The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 219 I will cut the dead end with the sword in my hand!

Chapter 219 I will cut the dead end with the sword in my hand!

PMS company headquarters, in the green forest.

Surrounded by blood and corpses, in front of him was the Headless Horseman who had just killed the Vampire King.

Lu Qing held a Mithril dagger and confronted the Headless Horseman.

No, this wasn't a confrontation at all, even though she was wearing a ruthless mask, the cold sweat on Lu Qing's head couldn't stop dripping down.

Her body seemed to be out of control, and she had no desire to rush forward at all. No matter which sensory information came from her, she was telling her that the man in front of her was not something she could defeat.


Swallowing her saliva, Lu Qing's legs moved slowly, quickly adapting to the aura emanating from the Headless Horseman.

Although the Headless Horseman said he doesn't use any magic power, Kirk's body can't compare to hers in terms of physical fitness alone.

But the opponent's rich combat experience and swordsmanship can completely make up for this gap.

Defense is impossible, because no matter how she defends, it will be full of flaws in the eyes of the Headless Horseman, and Lu Qing knows this very well.

So she had to attack, relying on her stronger physical fitness and the many props on her body.

"I'm on it!" Lu Qing cheered herself up in her heart.

The pupils under the mask flickered, and Lu Qing quickly threw four throwing knives, her figure rushed out along with the throwing knives.

"jingle clang clang!"

The long sword in the headless horseman's hand swung casually, knocking down the four flying knives of the Ripper, and his eyes stayed on the silk thread at the end of the flying knives for a while.

"The hidden thread has a strong cutting ability." The Headless Horseman analyzed in his heart.

At this time, Lu Qing rushed up, slashing at the headless horseman's arm with the mithril dagger.

Because there is no head, there is no neck, which makes Lu Qing, who has always liked to cut her throat very much, very uncomfortable.

After all, the position of the throat is very suitable for a dagger attack. It can be cut with a light knife, and it will be fatal after being cut.

But the Headless Horseman has no head, so Lu Qing can only choose another position to attack.

I don't know if the Headless Horseman has internal organs. If the internal organs are pierced, can it cause fatal damage?
Lu Qing thinks it should be impossible, so she has only one goal, and that is the heart!
But the heart is not so easy to stab, the opponent has always protected the heart intentionally, if Lu Qing stabs the heart regardless of anything, he will definitely be hacked to death.

Dodging Lu Qing's slash sideways, the Headless Horseman kicked out and kicked Lu Qing hard in the stomach, kicking him back a few steps.

A shock and severe pain came from the abdomen. The injuries caused by the shelling had not recovered. It was not until after being kicked that Lu Qing remembered that she had other wounds on her body.

Fortunately, the effect of the powerful cardiopulmonary injection is not for nothing, at least, before the effect of the medicine ends, Lu Qing's actions will not be greatly affected.

"If you only have this level, you won't be able to win." The Headless Horseman said after repelling Lu Qing with one kick.

He could have chased after the kick just now, but he didn't do it.

This should be regarded as the pity of the strong, to be honest, Lu Qing was quite upset.

But thanks to the other party's move, she was not defeated, which Lu Qing had to admit.

"Think of a way, think of a way"

"Throwing knives, daggers, cloaks, hidden blades, fist blades, necklaces, pistols, masks, crossbows, isn't there any solution?"

"My physical fitness can crush Kirk, that is to say, if there is a head-to-head confrontation, I must be the one who wins."

"But the problem is that the Dullahan will not give me a chance to head-on. I need to find a way to create this myself."

"What if, what if I can make moves that he didn't expect?"

Lu Qing's eyes lit up, and she felt something was going on, but she possessed the blue skill [Body Control], and her body flexibility was far beyond that of ordinary people.

If she can make some kind of action that is beyond the range of the headless horseman's experience, will she be able to catch the flaw?

The ruthless man's mask can release mental shock, and I don't know if it will be useful to the headless horseman. After all, the opponent's level is very high, but as long as it can be effective for a moment, it is considered good.

Besides that, there's the Hidden Blade, a weapon unknown to the Headless Horseman.

"Let's try it one time. At worst, we will fail." Gritting her teeth, Lu Qing looked at the Headless Horseman firmly and thought.


Two Ripper throwing knives flew out, one left and one right, and the Headless Horseman raised his long sword, thinking a little.

"The flight path of the flying knife can't hit me, the target point is behind me."

"Silk thread?"

With a flick of his wrist, the Headless Horseman flipped the hilt of his sword in his hand, and chopped off the flying knife that circled behind him.

At the same time, Lu Qing pulled out the white wolf and pulled the trigger on the Headless Horseman while running.

"Bang bang bang!"

The tongue of fire froze, the white wolf roared, the headless horseman pulled out the dark black pistol at his waist without thinking, raised his hand and fired three bullets, knocking down all the bullets fired by Lu Qing!

"It's too much, it's too strong!" Lu Qing couldn't help thinking in her heart.

She guessed that the Headless Horseman would be able to deal with her bullets, yes, she even thought about cutting the bullets with a sword, but what the hell is this way of hitting bullets with bullets!
"How good is this guy's dynamic vision, no, he has no eyes."

With these insignificant thoughts flashing through her mind, Lu Qing flicked her left hand and threw three throwing knives at the same time.

Dodging, the Headless Horseman easily dodged the attacks of the three throwing knives. At the same time, he did not forget to shoot down Lu Qing's bullets with his pistol. At the same time, there was only the last white wolf in Lu Qing's hand. bullets.

[Bullet No. [-]! 】

The mental power was drained like a water pump. This time, Lu Qing injected a lot of mental power into the white wolf's bullet.


Lu Qing pulled the trigger, and an unprecedented recoil came from the White Wolf's gun, making her palm numb.


The Headless Horseman originally wanted to repeat the same trick to shoot down the bullets, but the bullets he shot out couldn't stop the No. [-] bullets injected with a lot of mental power.

Just as he was about to dodge, Lu Qing released the mental impact of the ruthless mask!


The mental power was completely exhausted, and her head seemed to explode. Lu Qing's face turned pale, and dense sweat dripped from her forehead.

"It's not over yet!"

Suppressing the headache, Lu Qing controlled the Ripper Throwing Knife thrown earlier, controlled part of it to fly back to her, and then yanked the silk thread in her hand.

After being attacked by a mental shock, the Headless Horseman regained his senses after being in a trance for a while. He saw the No. [-] bullet that was about to hit him, and the shrinking silk thread behind him. It seemed that he had been cornered.

"I will use the sword in my hand to split the dead end!" The headless horseman clenched the long sword in his hand, and pointed the tip of the sword at Lu Qing!

(End of this chapter)

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