The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 207 The Protection of the Wind Spirit

Chapter 207 The Protection of the Wind Spirit
Looking at the wounded Wolf King and the [Shark] who was chasing behind the Wolf King and separated from the main force of the players, Lu Qing thought more and more that it was feasible.

Although I don't know the specific strength of [Shark], but if it is a sneak attack, no player of the same level should be able to survive her knife.

"Time to hide."

The Dark Moon Wolf King and [Shark] are already very close to where she and Fang Qingrou are hiding. If you continue to observe like this, you may be discovered.

Looking around, Lu Qing hid behind the garbage dump and found a place that was more suitable for a sneak attack.

"Xiaorou, come with me." Lu Qing whispered to Qingrou.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, Fang Qingrou nodded quietly, and hid behind the rubbish pile with Lu Qing.

"When the Dark Moon Wolf King comes over, don't do anything. When [Shark] also catches up, you go and kill the Wolf King. I will deal with [Shark]." Lu Qing conspired with Fang Qingrou in a low voice.

The location she found is quite hidden. After all, there are piles of garbage everywhere nearby, so it is not difficult to find a place to hide.

The only thing to worry about is actually the Dark Moon Wolf King.

Lu Qing was worried that the other party's keen sense of smell would find the two of them hiding here. If they were discovered, the wolf king might change the direction of escape.

But even if things become like that, it just makes things more troublesome, so there won't be any troublesome situations.

After all, even if the wolf king finds the two people hiding here through the scent, he will regard them as [Shark]'s subordinates. If the time comes to run in another way, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou will follow behind [Shark] and catch up. up.

At that time, it will be more laborious.


The sound of the dark moon wolf king's fast running footsteps came to his ears. It sounded that the other party didn't seem to notice the two people hiding behind the garbage dump at this time.

Maybe it was because of being burned by the flames that the wolf king couldn't concentrate, or he was too tired to notice.

But no matter what, he did not notice the two of them, and quickly ran out from where they were hiding.

"Get ready!" Lu Qing signaled Fang Qingrou to get ready with her eyes, and slowly took down the crossbow hanging behind her.

After getting this crossbow from Bucky, she hasn't used it yet, so today she will use [Shark] to see the blood.

The crossbow had already been installed with crossbow arrows, which were prepared by Lu Qing in case of emergencies, and had silver arrowheads.

But this time it is not used against werewolves, but against [sharks].

If the crossbow arrows failed to kill him, Lu Qing also prepared a throwing knife.

"Anyway, this guy is going to die today!" Lu Qing thought with a flash of light in her eyes.

"Hu, hu, hu."

It sounded like human gasps coming from the direction where the wolf king ran just now, and Lu Qing clenched the crossbow in her hand.

A figure flashed past, almost at the moment when the figure ran past, Lu Qing stood up, aiming the delicate alloy crossbow at the man's back.

Lu Qing has also practiced the use of crossbows. After learning pistols and throwing knives, Lu Qing quickly acquired the skill of [Basic Crossbow] and practiced it to [-]%.

"Mos frias."

The cold breath spread along the necklace to the arm, and then poured into the arrowhead of the alloy crossbow, so that a layer of cold air floated on the silver-white arrowhead.


A small sound came out, and the arrows with silver arrows flew out of the crossbow in Lu Qing's hand.

However, what Lu Qing didn't expect was that the speed of a figure was even faster than the speed of a crossbow arrow.


Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou who was surrounded by the strong wind with a look of surprise on her face. She held the cursed sword tightly in her hand, and surpassed [Shark] in one leap, and came to the back of the wolf king.


There was a soft shout, and the great sword entwined with the power of the curse cut the wolf king's neck without hair protection in the blink of an eye.

A ferocious wolf's head rolled to the ground, and the gushing blood was blocked by the strong wind around Fang Qingrou, and splashed on the ground.


[Shark], who had no time to be surprised, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a biting chill spread from his back.

Lu Qing reloaded the alloy crossbow with bolts, and then hung it back on her body.

"What, is this guy so weak?" Lu Qing gently tapped the [shark] that had been frozen into an ice sculpture with her slender fingers.

"It's Xiaolu, you are too strong~" Fang Qingrou said with a smile after hearing Lu Qing's words, putting the cursed sword back into its sheath.

"Hehehe, maybe." With a smug smile, Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou's hand and said, "Why did you bring this thing back?"

"Look carefully, this is a prop." Fang Qingrou lifted the wolf king's head with one hand and said.

"Is this whole head a prop?" Lu Qing looked at the wolf king's head with a ferocious expression, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Don't you know by looking at the attributes yourself?" Fang Qingrou rolled her eyes and said.

"Let's see later, let's leave here first." Lu Qing pointed to those players in the distance who hadn't noticed that her boss had hung up.

"Then let's go first." Fang Qingrou said in agreement.

"By the way, Xiao Rou, what skill did you use just now, to run so fast." When leaving, Lu Qing asked curiously.

Fang Qingrou's speed at that moment was almost faster than a crossbow arrow.

"This, this is the blue skill that I got when I signed a contract with the Wind Elf in the last dream." Fang Qingrou explained to Lu Qing:

"The name is [Wind Spirit's Blessing], and its effect is to control the wind to accelerate or defend itself, and the rest is gone. Like the speed just now, I can only explode for a moment."

"Will it consume anything?" Lu Qing asked.

"It will consume energy, and it will be very tiring after a long time." Fang Qingrou replied.

"I see."

This skill is really good. By the way, is it possible to acquire skills in dreams?
If she was the one who played the leading role in the dream last time, then wouldn't this [Wind Elf's Protection] skill belong to her?

Uh, Lu Qing just thought about it, definitely not envious or anything.

It's just acceleration, and the smart cloak can also accelerate. Although it can only be used in bursts, and only for a moment, it's enough.

Acid is impossible to be sour, only, there is no acid!
Hmph, if I say no, there will be no!
All the way back home smoothly, without any accidents.

"Oh? Do you really want to give it to me?" Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou in surprise and said.

"Well, I don't really want this wolf head. Give it to me the next time I encounter a blue item." Fang Qingrou nodded and said.

"That's fine too. If the plan the day after tomorrow succeeds, I'll give you the materials dropped by the boss of the PMS company, Huan Pusen." Lu Qing accepted the wolf's head and said after thinking for a while.

"En." Fang Qingrou nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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