Chapter 211 Program Errors
"Stop, there is someone in front of you, wait a while and then pass."

"Turn left and go on another road. There are more guards on the previously designed road."

Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou ran quickly in the building of PMS company. Thanks to Jackxi, the two of them didn't encounter any guards along the way, nor were they captured by any surveillance cameras.

No, it's not that it wasn't captured, it's just that all the surveillance footage was processed by Jackie.

Originally, Lu Qing was a little worried that she might encounter some unexpected situation, but things went very smoothly.

It can only be said that I really read too many novels in my previous life. With sufficient planning and preparation, accidents are not so easy to happen.

"You have arrived in front of the elevator, there is a fixed team of guards there, you must get rid of them as soon as possible." Jackie said in the headset.

"Just throw the body into the elevator, and I will stop the elevator in the future, as long as I can hide it."

"I see."

Lu Qing replied, and then rushed out with Fang Qingrou.


The Ripper threw out the throwing knives, and when the guards had just discovered Lu Qing and the two of them, the six throwing knives killed four of them.

As for the remaining two, after witnessing the death of four teammates with their own eyes, coupled with the wounds hit by the flying knife on their bodies, intense fear arose in their hearts.

Without Lu Qing's hands, Fang Qingrou rushed out with the cursed sword in hand, and killed the two guards who had no intention of fighting with two swords.

Reaching out to take back the throwing knife, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou pulled all the corpses into the elevator, and roughly wiped the blood on the ground.

"Well, this smell is really strong." Fang Qingrou frowned and said.

In the elevator, with six corpses piled up, the pungent smell of blood was unbearable.

"Hehe, the smell of blood is much better than the smell." Kirk said in the headset.

"Come here quickly, I really don't want to stay in this broken place for a second longer."

"Even if you come out, the smell on your body won't go away." Hearing Kirk's words, Lu Qing said.

"But at least it's better than here."

"I'm mainly afraid that you will smoke us." Lu Qing said in a disgusted voice.

"You brat can't speak." Kirk said in a helpless voice.

"Hehehe." Lu Qing narrowed her eyes and smiled, but didn't reply.

The elevator door opened, and Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou walked out of the elevator.

This is the bottom of the PMS company. Just run for another 2 minutes, and the two of them will be right above where Kirk is now.

Because this is the lower level of the PMS company, there are fewer guards and more lax. Lu Qing and the two easily bypassed these guards and came to the top of Kirk.

"We're already on top of you." Lu Qing said in the headset.

"Very well, then quickly corrode the floor," Kirk replied.

"Understood, don't worry."

Lu Qing reached for her pocket and took out a bottle of dark green liquid.

This was given to her by Jackie. There was no light from props on it, it was just an ordinary item.

Opening the bottle, Lu Qing poured out the liquid inside.


When the liquid touched the alloy floor, it made a tooth-piercing sound, but after a while, the originally smooth ground was corroded and pitted.

Lu Qing took out another bottle and poured it on top, completely corroding the alloy floor, exposing the water pipe wall below.

This is different from what was expected. According to the plan, the corrosive liquid should be able to corrode the walls of the water pipes.

"Kirk, step back now, it's better to step back." Lu Qing said in the headset.

"What are you doing?" Kirk asked.

"Don't worry so much, retreat one after another." Lu Qing said.

"It's already back," Kirk replied.

"Well, just wait for a while."

Lu Qing jumped onto the wall of the water pipe, and unlocked the locks on her two arms, releasing the Shadow Blade from her arms.

After the shadow blade was released, Lu Qing squatted down, raised her arms high, and then stabbed into the wall of the water pipe!

Fixing her body, Lu Qing pulled her two arms hard, creating a huge crack on the top of the water pipe wall.

"Can you get out?" Lu Qing asked through the headset.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, Kirk came back to his senses, and after observing the crack Lu Qing cut with the shadow blade, he nodded and said:


After speaking, Kirk came to the gap.


The silver-white metal arm slammed into the crack of the water pipe, and Kirk stretched out his other hand, holding one side with the silver-white metal arm.

With the increase of the prosthetic body's strength in his body, Kirk's two arms pulled hard, and forcibly tore open the cracked hole in the water pipe!

Struggling to get his head and body out of the gap, Kirk looked at Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou in some embarrassment, and said:

"Can't you open the hole wider?"

"I asked you if you could come out, but you said yes." Lu Qing said innocently.

"It's true that I can come out, but wouldn't it be more labor-saving to make the hole wider?" Kirk said while pulling his leg out of the water pipe.

"Sorry, I didn't expect that." Lu Qing pretended to be apologetic and said.

Kirk knew it was fake as soon as he guessed it, but it didn't make any sense to continue to ink it, so he waved his hand and said:
"Forget it, let's hurry up and shut down the server."

"Then let's go quickly." Lu Qing nodded.

The three of them hurried back to the elevator they had used when they got down before, and took the elevator to move towards the floor where the server was located.

"Well..." In the elevator, both Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou couldn't help covering their noses.

I didn't notice it when I was far away from Kirk before, but now in the same elevator, the smell of the other party's body, combined with the bloody smell of the corpse inside, is really unbearable.

Kirk's reaction was just the opposite of the two. He had long been used to the smell of blood, and the smell on his body was much worse than the smell in the sewage pipe.

Besides, the smell emanating from your body, unless you smell it specially, you can't usually smell it.


The elevator door opened slowly. Seeing this, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou rushed out of the elevator without hesitation.

Only when you have lost it can you know how to cherish it. The ordinary air is so important!
"This is the upper floor. Be careful, because the computer room is on this floor. There are a lot of guards here. You must always be prepared to trigger the alarm and force your way in." Jackie said in the headset.

At the same time, on the other side, Z who was on the fifth floor of No.70 came to the elevator door, and pressed the button of the elevator to bring the elevator to his floor.

However, the elevator did not start running, but a row of red floating windows popped up.

[Program error, the elevator is temporarily unavailable]

(End of this chapter)

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