Chapter 213 What to do?
At the moment Z fired the cannon, Lu Qing quickly activated the shield of the ice elf necklace, protecting herself from the damage of the cannonball.

And because the target of the blast hole was not her, the energy in the necklace was not consumed too much, it just resisted the broken rocks blown away by the bombardment.

Opening Hawkeye, Lu Qing looked for Kirk's figure in the smoke and dust. He was the target of the blow just now. Without any protective measures, Lu Qing felt that Kirk probably couldn't survive.

But I can't say too much, if it is an ordinary person, even if there are a lot of prosthetic bodies installed on his body, if he is shot at such a close range, he will definitely die.

But Kirk is different, he has a lot of means, and there are some things that Lu Qing doesn't know.

For example, the bullet hole on Pursoni's body, you know, even with a silver bullet, it is impossible to kill a vampire with one shot, especially a high-level vampire like Pursoni.

There must be some little secret about Kirk, Lu Qing didn't think that the legend of the night city would die so easily in the hands of shells.

Sure enough, after Lu Qing opened Hawkeye, she easily found Kirk in the smoke.

"Hmph. Sure enough, he's not dead." Z also caught Kirk's figure and said.

After all, this is the interior of the PMS company's building, and the shot just now was already the limit. Since Kirk couldn't be dealt with, then he can only use some more common weapons next.

Thinking of this, Z controlled the rapid deformation of his right hand, and then rushed towards Kirk with big strides.

While charging towards Kirk, Z's right hand transformed into a huge chainsaw.

The whole body of the chainsaw was pitch black, with silver-white chainsaws and saw teeth on it. At this time, these chainsaws were spinning at high speed, leaving a lot of scratches on the wall while Z was running.

Seeing this, Kirk quickly took out his pistol from his waist, and pulled the trigger towards Z while running.

The power of this pistol is not small. It was obtained by Bucky after detailed improvements on the basis of the pistol originally used by Kirk.

It is far more powerful than ordinary pistols, and can even be described by the word hand cannon.

And Kirk's marksmanship is not bad, he just shot indiscriminately at Z's head.

After being hit on the head, Z clearly understood the power of the pistol, and quickly put his left arm in front of his head.

That was the only weak point in his whole body. If the head was pierced, the brain inside would be dead, so he had to protect his head no matter what.

Even so, Z's speed didn't slow down much, and he rushed towards Kirk in a rampage.

Seeing that Kirk was about to be overtaken, Lu Qing came to Z's side, raised the white wolf and shot towards his head!

Of course Z knew that there was another person here, and when she saw Lu Qing lifting her obviously large-caliber revolver, she felt vigilant in her heart.

Seeing that Lu Qing was about to shoot, he continued to block Kirk's bullet with his right hand, then changed direction and rushed towards Lu Qing, raising the chainsaw in his hand to split Lu Qing in half.

It is unwise to fight two people at the same time. In Z's eyes, Lu Qing is much more threatening than Kirk.

As long as Lu Qing is dealt with first, then only Kirk will be left alone, and everything will be much more convenient.

Of course, Lu Qing also saw Z's thoughts, and also meant to use the other party's thoughts.

She backed up as she fired, deliberately dodging backwards at a slower speed than Kirk.

As expected, she was quickly overtaken by Z, who raised the chainsaw in his hand, and swept towards Lu Qing.

[Dark Blade Impact! 】

The wind speed rune inside the dexterous cloak lit up, and Lu Qing's speed suddenly increased a lot, dodging Z's attack.

Taking this opportunity, she raised the revolver, and as planned, raised the white wolf with only one bullet left, aiming it at Z's head!
[Bullet No. [-]! 】

Spiritual power was poured into the magazine of the white wolf, Lu Qing's face turned a little pale, and then pulled the trigger of the white wolf.


A deafening sound resounded from the barrel of White Wolf's gun, and a silver-white bullet shot out from the bullet, hitting Z's metal head with unparalleled force.


The bullet in Z's metal head was hit, and a large piece of metal fragments exploded immediately, but what Lu Qing didn't expect was that the bullet failed to penetrate Z's head completely.

Before he had time to think about it, Z, who was terrified by the power of the White Wolf's bullet, pointed his face at Lu Qing, opened his mouth and stretched out a gun barrel.

"Da da da da da!"

Countless bullets shot towards Lu Qing, caught off guard, although she dodged in time, several bullets still hit her body.

Most of them were blocked by the dexterous cloak and the silver moon wolf king's leather armor, but it just felt a little painful, nothing serious.

But only one bullet hit her left shoulder, and Lu Qing couldn't help covering the wound with her hand, her hand was covered with blood.

And Z didn't intend to just let Lu Qing go. Because of the structure of his body, he couldn't store too much ammunition. When he usually moves, he actually carries a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Only when necessary, will it use its extremely powerful strength and defense to attack the enemy.

So, the gun barrel that got out of his mouth just now is the only firearm on his body, and there are not many bullets. It just happened to be a shuttle, specially used for sneak attacks, but he failed to kill Lu Qing .

"We must never let her use that pistol again!" Thinking of the power of the bullet just now, Z thought in his heart.

"If you use a chainsaw, you may not be able to kill it for a while. If you cooperate with Kirk, if the bullet hits the part where I was hit just now, then I will die!"

Thinking of this, Z began to think about the weapons he could currently use besides the chainsaw.

It's fine when your life is not threatened, but now that the enemy's weapons can clearly inflict damage on you, it would be stupid not to use powerful weapons because you are concerned about the company.

However, if the power is too large and causes large-scale damage or even collapse inside the company, then he will have a hard time, so heavy weapons need to be used as appropriate.

Thinking of this, Z raised the gun barrel in his left hand and pointed it at Lu Qing.

Danger!Very dangerous!

At the moment when she was locked by the gun barrel, both human reason and body instinct told her that the black and thick gun barrel was very dangerous, and if she was hit, she would be dead!


There was a roar in the gun barrel, and a huge shell flew towards Lu Qing.

Without hesitation, she opened the shield of the ice elf necklace, and Lu Qing tried her best to stay away from the place where the shell landed.


The blazing flames behind her blasted her away, and the shield value of the ice elf necklace kept flowing like a water pump that was switched on.

Landing a roll, before Lu Qing stood up, another shell flew towards her!
Seeing that the energy value in the ice elf necklace was no longer enough to withstand this shell, Lu Qing frowned tightly, and cold sweat dripped down her white forehead uncontrollably.

"How to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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