this, there will be a very dense patrol force, and five armed helicopters in the air."

As Jacky said, dark red dots appeared one after another in each building on the projection, and near the building, some dark red villains also appeared, constantly moving.

Cooperating with the armed helicopters constantly patrolling in the sky, Lu Qing felt that it was impossible to sneak into this building.

However, Jacky's introduction did not end here, and the projection on the screen gradually enlarged, showing the scene inside the building.

There are also a large number of guards. In addition, Jacksie also specially marked a man.

"Hmph, this guy is still alive." Kirk said after seeing the man's name on the sign.

"The captain of the special operations force, code-named Z, I don't know the name, this guy is not simple." Bucky looked at the man code-named Z above, and explained to Lu Qing and the others:

"This guy is a mechanical monster whose whole body has been replaced with a prosthetic body. He could still see his head 50 years ago, but now his head has turned into metal."

When Bucky said this, he paused, and then changed his words: "No, it should be said that apart from the brain, he no longer has human tissues."

"This guy is not simple. In terms of combat power, ten gunships are not enough for him to fight, and he can smash tanks by him." Jackie said.

"Hmph, he's just a lunatic who completely transformed his body into a machine." Kirk sneered, his face full of disdain.

PS: I just found out that the skills of basic camouflage and basic acting skills are in conflict. Adjust it here, and I will also modify the previous content.

(End of this chapter)

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