The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 218 The Headless Horseman's Challenge Book

Chapter 218 The Headless Horseman's Challenge Book
"Does it matter?" the Headless Horseman asked rhetorically.


Lu Qing glanced at the special target on the main target, nodded, and said, "It's very important."


"I am the Headless Horseman." After a moment of silence, the Headless Horseman replied.

"What about the one you killed just now?" Lu Qing asked again.

"The Vampire King."

"Do you know each other?"

"Yes, I came here just to kill him." The Headless Horseman nodded.

".Can you tell me in detail?" Lu Qing asked.


The Headless Horseman nodded, and then said:

"This vampire king provoked me, so I attacked his house. At that time, there was a tribe of werewolves attacking this vampire king's territory. I relied on these werewolves to attract the main firepower and killed this vampire all the way. In the king's lair."

"Just when I was about to kill him, this guy turned into a bat and ran away. When I caught up, he used an unknown prop, broke the space and ran away."

"I didn't intend to chase at first, but the space ruptured directly, and then formed a vortex, sucking me in. As for those werewolves, they should have been pulled in by the space vortex."

"When I wake up, I will be in this city."

The Headless Horseman paused when he said this, and then continued: "I don't know why, but there is very little magic power in the air of this city, and at the same time it has a strong suppressive power."

"Neither I nor the vampire werewolf can exert great power. Even under the pressure of this world, I, the wolf king and the vampire king, who are too strong, will lose their strength slowly."

"The vampire king who discovered this possessed and hid himself in a human body. After doing so, he unexpectedly maintained his own strength."

"After I discovered this, I planned to follow suit, but I couldn't find a suitable person. Finally, I found an evil spirit with a lot of obsession, um, it was Kirk."

"By the way, don't ask me how I found out, it's a secret." The Headless Horseman added.

"I resurrected this man as an undead, hid myself in his body, and successfully avoided the suppression."

"Then I promised Kirk that as long as he could bring me to the vampire king, I would let him continue to live, that's all."

"The third reason why Kirk came to us, is it because of you?" Lu Qing frowned and asked.

"Yeah." The Headless Horseman admitted it straightforwardly, and said, "I can feel the special smell on you, you are outsiders, and you are very powerful."

"Well, then you killed the vampire queen, have you planned to do anything?" Lu Qing asked calmly.

The special goal is very clear, let the headless horseman disappear from this world.

According to Lu Qing's understanding, the meaning of disappearing into this world is to let the headless horseman leave this world without killing him.

After all, if they were to be killed, with their strength, a hundred of them would not be enough!

If this is the case, the Headless Horseman who has already killed the Vampire King should have no reason to stay in this world.

After all, he also said that this world will suppress him, and there is still very little magic power. It is definitely better to stay in this world than to return to the original world.

Hearing Lu Qing's question, the Headless Horseman was also lost in thought.

"What to do next."

After pondering for a while, the Headless Horseman said: "Kill people, the human beings in this world are so weak, enough for me to harvest a large number of souls."

"If I swallow all these souls, my strength will definitely increase to an incredible level."

"Is it really okay for you to just tell us the plan?" Lu Qing looked at the Headless Horseman with a serious expression.

While speaking, she silently pulled out the mithril dagger on her body, and at the same time, Fang Qingrou, who was standing beside her, also pulled out the cursed sword behind her.

If the Headless Horseman really wants to do what he just said, then the other party will definitely not leave this world for a while.

What the special purpose requires is to make the Dull Horseman disappear from this world.

Although the completion of the special goal will not affect the end of the dream, but if they want to kill people, Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou are also human beings, who knows if this headless horseman will do it.

"Are you trying to stop me?" The Headless Horseman looked at Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou and said.

Recalling the headless horseman's fighting power against the vampire king just now, although I don't know how much power the opponent spent after defeating the vampire king.

But Lu Qing felt that with the strength of the Headless Horseman, it should be quite easy to deal with the two of them.

"If we don't stop you, can you let the two of us go?" Lu Qing asked nervously.

"Of course not, after all you have all heard my plan." The Headless Horseman said in a flat tone.

"Didn't you say it yourself!?" Lu Qing couldn't help cursing angrily in her heart.

"Hehehe" The Headless Horseman suddenly laughed, and then said, "Why don't we play a game?"

"What game?" Lu Qing asked.

"You and me, one-on-one duel, I don't use any magic power, control Kirk's body, as long as you can defeat me, I will leave this world directly, how about it?" The Headless Horseman suggested.

"How do I know if you mean what you say?"

Well, Lu Qing originally planned to say that, but just when she was about to say that, the notice board suddenly trembled.

[Trigger the secondary target! 】

[Challenge of the Headless Horseman! 】

[The headless horseman from another world, after eliminating the vampire king, wants to harvest a large number of souls from this world to enhance his own strength. This is a very rare opportunity, but what troubles him is that staying in this world It's not comfortable, and the souls of the common man, though plentiful in quantity, are poor in quality. 】

[Just when he was worried about whether to choose to leave or stay, he saw you and decided to use the game to decide whether to stay or not]

Silently holding back what she wanted to say before, Lu Qing looked at the Headless Horseman, took two deep breaths, and said firmly, "Come on!"

"Okay, guts are great!"

The Headless Horseman said with some appreciation, he threw away the spear behind him, drew out the black iron long sword at his waist, and walked slowly to Lu Qing.

Lu Qing looked nervously at the headless horseman walking slowly, and then put on the ruthless man's mask and the devil's horns.

Although the Headless Horseman said that he would not use any magic power and that the body he controlled was also Kirk's body, Lu Qing still felt as if he was facing an enemy.

It was the aura, a suppression from the aura, the aura emanating from the headless horseman unconsciously, just leaking a little bit, it gave Lu Qing the illusion of being invincible.

No, not an illusion, but reality!

When the Headless Horseman used all his strength, Lu Qing couldn't defeat him no matter what.

But fortunately, the Headless Horseman won't show his full strength, which gives Lu Qing a glimmer of hope of winning!

(End of this chapter)

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