Chapter 204 Qiangbeilu

"No problem at all."

"Ha, who are you underestimating? Even a rookie who has just entered the industry can do such a simple thing."

In the bright underground room, Jacky glanced at the number recorded on Muir's personal terminal, and then quickly typed on the keyboard.


Jackie suddenly made a somewhat unexpected sound, and his originally lazy expression became serious.

"This number is still protected by someone, um, let me be healthy."

"Can you handle it?" Lu Qing couldn't help asking.

Glancing at Lu Qing, Jacky said disdainfully, "Who do you think I am? Even though the guy opposite has two brushes, he's still too tender."

As Jiexie said, the speed of his hands became faster again. After waiting for a while, Jiexie spread his palms and said, "It's done."

"So fast." Seeing this, Fang Qingrou couldn't help but said.

The battle was only 2 minutes from start to finish, 1 minute of which was still the time to look up the number.

"So now we can monitor the voice of the other party's communication?" Lu Qing asked.

"Hmph." Jacky smiled smugly. She turned the notebook around and put it on the table, and said, "Not only that, but I also deciphered all the information in his personal terminal."

"You can view the contents at will now, even if you want to scrap his personal terminal, you can do it~"

"It's really amazing." Lu Qing said with a sigh.

At this time, she has realized what it feels like to have a top hacker. In this technology-related dream, the hacker is simply an important role that cannot be more important.

It's a pity that Lu Qing has no interest in programming, nor does she want to learn to be a hacker.

However, when Lu Qing was thinking this way, Muir suddenly spoke with a little excitement.

"That, can you teach me?" Muir asked with a look of admiration and hope in his eyes.

"No, I don't want to teach stinky brats, I'm in trouble." Jacky wanted to say that, but after opening his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

Facing Muir's adoring eyes made Jaxie feel a little uncomfortable.

Part of it is joy, it’s quite a sense of accomplishment to be watched with admiration by others, but for the other part, it’s distress.

Because she really thinks this kind of thing is very troublesome. Once she teaches it, her sense of responsibility does not allow her to let it go.

And if she really wants to teach others, she doesn't have much confidence. Can this kind of thing be taught by teaching? Isn't it possible to learn by reading some materials and then self-study?
Jackie couldn't help thinking about it.

"Ahem, you, do you have a foundation?" Jackie said after swallowing the words that she originally wanted to refuse.

There must be a foundation, and you can tell by Muir's adoring eyes. After all, if you are not an expert, you will not understand how sharp the series of operations she just performed.

The reason why she asked this was because what she wanted to say was swallowed, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only ask casually.

Sure enough, Muir immediately said after hearing what Jackie said: "I have learned it before, but I am not as good as you!"

Seeing this, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou couldn't help but feel a little tongue-tied. They didn't expect that Muir even used honorific words.

In other words, I didn't find out before that Muir can program, and he seems to be very interested.

But her skills should not be very good, otherwise, when Lu Qing wanted to monitor the phone call of [Shark], Muir would have brought it up by herself.

Or, in fact, the equipment in this world is different from the real one, and Muir's own technology cannot be displayed?
Lu Qing felt that this should not be the case, and quietly glanced at Jackie's notebook, the keys on it were the same as what Lu Qing knew well.

At least on the surface, this is true.

"How about this, as long as you can crack this software, I will teach you how?" Jackie seemed to be a little flustered and tapped on the keyboard for a while, then picked out an unknown software and clicked it. road.

"I will work hard!" Muir said with enthusiasm on his face.

In the end, Muir successfully broke the software, which was something that Jackie did not expect.

Although she found that software casually, in terms of difficulty, it is still quite high for a rookie.

Originally, Jacksey thought that Muir, who didn't even dare to monitor the communication equipment, should not have a good technology, but he didn't expect to crack the software.

No way, with the words spoken and the water poured out, Jacky finally agreed to Muir's request.

As for Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou, in order to make it easier for Muir to learn hacking techniques, they also moved here from their original place of residence.

Well, the rent of the basement room on Jack West's side is very cheap. Although it is much more expensive than the houses in District C, it is still acceptable.

After all, it is an underground room, and the rent cannot be compared with that of an above-ground room.

Um, the ground here does not refer to the upper level of the capital of night, where even if you have money, you may not be able to go there.

In addition to Muir and Jack West learning hacking techniques, the matter of listening to [Shark]'s call content has also made some progress.

After these two days of monitoring, Lu Qing finally understood why the Predator's Fang could easily find the location of the player who had just entered the Night Capital.

It turned out that [Shark] knew a guard captain of the night capital, and I don't know if it was a relationship when he first entered the dreamland.

In short, as long as it is something in the capital of night and the authority is not too high, [Shark] can learn about it through the captain of the guard.

Of course, there is a need to pay. After all, the other party, as the captain of the night capital, provides information to a black household without resident status. He has to bear some risks, and it is normal to charge some money.

And it was precisely because of this incident that Lu Qing had some ideas about how to "reasonably" send the content on the chip to [Shark].

"Hello, is this Mr. Qiang Beilu?" Lu Qing called the captain of the guard and said.

At this time, the communication between them was completely protected by Jiexie, and it would neither be monitored nor searched by the other party along the communication.

"Who are you?" On the other end of the phone, the captain of the guard named Qiang Beilu asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I have the proof that you leaked the information privately, and that is enough." Lu Qing said slowly.

"Don't think it's impossible. Whatever you do will leave traces." Before the other party could speak, Lu Qing continued:
"Hmm [shark] [Mowberry] [pimp]"

"Stop talking! What exactly do you want to do?" Before Lu Qing finished speaking, Qiang Beilu on the other end of the phone couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a panicked expression.

"Hehehe, don't be nervous." The girl smiled softly in a pleasant voice, and said:
"I just need, a small favor."

(End of this chapter)

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