Chapter 208 Freezer

[Prop name: Head of the Dark Moon Wolf King]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: The king among werewolves, the Dark Moon Wolf King who controls the high-level werewolves and low-level werewolves, is the brother of the Silver Moon Wolf King, who is good at wolf pack tactics. , the cooperation level of all werewolves will be improved. 】

【This is the head of the Dark Moon Wolf King, the expression on it is forever frozen at the moment before death. 】

[Skills: Deterrence, Wrath of Hate]

[Deterrence: The powerful strength of the Dark Moon Wolf King during his lifetime will deter all creatures weaker than him. When seeing the head of the Wolf King, creatures weaker than the Dark Moon Wolf King will feel frightened and even run away! 】

[Wrath of Anger: The anger, unwillingness and resentment of the Dark Moon Wolf King before his death still remain in this head. 】

[Remarks: I wish I could eat you in one bite! 】

"In this way, the werewolf forces will be eliminated." Muir said, looking at the head of the Dark Moon Wolf King placed on the table.

"Almost, the news of the leader's death probably won't take long to reach the ears of the vampires, and those guys won't miss this opportunity." Fang Qingrou said.

"After we get rid of Phantom, the vampires will be taken care of." Lu Qing said with a smile.

"Don't think so smoothly, it's hard to say whether it can be resolved." Fang Qingrou said with some worry in her heart.

"It's definitely fine!" Muir said optimistically from the side.

Lu Qing gave Muir a blank look without saying a word, and said angrily, "You don't have to be responsible for sneaking in, so it's easy to say."

"I also want to deal with the snipers outside." Muir said with a smile.

"It's about Xiaolan's solution." Fang Qingrou added with a smile.

Hearing Fang Qingrou's words, Moulton acted like a rascal, and said, "I don't care, anyway, Xiaolan was summoned by me."

"I don't care, anyway, you are not the one to solve it!" Fang Qingrou said imitating Muir.

"I'm so angry, I wish you two success, but you guys teamed up to bully me!" Muir pouted angrily.

"It was you who bullied."

"Hee hee hee."

Playing time always ends quickly, no matter how happy you are when you are playing, when you need to do business, you can only resist the idea of ​​continuing to fish.

It is time to review the terrain, or practice marksmanship, throwing knives, swordsmanship, and some people need to learn how to become a qualified hacker.

The day passed quickly, when it was the night before the corrosion plan started.

"Are you really going to act at such a late hour?" Lu Qing couldn't help but gasped.

Of course she knew that it was necessary, and she just complained a few words, um, it could ease her mood.

"The exhibition will start at noon tomorrow, and we have to pick a suitable time to send you in." Bucky explained after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"Bucky is right. I was prepared to lose my hair and fake purchase bills, but I actually caught those vampires." Jackie said while adjusting the equipment.

Lu Qing knew what Jackie meant, and according to the plan, Jackie listed a product on his account on the black market.

The products are Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou, which are specially used to catch PMS companies. As long as the account purchased is not from a PMS company, Jackie will cancel the bill directly.

For Jack Xi, who is a senior hacker, this kind of operation couldn't be easier.

It's just that this kind of thing has to pay attention to a part of luck after all, if PMS company has not found the two "commodities" Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou because of the recent busy affairs.

Or if he has raised his vigilance due to the corruption plan and did not purchase it, then Jackie intends to forge a purchase list.

At that time, as long as you are careful, you can still fish in troubled waters if you don't run into senior members of the PMS company.

Unexpectedly, it was actually caught.

[When can you deliver the goods? ] In Jackie's notebook, the employee of PMS company asked.

This is already the third time the other party has asked, perhaps because of the corruption plan, they are pressing for the "commodity" very hard, and it seems that they want to get it before the corruption plan starts.

[Oh, don't worry, the goods are almost ready, and they will be delivered around eleven o'clock tonight. 】Jakexi glanced at Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou maliciously, and replied with a smile.

Yes, this woman with a bad taste, the excuse for procrastination is that the product has not adapted to her identity at present, and she is in the process of training, and she dare not send it over until the training is completed, for fear of committing suicide by the product.

Fang Qingrou was quite displeased with Jackie's bad taste, while Lu Qing just felt weird and didn't know what to say.

As for why it is necessary to take the time to send it over, there are quite a few reasons.

After all, if it was sent over two days ago, there would be no point for Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou to let Kirk in.

As for going inside to get acquainted with the terrain first, and then putting Kirk in when the plan starts, that's not to say it's impossible.

But who knows what will happen if you stay in the PMS company for two days. At that time, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou probably didn't get blood sucked, so they held back and let Kirk in.

I just couldn't help but do it directly, which caused the plan to fail.

According to the tempers of the two, it is obvious that the possibility of the latter is more likely, ah, no, to be precise, the possibility of the former does not exist at all.

Lu Qing would rather be eliminated from the dream directly than to be bitten by a vampire to suck blood, that would be too disgusting.

"Okay, you two can go in." After adjusting the data of the equipment, Jacky said to the two of them.

"Do you really want to lie down?" Fang Qingrou said with a tangled face. Although Lu Qing, who was standing beside her, didn't speak, it could be seen from the expression on her face that she was very resistant to the equipment of Jackie.

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents." Jackie said confidently.

"It's not that there are no accidents or anything, it's just... well, forget it."

Lu Qing stopped in the middle of her speech, and did not turn back when she opened her bow. Now that she had already started, she had to rush forward.

"Hiss, it's so cold!"

Stretching one foot into the freezer full of ice, Lu Qing felt that her leg was so frozen that she was about to lose consciousness.

But this is just the beginning, she still needs to lie down with her whole body.

"I, I swear, I will never use this thing again in the future." Lu Qing shivered after lying down.

"Generally speaking, people who say this will later disobey. Axie! Recite what they have said." Fang Qingrou sneezed.

"Okay, take it easy, the freeze is about to start, and I will release the freeze through the back door after I confirm that you have arrived at the place." Jackie said while closing the lid of the freezer.

The pure white icy gas gradually drilled out, and then permeated the entire freezing chamber.

The body gradually became colder, and the consciousness gradually dissipated. After a while, the two people in the freezer fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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