Chapter 216


The grenade exploded suddenly. Although Lu Qing activated the shield of the ice elf necklace in time, the energy in the necklace could not recover much in such a short period of time. It was just blown away by the explosion in an instant.

But with the help of this brief moment, Lu Qing was far away from the core of the explosion, relying on the dexterous cloak and wolf king leather armor on her body to resist.

"Bang bang bang!" Flopped to the ground, rolled over, got up and fired in one go. Before the guards could react, Lu Qing quickly shot three of them dead, and came to the back of the wall where Kirk was hiding.

[Skill pistol advanced proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[The current skill is: pistol advanced 20%]

The notice board trembled twice, Lu Qing quickly read it, and found that the battle was over.

There were a total of eight people in that team, Lu Qing eliminated five, and the remaining three, one of which was eliminated by Kirk at the beginning, and the remaining two were also used by Kirk just now. The pistols were called.

"Little Deer, I saw you!"

Fang Qingrou's voice came from the headset, Lu Qing turned her head, and saw Fang Qingrou running from the other side of the corridor with a cursed sword on her back.

"It's too slow, all the enemies here have been eliminated." Lu Qing said with an imperceptible arc on the corner of her mouth.

"No way, the computer room is a bit far from the stairs." Hearing Lu Qing's words, Fang Qingrou said.

"Let's all get together, let's move forward quickly." Kirk interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Well, let's go." Lu Qing nodded.

When passing by the bodies of several police officers, Lu Qing felt something was wrong and asked:
"In other words, even if some people were eliminated by Jackie, there are still fewer people here."

There are only eight people defending here. It's a bit strange to think about it. Will there be any reinforcements?

"Don't worry, there is no conspiracy at all." Jackie heard Lu Qing's thoughts and said:

"Part of the reason for their small number is that I hacked most of the members, and the other reason is because the computer room was destroyed."

"When the server cannot receive any instructions, it can only rely on artificial transmission, so the efficiency of command is reduced. When this side is attacked, other places will not know."

"Even so, there are still too few people." Lu Qing worried.

"Hmph, maybe they were all gathered together, and only a few people were sent to defend." Kirk said at this time.

"Maybe," Jackie said.

The three continued to move forward, and encountered many guards on the stairs, all of which were dealt with by the three of them one by one.

Here, although Fang Qingrou's main weapon is a big sword, she can also use a gun. After all, in such a technological dreamland, it is difficult to charge with a big sword when facing humans who use guns.

That's why Fang Qingrou has also learned marksmanship. Although her accuracy is a bit poor, but relying on the [Wind Elf's Protection] skill to move at high speed, it is difficult for the enemy to hit her.

Climbing up all the way, after solving countless guards, the three of them finally came to the floor where Huan Pusen was.

During this process, several of Lu Qing's skills have been improved.

[Flying knife specialization 40%-60%]

[Basic Melee 20%-80%]

[Basic dodge 20%-100%]

[Tearer Flying Knife Throwing Method 80%-100%]

The throwing knife skills related to long-distance have been improved. As for the two skills of [basic melee] and [basic dodge], there is nothing to say, just like the literal meaning.

After reaching [-]%, they all become white quality skills.

The only thing that surprised Lu Qing was that [Pistol Advanced] failed to be improved, obviously she used pistols more often.

But thinking that this skill has been improved once before, she didn't feel so surprised. Maybe the distance from 40.00% is only the last one percent?


As soon as they reached the 85th floor, after the three of them broke through the guard's line of defense, a large group of low-level vampires appeared in front of them, blocking them in front of everyone.

Because there were not many bullets left, Lu Qing did not continue to use the white wolf, but took out the mithril dagger, ready to fight these guys in close combat.

As for why not use Shadow Blade.
Isn't this obvious! ?She doesn't know how to use it, even if she does, weapons without special damage are useless against creatures like vampires!

Although the shadow blade is far sharper than the mithril dagger, it has no special damage and cannot cause special damage to vampires at all.

Therefore, although the mithril dagger is only a white-quality item, it is better to use the mithril dagger in dealing with vampires.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing held the mithril dagger and rushed towards these low-level vampires.

With the blessing of the four skills [Dagger Advancement 20%] [Basic Melee 80%] [Body Control] [Basic Dodge], Lu Qing holding a Mithril dagger is like a hungry wolf that has burrowed into a flock of sheep. Hunting and killing these low-level vampires.

No matter what kind of attack they can't hit her, even if they touch her, they will be blocked by the dexterous cloak and wolf king's leather armor. These low-level vampires have no way to deal with Lu Qing!

Fang Qingrou rushed up with the cursed sword in hand, and cooperated with Lu Qing to wipe out these low-level vampires in a short while.

The three continued to move forward, and the guards they met afterwards were just dying, meaningless.

It wasn't until they encountered eight high-level vampires that they really stopped a few people.

Holding a mithril dagger, Lu Qing directly entangled four senior vampires, and handed over the rest to Fang Qingrou and Kirk.

After Fang Qingrou and Kirk got rid of the other four, they came to help Lu Qing and got rid of the remaining four high-level vampires.

This allowed Lu Qing to obtain eight blue material props, three of which were given to Fang Qingrou.

Lu Qing originally wanted one and half, but Fang Qingrou felt that she had less effort, so she only wanted two, and Lu Qing forced the extra one to her.

What I'm referring to is that among the five blue materials that Lu Qing got, three of them are vampire ears and one is vampire teeth.

The last remaining one is the sword of the vampire.

[Prop Name: Vampire's Spear]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: The pupils of high-level vampires have certain medicinal properties and can be used as medicine. In addition, they can also be used as a medium for casting spells. 】

[Skill: None]

[Remarks: I heard that some spell hunters who specialize in hunting vampires will make specimens of vampire pupils and hang them on staffs to enhance magic. 】

"Get rich, get rich." Lu Qing put the five blue props into her pocket, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but upward.

With so many blue-quality props, the hut can definitely be upgraded, and it is not impossible to even upgrade two levels in a row.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing couldn't stop smiling, and her whole body became like a money fan.

After collecting the materials, they continued to move forward, and then found Huan Pusen in a green forest on this floor. The moment they saw each other, the expressions of the three of them changed slightly.

Red, scarred red!

As far as the eye can see, it is all blood, and the land in the green forest is stained blood red, and there are countless corpses of guards lying on this land.

And in the center of these lands, a man in blood-red long-distance running stood on top of the corpse, turned around and looked at several people.

"I finally know why there are so few guards." Lu Qing looked at the scene in front of her and said to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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