The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 203 Killing the Wolf with a Sword

Chapter 203 Killing the Wolf with a Sword

Speaking of the plan, it is actually not that complicated. The most important thing is not so much the plan itself, but the structural diagram of the PMS building.

This thing is very important, before the plan can be completely started, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou need to memorize this thing.

Muir's words are unnecessary, because she is responsible for dealing with the snipers outside and does not need to enter the building.

And to kill those snipers, Muir didn't need to do it himself.

Xiao Lan, who can penetrate the wall, doesn't need to remember the terrain at all, she just needs to float quietly behind the opponent, and then chop it down with a knife.

After that, it can be completely handed over to Jackie, and the use of synthesized sound software can still persist for a period of time.

Well, it's still too early to say these things, after all, there is still a week before the PMS exhibition starts.

During this period of time, besides the preparations for this plan, Lu Qing and the others still have other things to do.

The chip obtained from Huanmeng does not only contain the Corrosion Plan file.

In the remaining two files, there are clear records of the various strongholds of vampires and werewolves, as well as specific information such as the size and number of strongholds.

However, these materials are actually useless in the hands of Lu Qing and the others. After all, there are too many vampires and werewolves, and with just a few of them, they can at most deal with medium strongholds.

As for large strongholds, they definitely couldn't deal with them.

A large stronghold of vampires is easy to say. If nothing goes wrong with the plan, their boss will be dead in a week, but a large stronghold of werewolves is not easy to deal with.

Hundreds of werewolves, hehe, this is simply not something that three people can deal with.

As for infiltrating
Unlike vampires, werewolves have a well-developed sense of smell. Unless Lu Qing can eliminate the smell on his body, it would be impossible to sneak in.

Therefore, this kind of thing can be handed over to others, and Lu Qing knows that there is a force that is very suitable.

Fang of the Predator, an organization composed entirely of players, doesn't know how many people there are now.

But I think there are still 80 people, plus the leader who has purple props on hand, there should be no problem in dealing with a stronghold of more than a hundred werewolves.

Having said that, what is the ID of the player with the purple item?

Lu Qing thought for a while, and after thinking for a long time, she remembered the other party's name.


It's really a name that is nothing new, it doesn't sound good, and it doesn't feel very handsome. I don't understand why some people like such an ID, Lu Qing judged in her heart.

"Miu Miu, do you know where those guys from Predator's Fang are?" Lu Qing, who had rested at home for a while, looked at Muir and said.

"I don't know, but I know how to contact them." Muir replied after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"Is Lu Yi looking for them?" Muir asked.

"Well, almost, I want to send them the documents of the werewolf stronghold." Lu Qing nodded, with an involuntary smirk on her face, and said:
"Werewolves and vampires are something that all players have to solve, right? And after killing high-level werewolves and vampires, they can also get materials and props. They will definitely be excited."

"Will they do what you say so easily?" Fang Qingrou said with some hesitation:
"After receiving information from unknown sources, most people would be somewhat cautious. Moreover, although the main goal is to let the players eliminate vampires and werewolves, they can actually do nothing, can't they?"

"That's right, so we should make this information more reasonable in the hands of these players."

Of course, Lu Qing knew what Fang Qingrou meant. If it was a piece of information given to her by a stranger, she would have some doubts about it.

Think about why the other party sent you this information, and what you will do to benefit someone after learning this information.

As for the reason why the players of Predator's Fang can not do it, it is actually quite simple to understand.

In the system's ranking, only the top [-] players can get rewards, but the system's ranking is not calculated according to the player's performance.

In other words, no matter how many werewolves and vampires you kill, your ranking will not increase. Only when other players die will your ranking increase.

Then, at this time, someone will ask, if this is the case, what is the point of completing the main goal?

Of course it makes sense, because if the main goal is not completed, this dream cannot be cleared, and the consequence of failing to clear the level is that players will not receive any rewards, including the top [-] players!

So it is quite necessary to complete the main goal.

What Fang Qingrou was worried about was actually after they sent the information to Predator's Fang, would Predator's Fang not go to war with werewolf vampires because they were wary of them.

And the solution that Lu Qing thought of was also very simple.

Since you are worried that the other party will not act because the information obtained is not so reasonable, then as long as the other party obtains the information to be reasonable, wouldn't it be fine?
As for how to make the information reasonable, hmm.
Lu Qing hasn't made up her mind yet, anyway, let's listen to how Muir contacted those guys first.

"Contact information, in fact, I have their boss's phone number. When I killed the player who killed the predator's tooth, I saw it from the other party's personal terminal."

"It seems that the players who are the teeth of the predator can contact [Shark] by phone, or it is very rare, I am not very clear."

"Anyway, in the personal terminal of the guy who killed at that time, the remarks in the address book are clearly written."

"I thought it might be useful in the future, so I recorded this number."

As Muir said, he took out his personal terminal, clicked on the address book, and showed it to Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou.

"Well, I feel like I can go to Jackie tomorrow and ask if I can monitor the information of this number." Lu Qing looked at the number and thought for a while before saying.

If you can judge what the other party is going to do at this time by monitoring the information of the other party during the call, that would be great.

Perhaps some information obtained can be used by Lu Qing, and then let the other party "reasonably" obtain information about werewolf and vampire strongholds.

But whether this method can work depends on whether [Shark] has changed the number of the personal terminal, or whether Jackie can monitor the other party's call content.

Surely it is possible, after all, it is a hacker who can wrestle with the defense system of PMS company, just listen to the communication content of a personal terminal, isn't that easy to catch?

(End of this chapter)

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