Chapter 202
"Can he really kill the tank?" Lu Qing couldn't help asking at this moment.

What is a tank?
Even Lu Qing, who has a broken memory and is in a bad shape, knows this kind of problem clearly.

That is the king of the land, a huge monster weighing tens of tons, and its thick armor does not know how strong it is.

Coupled with the thick barrel and the extremely fast-firing machine gun, can it really be defeated only by relying on human strength?

Lu Qing expressed doubts about this.

"Of course, that guy is covered with weapons all over his body, and his speed and strength are terrifying. In addition, he also carries a lot of thermal weapons on his body."

"Among them are electromagnetic guns, armor-piercing projectiles, and even rumors in some gossip that the guy can launch missiles from his back."

Jackie said while adjusting the value on the computer.

"Damn, this guy is already so perverted?" Kirk was a little dumbfounded after hearing what Jackie said.

"Oh, my God, with all due respect, Kirk, even if you have done nothing for so many years to avoid being tracked by the company, at least you still need to understand these intelligence things." After hearing Kirk's words, he looked at him seriously and said.

"That's not the point, the point is that if you meet this guy, who can beat him." Fang Qingrou said at this moment.

"Only monsters can fight against monsters, uh, don't look at me like that, I can't do anything about it." Bucky said halfway, seeing everyone looking at him.

"Maybe I can solve him." After Bucky finished speaking, Jackie thought for a while.

"Let's think about it, your method is not hacking, is it?" Kirk said after hearing what Jackie said.

"Yes." Jackxi nodded, and said, "Since this guy is covered with prosthetic bodies, hacking will definitely do him a lot of damage."

"No matter how powerful his body is, his brain is just an ordinary brain."

"And it is precisely because the whole body of this guy is prosthetic except for the brain, I think it should be quite simple to burn this guy's brain."

"PMS company's protective wall is not so easy to break through, I don't think you can deal with it alone." Bucky shook his head and said.

Z is the captain of the PMS company's special forces, and the prosthetic bodies on his body are all the latest products installed by PMS company.

In this case, Z's defense system is naturally the strongest in PMS Company. Even when Z is within the range of PMS Company's network, if Z is hacked and attacked, PMS Company's server can still provide support.

The idea of ​​solving opponents from hacking is simply unreliable.

Of course, Jiexi is also aware of this kind of thing. Since she said that she can solve the opponent, there must be her reasons.

"Technically, I'm not afraid of the PMS company. It's just that they have too many people and equipment. As long as you can prevent Z from connecting to the PMS company's server, I can hack into Z through Kirk's signal."

"Well, that's it." Bucky touched his chin, pondered for a while, and then said:
"It seems that the work of infiltrating the team will increase."

"So what is sneaking into the team?" Lu Qing asked helplessly.

After discussing for so long, apart from learning about the strength of the enemy, they seem to have not discussed anything about the plan.

"Ahem, well, the intelligence information is almost ready, and it's time to discuss the plan." Kirk said after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"Well, where do I start?"

Kirk thought for a while, and after organizing some words in his mind, he pointed to the light spots on the projection that represented snipers, and said:

"First of all, these snipers must all be eliminated. We need someone who can quietly assassinate these snipers."

"As for the regular replies from these snipers, you just need to leave it to Jacky." Kirk looked at Jacky and said.

"Well, no problem. Although I can't hack into it, I can lurk in the system and listen to the conversations of these snipers." Jackxi nodded and said:

"As long as everyone's voice is recorded and the voice of the simulation software is used to simulate the reply, there is still no problem, but I don't know how long it will last."

"Very well, then the person who assassinated the sniper."

Kirk looked at the three of Lu Qing, seeing this, Lu Qing said: "Let Fang Tang do this."

According to the previous communication on the phone, Kirk probably wanted them to disguise themselves as people from the old age who had just woken up from the hibernation chamber.

In order to enter the PMS company, and then find a way to let Kirk in from inside.

And if you want to do this, it is not the right choice to bring Muir. After all, Lu Qing is quite clear about Muir's combat effectiveness.

If that's the case, it's better to let Muir take Xiaolan to kill those snipers.

It just so happens that the ghost can penetrate the wall, and there is no sound when walking. It is most suitable for sneak attack and assassination of these snipers.

"Then it's decided." Kirk glanced at Muir, and after seeing that Muir had no objection, he nodded and continued:
"Let's talk about the specific plan. Through yesterday's conversation, I think you should have guessed some of it."

"In the market, people from the old era are more valuable. This is actually nothing. The point is, the PMS company has become a stronghold of vampires."

"The blood of a pure person without a prosthetic body is much better to drink than that of a person with a prosthetic body, and high-level vampires also have the habit of keeping beautiful virgin blood slaves in captivity, and they are keen on it."

When Kirk said this, he paused. He glanced at Lu Qing and the other three, and seeing that none of them had anything to say, he continued:

"So our plan is also very simple, that is, to sell you in, and then let you find a way to let me in."

After Kirk finished speaking, he turned to look at Jackie, and Jackie clearly understood Kirk's meaning and nodded.

The next moment, a light blue pipeline appeared on the holographic projection.

"This is an abandoned sewage pipe, which was preserved by the PMS company before it was built." Jacky tapped the keyboard, and the projection began to zoom in continuously. She continued:

"Of course no one can stand in this sewage pipe, so Kirk, you can only crawl forward in it."

"As for the end of the pipe, there is no entrance to the inside of the building, so those of you who need to sneak in, use corrosive liquid to corrode the floor, so that a hole can be created for Kirk to enter."

"Sewage pipes, it sounds dirty." Kirk reached out and took out a cigarette from his fur coat and said.

"It's a meeting, no smoking!" Seeing Kirk take out a cigarette, Jackie gave Kirk a hard look, and said in a high voice.

"Oh." Kirk was startled by Jackie's suddenly amplified voice, his arms trembled, and he silently put the cigarette back.

(End of this chapter)

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