The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 212 Go to hell for me!

Chapter 212 Get me back to hell!
"What's going on?" Z looked at the text displayed next to the elevator, and asked with some doubts in his heart.

After quickly calling the staff in the company's computer room, Z asked, "Why is the elevator unavailable?"


When the employee on the other end of the phone heard Z's words, he was puzzled for a moment, and then asked, "Are you saying that the elevator can't be used?"

"Yeah." Z nodded, and then transmitted the picture in front of him.

"This shouldn't be, please wait a moment, we will test it right away." The person on the other end of the phone said.

After waiting for a while, about 1 minute, the person on the other end of the phone quickly replied:

"A hacker has invaded the system! The other party's method is very clever, and we will not be able to regain control of the elevator for a while. In addition, the entire monitoring system has also been secretly controlled by that guy. Our personnel are currently fighting the other party. .”

"Do you mean that you will not be able to seize the initiative to get back to the elevator for a while?" Z said in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

"I'm sorry, my lord, the other party should be a top hacker, we can't take him down for the time being."

"Well, I see. If you have any news, you must inform me as soon as possible." Z said in a flat tone.

After finishing speaking, Z hung up the phone and looked towards the elevator door in front of him.


With a cold snort, Z raised his arm and punched hard!

The metal fist and the elevator door collided with each other, making a deafening sound, and the elevator door hit by the front was severely deformed and dented backward.


He kicked the elevator door again, this time, the elevator door couldn't hold up completely, and was kicked down by Z.

Putting his head into the inside of the elevator pipe, Z looked up, but didn't see the elevator, then looked down, and found the location of the elevator.

The huge body fell from the sky, and crashed into the top of the elevator shaft.

Looking at the six corpses hidden in the elevator, Z immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

The wounds on the corpse were all cut by swords, and this is impossible for hackers alone.

In other words, at this time, someone is sneaking into the interior of the building!
"Damn it, I was discovered!" Jackie said anxiously through the headset.

"What's going on?" Kirk asked immediately.

"That guy Z just wanted to use the elevator, and then called the employees in the building to inquire, so that those guys found out that I was controlling their elevator."

"Oh, damn it!" Jacky suddenly exclaimed, and then shouted: "No, Z just jumped down from the elevator shaft, and he came to your floor!"

"Fuck! How the hell do you do things, Jackie?" Kirk couldn't help cursing angrily after hearing the news.

Although he looked down on Z who had transformed his whole body into a prosthetic body, he had to say that that guy's strength was truly terrifying. If they met head-on, it would be impossible for the three of them to win.

The only good news is that they are inside the building at this time. In order not to destroy the building, Z will not use those weapons of mass destruction.

"Hurry up, you don't need to hide anymore, Z doesn't know where you are for now. That guy ran towards the computer room, he guessed what we were going to do!"

"You must be quick, reach the computer room before Z!"

"Grass!" Kirk cursed angrily, then looked at Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou, and said:

"You've heard what Jackie said, show off your fastest speed, we're going to speed up!"

"I know!"

Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou also became a little anxious at this time, Z's personal combat power, which was almost comparable to that of a tank, was really daunting.

"Xiaorou, you go first, we will follow!" Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou and said.

Fang Qingrou, who has the skill of [Wind Elf's Protection], is undoubtedly the fastest of the three of them.

Followed by Lu Qing and Kirk.

Lu Qing was faster than Kirk, but not by much.

In order to prevent Z from rushing to the computer room first, they had to act separately, because if they continued to act together, it would only slow down Fang Qingrou's speed.


Fang Qingrou also knew how serious the situation was at this time, she nodded, and then, a gust of wind surrounded her, and the speed suddenly accelerated a lot, quickly throwing away Lu Qing and Ke Ke .

She glanced at Kirk in surprise, Lu Qing didn't expect that after seeing Fang Qingrou's obviously unscientific ability, there was no surprise on his face.

If it was normal, Lu Qing would definitely ask, but now the situation is more urgent, and she doesn't want to waste that time, as long as Kirk is used to it.

After all, vampires have been seen before, so what's so strange about humans who can use wind?
[Seeing Fang Qingrou who is going away quickly, you observe Kirk's expression secretly, and you find that there is no trace of surprise in the other party's eyes. While working, you suddenly notice that there seems to be a very heavy person running fast behind the wall on your left. 】

The notice board that hadn't responded for a long time suddenly trembled, and then a paragraph of text was refreshed.

"Weight, very heavy?"

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, and then her pupils shrank suddenly. She knew who that very heavy person was referring to.


Lu Qing could only remind Kirk in this way, but the moment she just opened her mouth, the wall on their left suddenly burst, smashing a large amount of rubble, and what smashed the wall was a pair of huge Black fist.

The gravel and sand kicked up a burst of dust, and Lu Qing opened her eagle eyes, and saw a huge palm piercing through the dust and grabbing at herself.

The speed of this palm was so fast, Lu Qing tried her best to dodge it, but was almost caught by the opponent's palm.

Unable to catch Lu Qing as planned, Z glanced at her in surprise, and then said:
"Is it you two stinky mice who sneaked in?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Kirk who was on the side, and said unexpectedly: "You are not dead, Kirk, I clearly remember that I shot your head with my own hands."

"Hehe, because my hatred for you hasn't ended yet, so I crawled back from hell." Kirk looked at Z and said coldly.

"Crawled back from hell?" Z's metal head stared at Kirk, slowly raised his left hand, and pointed a thick, jet-black gun barrel at him.

"If that's the case, then I'll send you to hell again." Z said in a dull voice.


The huge gun barrel roared, and Lu Qing quickly opened the protection of the ice elf necklace.

"Go back to hell." Z growled in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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