The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 205 Dark Moon Wolf King

Chapter 205 Dark Moon Wolf King
The feeling of threatening people is quite cool. All these clues were found by Jackie, which made Lu Qing understand the role of a hacker in a technological dream while feeling sour.

However, it is said that the number of technology-related dreams is actually not very large, and it probably only accounts for about [-]% of all dreams.

In fact, [-]% is not a small amount. After all, there are many types of dreams, and the higher the level of the dream, the more changes can occur in it.

After all, dreams are not the real world. The higher the level of dreams, the more distorted and complicated they are. Of course, artificial dreams are excluded.

In fact, at the beginning, Lu Qing also thought about it. Since the knowledge in the dream can be learned, can the technology learned in the dream of science and technology be used in the real world?
Because of this question, Lu Qing asked Fang Qingrou specifically.

It turned out that this matter turned out to be common sense in this world. The knowledge learned in the technological dreams would be completely forgotten as long as you leave the game.

And the props in the game, even if they are taken out of the game, nothing can be analyzed.

This should be the limitation of the dream game. It is said that a big boss once said that the knowledge learned in the game feels completely achievable.

It's a pity that these bigwigs have exhausted all kinds of methods but failed to bring this knowledge to reality. Over time, almost no one has tried this matter, and it has become one of people's common sense.

However, although the technology cannot be brought out, the hacking technology is still possible. Anyway, there are more powerful bosses around, and it is impossible for you to learn a little in the dream to do evil.

"Fawn, fawn?"

Fang Qingrou's voice came from next to her ear, and Lu Qing came back to her senses. After glancing at Fang Qingrou beside her, Lu Qing asked:

"Have you started yet?"

"It's already started." Fang Qingrou replied.

Hearing Fang Qingrou's words, Lu Qing opened her eagle eyes and looked down from where she was.

This is the southern part of the old garbage dump in the capital of night, which is also a large stronghold of werewolves.

There is still one and a half days left before the corrosion plan.

After threatening Captain Qiang Beilu, Lu Qing asked the other party to tell the leader of Predator's Fang the locations of the werewolf strongholds on the chip.

As for how Qiang Beilu told [Shark], Lu Qing didn't know, after all, it was not her who was in charge of delivering the news, but Qiang Beilu.

From the current point of view, Captain Qiang Beilu has done a good job. In the past two days, many werewolf strongholds in the night capital have been secretly eradicated by the players.

In addition, the number of werewolves in the large stronghold on the side of the old garbage dump is gradually decreasing. It seems that some players are hunting these lonely wolves.

And the Dark Moon Wolf King, after realizing this, started to make the werewolves act together.

But even so, the losses of the werewolves still haven't stopped, and they still lose one or two werewolf teams every day.

I don't know how the players of Predator's Fang did it. Even a werewolf with a keen sense of smell couldn't find the smell of the attacker from the smell, so he could only be beaten passively.

Until now, there are only 72 werewolves left in this large stronghold.

If the three high-level werewolves and the dark moon wolf king were removed, the number of low-level werewolves would only be 68.

The reason why Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou are here at this time is because they learned the news that Predator's Fang was going to eradicate this large werewolf stronghold today when listening to [Shark]'s phone call yesterday.

So, after learning the news, Lu Qing dragged Fang Qingrou over to see if she could fish in troubled waters for some benefits.

To be honest, Lu Qing was very greedy for the corpse of the Dark Moon Wolf King, and she didn't know what items the other party would drop.

If there is a chance, she wants to try to see if she can snatch that prop.

Even if you can't grab it, it's good to come here to observe what the purple props of [Shark] are.

Fear comes from the unknown. If you can know what [Shark]'s purple prop is, then it will be much easier to deal with the opponent.

She reached out and put the devil's horn on her head. After fixing it, Lu Qing thought about it and put on the ruthless man's mask.

The devil's horn is an item that can increase luck. It says so in the item introduction, so it should be true.

Put it on and see if anything good happens.


A high-pitched wolf howl came from below the garbage dump. Lu Qing looked in the direction of the sound and saw a tall and straight werewolf covered in dark black hair.

Different from the black and gray hair of other werewolves, the hair of this werewolf looks brighter, revealing a mysterious and noble atmosphere at the same time.

This made Lu Qing couldn't help but recall the Silver Moon Wolf King she met before. The other party and this Dark Moon Wolf King looked exactly the same except for their color.

Judging from the names, one is the Dark Moon Wolf King and the other is the Silver Moon Wolf King, which are indeed very similar.

Both should be of the same level.

"Unexpectedly, I'm pretty good." Lu Qing couldn't help thinking narcissistically.

The Silver Moon Wolf King is equal to the Dark Moon Wolf King, so she who can deal with the Silver Moon Wolf King is of course stronger than the Dark Moon Wolf King~
And most of the players can't even defeat high-level vampires. Thinking about it this way, she is still very powerful~
Since this is the case, why not be a little proud.

However, not long after she was complacent, the light on the ruthless man's mask flickered slightly, and Lu Qing's complacent mood instantly calmed down.

"I always feel that the mood is a bit complicated"

Lu Qing, who had calmed down, looked at the distant battlefield from above the garbage dump.

After the werewolves collided with the players' teams, a large number of low-level werewolves were easily resolved by well-prepared players, and it seemed that the battle was completely one-sided.

Even Lu Qing couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive when he saw the players firing dense silver bullets at the werewolves with the firearms in their hands.

Technological weapons are too scary. If she is surrounded by that kind of dense barrage, even the necklace of ice elves can't stop her.


The wolf king sitting above couldn't sit still at this time, he roared and rushed out with the only three remaining high-level werewolves under his command.

But in a short while, dozens of players died under the claws of these werewolves.

Not even a silver bullet can break through the Dark Moon Wolf King's defense.

Relying on the advantage of being far faster than the players, the Dark Moon Wolf King slaughtered the players of Predator's Fang effortlessly.

Seeing this, Lu Qing shifted her gaze to the leader of Predator's Fang, that is, the player whose ID is [Shark].

"It's almost time to do it. Those players under you are not the opponents of the Wolf King." Lu Qing thought with some expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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