The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 220 The Sword of Altaïr

Chapter 220 The Sword of Altaïr

Without dodging, the Headless Horseman held the hilt of the black iron long sword with both hands, exuding an unrivaled aura from his whole body!
The No. [-] bullet hit his body and exploded, crippling his entire right arm.

However, the Headless Horseman did not let go of the fingers holding the sword at all, and his body rushed towards Lu Qing like a cannonball.


This is the move that the Headless Horseman uses when dealing with the Vampire King, even though he has neither a skeleton horse nor any magic power at this time.

But the skill forged through thousands of hours of tempering, the aura created by beating countless enemies, still weighed on Lu Qing like a mountain.

[Slot Florentine Eagle, fully activated! 】

[Strength increases by 20.00%, agility increases by 30.00%, physique increases by 20.00%, and spirit increases by [-]%! 】

The whole body was pure white, and the assassin's robe with red stripes enveloped Lu Qing's body.

A large number of attribute increases made Lu Qing feel that her body was full of strength. At the same time, with the blessing of the skills of Ezio, the eagle of Florence, the headless horseman charging from a distance did not look so scary up.

"Ezio is a master-level character!"

Although when using the full integration of the card slot, Lu Qing cannot view the full version of the skills of the card slot character.

But as a master assassin, Ezio, who has beheaded countless enemies in his life, should be very powerful in terms of combat experience and swordsmanship, right? At least it is a purple skill, probably.
It should be, after all Leap of Faith is an orange level skill.

There was no time to think too much. After using the Ezio card slot, Lu Qing looked at the headless horseman charging towards her, and without hesitation pulled out Ezio's saber from her waist.

The sword frame of this sword looks like the wings of an eagle, making a flying posture, and the sword head is designed in the shape of an eagle's head.

This is Ezio's sword, a metal long sword that has been passed down for hundreds of years. The former user of this long sword was named Altaïr, so it is also called Altaïr's sword.

Because the sword body was forged using technology from the Apple of Eden, this metal long sword is almost indestructible and powerful.

Of course, this is the setting that Lu Qing filled in when creating the card slot, and I don't know what the system's judgment is for this weapon.

Anyway, at least Lu Qing is holding this sword in her hand now, and it is quite comfortable to use it.

With a flash of her figure, Lu Qing flexibly dodged the charge of the Headless Horseman. After the opponent's aura could not overwhelm her, the charge was meaningless.

After dodging the charge, Lu Qing began to compete with the Headless Horseman with a long sword in hand.

With one arm unable to be used, Lu Qing easily suppressed the Headless Horseman.

But even so, she still couldn't end the battle in a short time, because she found that the headless horseman's sword skills seemed to be higher than Ezio's.

If it wasn't for the headless horseman's damaged arm, even if Lu Qing used Ezio's card slot, he would not be able to suppress the opponent's.

Moreover, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Qing always felt that the Headless Horseman might be holding back some kind of big move.

This made her look a little nervous, and it was true.

As the fight between the two became longer and longer, a certain strange "momentum" on the headless horseman began to grow crazily.

The strength is getting stronger and faster, and Lu Qing, who was suppressing the Headless Horseman, was actually suppressed!
And just after the headless horseman's "potential" accumulated to a peak, the other party took a pose that Lu Qing was very familiar with.

With both legs squatting slightly, the palm of the hand tightly held the long sword, and the sharp point of the sword pointed at Lu Qing.

"Is this a charge?"

"No, although they look similar, they are different."

"This is, stabbing!"

With the skill blessing brought by the card slot, Lu Qing instantly analyzed the attack that the Headless Horseman was about to launch, and her expression became focused involuntarily.

And the Headless Horseman, after a short period of gaining momentum, suddenly launched a thrust!


Fast, very fast!

The naked eye can hardly detect it, and Lu Qing can only use Altaïr's sword to block it hastily.


Huge power came from the wrist, and the sword in Lu Qing's hand was blown away by the headless horseman's attack, which had been charged for a long time!

"Oops!" Lu Qing shouted in her heart.

And just after knocking away the long sword in Lu Qing's hand, the Headless Horseman immediately launched a pursuit without hesitation. The long sword in his hand quickly retracted after stabbing out, and then swept forward violently!

There was a sound of the long sword piercing through the air. What the Headless Horseman didn't expect was that his blow was in vain, and only cut off a few strands of silver-white hair.

At this time, Lu Qing's body, the entire waist up, fell to the ground. Relying on the strong flexibility of her body, Lu Qing successfully avoided the blow.

But in such a posture, it will be very difficult for her to dodge the next attack!
Of course the Headless Horseman also understood this truth. How could he miss such a good opportunity? After sweeping away, in order to launch the next attack as soon as possible, he turned his wrist, and the long sword turned in his hand. circle, and chopped towards Lu Qing's waist.

"We need to counterattack with a posture that the opponent can't even think of." Seeing the long sword slashing at his waist, Lu Qing suddenly thought.

She had a set in mind, but honestly, she didn't know if she could do it.

But now is not the time to hesitate at all, Lu Qing gritted her teeth and decided to trust her blue [body manipulation] skill.

The upper body continued to lean back, Lu Qing's waist was completely bent at ninety degrees, and the upper body was completely hidden behind the waist!
"very painful!"

Resisting the wailing sound from the internal organs injured by the cannon before, Lu Qing grabbed the headless horseman's ankle, and then yanked hard!
With Kirk's physical fitness, he couldn't resist Lu Qing's pull with all his strength, and was immediately dragged to the ground by her.

There was no time to draw out the dagger, Lu Qing raised her left hand, and the Hidden Sword under her wrist stabbed out, aiming directly at the headless horseman's heart!

Under Lu Qing's dull expression, after the Hidden Sword collided with the headless horseman's chest, it shattered as if it had hit something very hard.
[Secondary goal: The Headless Horseman's Challenge Book (completed!)]

"Huh? Finished?"

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, then looked at the Headless Horseman, and saw that the Headless Horseman had retracted his long sword at this time, looked at Lu Qing and said:

"You won, I just used my magic power."

"Uh, is that so?" Lu Qing was stunned for a while, and then she came back to her senses.

"Phew, I finally won." She collapsed to the ground and said in big characters.

"Hmph, it's too early to relax. Don't forget that you are still in the vampire's lair." The Headless Horseman snorted coldly.

After finishing speaking, the Headless Horseman threw a ball of dark green light at Lu Qing and said, "This is your reward for winning me."

After finishing speaking, the headless horseman turned around, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the building.

"Oh?" Lu Qing looked at the place where the headless horseman disappeared, and was completely stunned.

"Bastard, when you leave, you should take others with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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