Chapter 206 Flame Demon
"Go, I'm just kidding." Fang Qingrou's startled voice reached Lu Qing's ears.

"How could there be such a prop!" Lu Qing said with some excitement.

As soon as the words were finished, the light on the mask flickered, and Lu Qing's originally excited mood instantly calmed down.

"I always feel that this prop is a bit subtle." Lu Qing couldn't help thinking.

On the battlefield in the distance, as Lu Qing thought, when no player could deal with the Dark Moon Wolf King, [Shark] made a move.

He took out a magic book with a dark brown cover, and under Lu Qing's eagle-eyed vision, he clearly saw the appearance of the magic book.

It was a magic book made of the skin of an unknown creature. On the front of the book was written a kind of magma-like text that was flowing slowly and that Lu Qing couldn't understand.

I saw [Shark] took out the book and opened the pages of the book.

The next moment, a huge crimson magic circle appeared in front of [Shark].


The sound of magma wriggling resounded on the battlefield, and a pair of incomparably huge crimson arms emerged from the magma.


The arm slapped the ground, melting the garbage on the old dump into a piece of molten iron, and the owner of the arm also got out from the magic circle at this time.

It was a lava monster with a height of eight meters. His lower body was completely composed of flames. The arms floating on both sides were extremely red, and were wrapped with bright yellow flames.

His upper body looked like it was made up of rocks one after another, with extremely hot magma flowing inside. A hideous and huge head floated above his body, with dark red horns growing on top of his head.

"Balrog, kill that werewolf." [Shark] looked at the Balrog crawling out of the magic circle and said.


Raging flames emerged from Balrog's nostrils. Balrog first stared at [Shark] for a while, then slowly turned around, looking at the figure that looked a little petite in his eyes.

Slowly raising his arms, the flames on Balrog's body began to burn violently.

Like a slap in the face, the Balrog slammed his right arm out. The next moment, the overwhelming flames formed a huge wall of fire, destroying all the players and werewolves along the way.

The figure of the Dark Moon Wolf King was only covered in flames after struggling for a while.

"Is this the power of purple props?" Fang Qingrou looked at everything in front of her in surprise, looking at the scorched land below that was burnt by the flames, and a trace of yearning flashed in her eyes.

What a powerful force that is, so powerful that people can't bear the idea of ​​confrontation at all.

But it is precisely because of this that this power is even more desirable.

"We will be that strong in the future, right?" Fang Qingrou looked at Lu Qing and said.

"Yes, not only that, we will become stronger than him." Lu Qing replied firmly.

"Wait, that wolf king doesn't seem to be dead!" Fang Qingrou said, looking at the battlefield in surprise.


Lu Qing froze for a moment, then looked at the place where the Dark Moon Wolf King was standing.

The Dark Moon Wolf King is not dead!

He survived the raging flames!
But even if he didn't die, he had already reached his limit. The original shiny hair had now turned into a dead white-gray.

A large area of ​​burns appeared on his body, and the bright red blood flowed down from the wound unstoppably.

Without hesitation, after the flames dissipated, the Dark Moon Wolf King didn't even have the strength to roar, so he broke out at full speed and fled towards the distance.

Seeing the direction in which the Dark Moon Wolf King was escaping, Fang Qingrou couldn't help but said, "Ah, Xiaolu is running towards us!"

"I saw it, what are you pulling me for?" Lu Qing rolled her eyes and said.

Because she was wearing a mask, Fang Qingrou didn't see Lu Qing's white eyes, she said with a panicked expression:

"He ran towards us, isn't that going to attract that monster?"

Lu Qing understood why Fang Qingrou was so flustered, after all, she herself was also afraid of the power of that lava giant.

But under the calming effect of the ruthless man's mask, those fearful emotions were suppressed in his heart.

"Don't panic, this wolf king is seriously injured at this time, he can be dealt with with a single knife, and it won't be too late to go after grabbing the material."

"What time is it?" Fang Qingrou said anxiously. She was only halfway through when she realized something and stopped.

The Balrog in the distance did not catch up as she imagined, but floated leisurely in the sky.

"Blaze, what are you doing, I let you catch up!"

【Shark】Looking at the fleeing wolf king, he anxiously shouted at the Balrog.

"According to the contract, every time you call me, I will only attack once." Balrog said to [Shark] without haste.

"Me!" [Shark] Hearing Balrog's words, he was so angry that he wanted to kick the guy in front of him to death.

But he also understands that this kind of thing can only be thought about. In terms of combat effectiveness, if the Balrog stands still, he can't hurt the opponent, and he can't even peel off a layer of skin.

"I asked you to kill him, but you didn't, because you violated the contract, not me!" [Shark] looked at Balrog and said.

"The content of the contract is that every time you call me, I can make a move for you, instead of having to fulfill your request." Balrog said indifferently.

Little boy, you are too immature to sign a contract with the devil.

If it wasn't for this labor-management game system that forced me to sign a contract with this little thing, I wouldn't even pay him a second glance.

It's fine if he has a better attitude, but for the sake of the game system, I can help him reluctantly.

In the end, this bastard actually looked down on Lao Tzu, saying that a mere NPC treats Lao Tzu as a servant.

Can I work hard for you?

Just kidding, I really don't treat demons as people, and I don't have any special hobbies, so of course I have to fish well.


[Shark] Seeing Balrog's unmoved look, he looked at the Dark Moon Wolf King who was running away in the distance. After struggling for a while, he hurriedly chased after him.

High-level werewolves can drop low-level blue-quality items, so the items dropped by the wolf king must be of medium quality.

Since the Balrog didn't do anything, he had to do it.

Anyway, the wolf king was seriously injured, and he must have exhausted his energy after running for a long time.

Thinking of this, 【Shark】followed closely behind the Dark Moon Wolf King, and ran towards Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou.

"They're here!" Fang Qingrou said nervously.

"I saw it, but that monster didn't come!" Lu Qing replied.

After carefully looking at the distance between [Shark] and the lava giant, Lu Qing couldn't help but a bold idea rose in her heart.

"Can I kill both the wolf king and the shark?"

(End of this chapter)

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