The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 214 Has He Ever Died?

Chapter 214 Has He Ever Died?

"How to do?"

Looking at the gun barrel aimed at her, Lu Qing felt that time seemed to slow down a lot at this time. She thought of dozens of methods in her mind, and it seemed that they all worked, but when she thought about it carefully, she found that it was meaningless.

"Can't hide, can't stop, can't think of a way!"


The deadly shells flew, Lu Qing dodged to the side, but was still blown away by the blast.

This time, the shield value in the ice elf necklace was completely cleared, and the violent impact sent her flying with fiery air waves.

"Wow, cough cough. cough."

Couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Under the blast of the shell explosion, Lu Qing felt that her internal organs seemed to be dislocated, and there was great pain.

At the same time, after being blown away and dropped to the ground, the tightness in her chest and lungs made her cough uncontrollably.

"The shells are used up." Z looked at Lu Qing who was still alive, and thought in his heart.

There were only three cannonballs on him, and one had been given to Kirk before, but it was a pity that he couldn't kill it. Now two of them hit Lu Qing's body, and there are no more.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Qing's current situation can be solved without shells at all.

However, just when Z wanted to get rid of Lu Qing in this way, a round thing suddenly rolled down beside him.


The grenade exploded suddenly. Don't forget that Kirk was also in this room at this time. Lu Qing was seriously injured. How could he watch his teammate be killed by Z?
The grenade was not used before because Z's speed was too fast to be thrown at all, but just now, when Z launched the bombardment, it didn't move at all.

Kirk would not let go of such a good opportunity, he took out the grenade and threw it.

"This is specially designed by Bucky for you, let's have a good drink!" Kirk thought as he looked at the figure covered by the blast.

Another grenade was thrown, and Kirk quickly ran to Lu Qing's side, and took out a silver-white oval object from his waist.

The plastic sleeve on the head of the object was pulled off, revealing the needle tube that shone with cold light inside.

Lu Qing knew what it was. Before she acted, she saw that Kirk had taken this thing.

[Prop Name: Strong Heart Needle]

[prop quality: white]

[Introduction: This is a prop that can make people forget the pain for a period of time, secrete a large amount of adrenaline, and forcibly restore consciousness. The original version has the side effects of reducing the user's lifespan and deteriorating physical fitness. After Bucky's improvement Finally, these two side effects were removed, and the body fell into a weak state after use. 】

[Skill: Enhancement]

[Enhancement: After injecting the drug, the user's physical fitness will be temporarily enhanced, and the nerve reflex speed will be greatly increased at the same time. 】

[Remarks: This is not a medical miracle, but a kidney overdraft. 】

The corner of her mouth twitched twice, Lu Qing stared at the needle tube of the powerful cardiotonic needle, feeling a little scared in her heart.

It's not about whether it hurts or not, after all, it's not like Lu Qing has never experienced things that are more painful than needles.

But the problem is that the needle is not a question of whether it hurts or not, it is a very special kind that cannot be described.

All in all, it's scary.

But she was afraid, and Lu Qing also knew that there was no time for her to let the ink smudge down, so she took the powerful heart-boosting needle in her hand, and Lu Qing raised her head and stuck the needle in her heart.

After the medicine in the needle was injected, she pulled out the needle and threw it aside.

The pain in her body gradually dissipated, and her heart beat became stronger. Lu Qing stood up and looked at the man who walked out of the blast of the grenade.

And the moment she saw the other party, Lu Qing knew why Z didn't rush forward just now.

After the improvement of Bakina, the grenade specially used to deal with Z has a very good effect. It can even be said that it is better than Lu Qing and Kirk expected.

One of Z's mechanical legs was blown off by the grenade thrown by Kirk, and at the same time, the barrel on the left hand was also severely deformed.

Even if Z still has shells, he can't use this barrel, unless he is not afraid of blowing himself up.

"You two, I'm really angry." Z looked at Lu Qing and Kirk, and said in a deep voice.

If Lu Qing and Kirk were not dealt with, he would die here, Jing knew this very well.

In terms of personal life, Z felt that his own life was more important than the company's punishment afterward.

Although the company's punishment was terrible, he really didn't want to go to that transformation laboratory to accept some bullshit experiment.

But he didn't want to die yet, so there was nothing he could do.

The armor plate on the chest was lifted, and Z straightened his chest, revealing the densely packed bullet nests inside.

There has always been a rumor among the gangsters, whether it is a rumor or not, that is, Z's body can launch missiles.

This statement is of course wrong, real missiles simply cannot be launched by Z's physique.

However, rumors can spread, and there are naturally reasons for them to spread. Although Z's body cannot launch missiles, he can launch rockets!
Hidden under the armor plate on his chest, which is thick enough to withstand shells, is his ace weapon that can defeat tanks - rockets!

Thick rockets!Although it can only fire one round, it is enough to deal with all enemies that Z encounters!
"This trick can't be stopped at all." Lu Qing thought as she looked at the densely packed bullet nests on Z's chest with cold hands and feet.

No matter how you think about it, it's just cheating, and it's also a random camp. Why are vampires so much more powerful than werewolves!

This gap is too big, the wolf king is not as difficult as he is in front of him.

No, this is no longer a difficult level, but simply unbeatable!

"It seems that the first thing is to forget about it." Lu Qing thought in her heart.

Thinking of this, she looked at Kirk, but found that there was no panic on Kirk's face, only calm.

"Why?" Lu Qing couldn't help thinking this way.

She is a player, she knows she can't die, so she doesn't have too many thoughts, but why is Kirk?

You know, as a dream NPC, in the other party's perception, death is the end. Why can't Kirk see any changes on his face?

"Could it be that he died once?" Lu Qing couldn't help thinking this way.

If you think about it this way, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. After all, Kirk did "die" once.

And just when Lu Qing was thinking this way, the notice board suddenly trembled.

[The bullet nest on Z's chest has been aimed at you and Kirk. Before dying, you couldn't help observing Kirk's expression, but found that there was no fear or other emotions on Kirk's face. It looks like he has a winning chance? 】

(End of this chapter)

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