The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 215 Climbing the Stairs

Chapter 215 Climbing the Stairs

"Is there anything else to do?" Lu Qing looked at Kirk and thought to herself.

Even the notice board said, if it wasn't for some backhand, I really can't understand why Kirk's expression is still so calm.


A violent explosion sounded suddenly, startling Lu Qing. Looking in the direction of the explosion sound, she found that it was Z who exploded!

Before firing the rocket, Z's body exploded first!

"Hey, can you hear me?" Jackie's voice suddenly came from the headset.


"Oh, it seems that I heard it. The server has been destroyed. I just hacked into Z's computer and blew up his body." Jackie said in a relaxed tone.

At the end, she made a joke and said with a smile: "Hahaha, it's so funny to see the expressions of the two of you in the surveillance."

"Xiao Lu, are you okay?" Fang Qingrou's voice came from the headset.

"I'm fine, Little Donut, what you did is really beautiful." After hearing Fang Qingrou's voice, Lu Qing couldn't stop smiling.

"By the way, why didn't the headset work just now?" Lu Qing suddenly thought of something and asked.

Not long after Fang Qingrou and the two separated, Lu Qing noticed that the voice in the headset suddenly disappeared. Even if Kirk spoke, she couldn't hear it in the headset.

"Of course there is no signal. After the PMS employees discovered your intrusion, they blocked the signal from the headset."

"But now their entire server has been burned, and the employees in the computer room have been killed by donuts. The only bad news is that the entire company knows about your intrusion."

"If you want to kill Huan Pusen later, you need to break through a large number of guards."

"Then Jaxie, can you find where Pupson is at this time?" Kirk asked with his mouth open.

"Here, I can only give you a rough location." As Jacky said, there was an extra area marked in orange on the lens in front of Lu Qing's eyes.

"Huan Pusen should be in this area. The last time the camera found him, he was in this position." On the lens of the headset, there was a red dot in the orange area.

"Thanks, Jackie." Kirk turned his head to look at Lu Qing, and said, "Let's go, first gather at the stairs on this floor."

"Understood." Fang Qingrou replied.

Z jumped from the upper floor before, although they failed to completely destroy the elevator and could still be used, but now they have been discovered by the employees of the PMS company.

If you take the elevator, I am afraid that when you come out, you will face a large group of guards who have already prepared.

So the three of them could only take the stairs, but the stairs wouldn't be much better. After all, apart from the elevator, that was the only way to go to the upper floor, and there would definitely be a lot of guards guarding them.

But unlike the structure of the elevator, which has no room to dodge at all, it is relatively safer when climbing the stairs.

With Z already dead, Lu Qing didn't think any guards could stop the three of them.

"Jaxey, can't you hack into the chips of those guards?" Kirk said as he rushed towards the stairs.

"Don't think about it, just call up honestly. After those guys knew there was a hacker, they turned off the network connection of all the prosthetic bodies on the body. I couldn't find a place to get in." Jackie's voice was somewhat Said helplessly.

After she finished speaking, she added another sentence, saying: "But before that, I have hacked as many people as possible, so you may encounter a lot fewer people."

"That's it." Lu Qing said.

If you can't rush up by tricks, then rely on hard power. Those guards can't be the opponents of the three of them.

As for Pupsen, that guy is Kirk's opponent. Before the plan started, Kirk said that he could finish the opponent just like when he was dealing with Pousney.

To be honest, Lu Qing is still very curious about Kirk's way of getting rid of Pousney, and I don't know if I can see him this time when I face Pupson.

"By the way, what is the effective time of the powerful heart booster?" Lu Qing suddenly remembered this matter and asked.

If it wasn't for the fact that she suddenly saw the container of the powerful booster on the ground just now, Lu Qing would have forgotten that she was still injured.

It has to be said that the effect of this potion is really powerful. At this time, she can't feel the pain on her body at all, and she feels full of strength.

Although this is only temporary, it is quite good to be able to maintain the fighting ability when one is seriously injured.

"You used that thing?" Bucky's voice came from the headset.

"Well, I was bombarded twice by Z with a cannon just now." Lu Qing said while running.

"Um, first of all, congratulations that you're still alive." Bucky's mouth twitched twice, and he said, "I improved that powerful heart booster. It lasts for an hour and a half, and it will fall into a weak state after it's over."

"Be careful, don't stay in a dangerous place when the potion is about to end." Bucky warned.

"It was resolved an hour and a half ago, don't worry." Kirk said after hearing Bucky's words.

Ignoring Kirk, Bucky continued:
"One more thing to pay attention to, the potion can only relieve your pain and let you burst out with stronger strength, but it doesn't mean that your injuries have recovered. People often die when they don't pay attention when using the potion. "

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid." Lu Qing said.

"It's here!" Kirk said suddenly.

Lu Qing came back to her senses, looked towards the stairs at the end of the corridor in the distance, and saw that there was already an armed team waiting there.

There was a bunker made of metal plates in front of the opponent, holding a gun and standing guard in front of the stairs.

After seeing Lu Qing and Kirk, he pulled the trigger without hesitation and fired a lot of bullets.

Lu Qing and Kirk hurriedly hid in the wall behind the corner, took out their pistols and shot at the guards.


Lu Qing opened Hawkeye, and with her strong physical fitness and enhanced reaction ability enhanced by a powerful heart booster, she pulled the trigger twice in a row, blasting the heads of the two guards, and then quickly hid behind the bunker.

A large number of bullets hit the wall behind her. Seeing that Lu Qing hid back, she stopped shooting.

These guards are all elites in the PMS company, so naturally they wouldn't shoot randomly at the wall, that would be meaningless and a waste of bullets.


A cylindrical object was thrown to Lu Qing's feet, and Lu Qing recognized what it was the first time she saw it.

Sure enough, when Lu Qing was about to dodge, the object on the ground suddenly exploded.


(End of this chapter)

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