The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 210 Not Vigilant Guards

Chapter 210 Not Vigilant Guards

Cold, very cold, too cold to sit up.

Lu Qing's consciousness gradually recovered, and she gradually felt the existence of her body.

Raising her right hand, an extremely wet arm appeared in front of her eyes.

At the same time, in the freezer, warm gas is everywhere, which makes Lu Qing feel sticky and uncomfortable.

Of course, Jacky had told her about this kind of thing, just wait for a while, the gas in the freezer will slowly dry the clothes on her body.

In this period of time
Lu Qing groped in the freezer with her hands, and soon found a headset with a glass lens, and put it on her left ear.

The appearance of this thing looks similar to the combat power measuring instrument in Dragon Ball, but the function is completely different.

This thing allows Lu Qing, Fang Qingrou and Jack Sebaki to communicate remotely, and at the same time, it will display the terrain inside the building.

What?You said there is such a thing, why do you have to memorize the terrain in the building?
Don't ask this kind of question, memorizing it is not the same as checking it temporarily. When you are running fast, if you still want to check the terrain, it will be really terrible.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Lu Qing said after putting on the headset.

"Can..." Fang Qingrou's weak voice came into the ear canal.

"This thing is really uncomfortable." After hearing Fang Qingrou's voice, Lu Qing smiled bitterly.

"After all, it is a device that allows humans to go to sleep. It will be somewhat uncomfortable when you first wake up." Bucky's voice came from the headset.

And just after Bucky finished speaking, Jacky's voice said from the headset:
"The location you are in now is an underground warehouse. The camera images in this warehouse have been modified by me. You can come out at any time."

"Underground warehouse, it's not far from the exit of the sewage pipe." Lu Qing said with a feeling of surprise.

"But it's far away from the server." Fang Qingrou said.

"Let's put Kirk in first, so that it will be easier to paralyze the server." Lu Qing said.

"Well let me see."

Jackie's voice came from the headset, and she showed a route on the lenses of Lu Qing and the two, saying:
"Let's go this way. At present, there are the least people on this road. I will help you solve the monitoring and so on."

"Thank you very much." Lu Qing smiled. I have to say that it is really reliable to have a top hacker as a teammate.

"You don't need to thank me, everything should be done, after all, I can only provide you with these." Jackie said.

"The warehouse door has been opened for you, if there is anyone in front of you, I will remind you." Jackie said.

"Well, I see."

Nodding, Lu Qing reached out and pushed open the glass door of the freezer, and sat up from inside.


There was a muffled sound, and Fang Qingrou kicked the door of the freezer open with one kick, and stood up from inside.

It seems that Xiao Rou hates this thing very much, Lu Qing thought in her heart.

"Phew, I can finally come out." Fang Qingrou said after standing up.

"The feeling of being frozen is really uncomfortable." Lu Qing said sympathetically.

"Hehehe, it feels really good to just control the laptop and drink some coffee." Jackie said gloatingly.

"Stop making trouble, act quickly." Bucky looked at Jacky rather speechlessly and said, "You're so grown up, you're still like a child, so childish."

"Oh, you can say whatever you want." It was rare for Jackie not to talk back to Bucky.

Listening to the conversation in the headset, Lu Qing smiled, but didn't say anything.

Standing up from the freezer, she raised her feet and walked out of the freezer, looked at Fang Qing and said:

"Let's go."


The two came to the gate of the underground warehouse. Under the control of Jiexie, the gate of the underground warehouse was quickly cracked. Before opening the door, Jiexie said:

"There are two guards in front of the door. I have temporarily blocked the communication devices on them. When the door opens, you must quickly get rid of them."

"I see."


After knowing that there was someone outside the door, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou were both ready to fight.

When the door opened slowly, two voices came from outside.

"Huh? What's going on, why did the door suddenly open."

"Is there something wrong with the program?"

"How is it possible? It's not the cheap pirated systems out there."

The two guards talked one after the other, and they didn't seem to be nervous. After all, they have been guarding this place for many years, and they have never seen any problems in the company.

Who would have thought that someone would dare to sneak in?

Therefore, these two people didn't even have the thought of sending an alarm, and just watched the door of the underground warehouse slowly open.

"Tsk, it seems that I'm thinking too much." Jackie said with some disdain in the headset: "These company dogs seem to have been at ease for too long."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou rushed out from the wall behind the warehouse gate at the same time.

Before the two men could react, Lu Qing directly stabbed the vital part of one of them with the Hidden Blade, while Fang Qingrou stabbed the other guard's neck with a dagger.

"Very good." Jackie's voice came through the headset: "Now you need to speed up. The guard shift time in the underground warehouse is six hours, and there are still three hours left."

"Dispose of the corpse, the patrolling people will not think too much if they don't see anyone."

"You have to get Kirk in and destroy the server before the replacement comes."

"Three hours is enough." Lu Qing said.

The two lifted the corpses on the ground, then threw them into the freezer, wiped off the blood on the ground with each other's clothes, and left here.

And Jackie also controlled the gate of the underground warehouse and closed it.

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the headset, and then it gradually stabilized.

"Hello? Can you hear me, I'm at the end of the sewage pipe," Kirk said.

Of course, Kirk also has a communicator on his body, but because he crawled in the water pipe before, he was afraid of breaking the communicator, so he didn't bring it with him.

Now that he's at the place, he doesn't have to continue climbing down, and he doesn't need to worry about the communicator being broken.

"I can hear that Fang Qingrou and the others are heading towards you at this moment." Jackie replied.

"Then please hurry up, I'm really fed up with the smell in this sewage pipe." Kirk complained.

"We can hear it." Fang Qingrou replied through the headset.

"Of course I know." Kirk said, after a moment of silence, he spoke again:
"Damn it, is the water pipe really dirty and smelly?"

"If I had known it would be so uncomfortable, I would rather force my way in directly from the front."

"Hehe, if you really do that, you won't be able to complain in the headset." Bucky said with a smile while listening to his old friend's complaints.

"That's not necessarily true, you underestimate me, Bucky." Kirk's voice was full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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