Chapter 221 Hey! ! ?
[6666 peak fight. 】

[Miss Lu Yi yyds. 】

【I hereby officially announce that Lu Yi is my wife! 】

[You in front are thinking about eating peaches. 】

[Don't say it, don't say it, the price of peaches has increased recently. 】

[Am I the only one who feels sorry for Miss Sister? You can rely on your appearance to make a living, but you must depend on your strength. 】

[If the strength is not enough, it will not be popular]

[There are more good-looking people, but there are fewer people who are good-looking and can fight. 】

【Curious about Miss Lu Yi's card, I really love the white robe. 】

[Is this the female assassin? I'm sorry. 】

[Yes, when will the novel be updated? 】

Li Mu happily sat on the sofa, watching the barrage in the live broadcast room.

I have to say that the fight with the Headless Horseman this time was really exciting, and it can be said to be the most exciting one in this live broadcast.

In the dream game, although there are many powerful master players, the video column often has battle videos of master players.

But in addition to the battle videos of high-level players, the battle videos of low-level players also have their unique charm.

Therefore, the people who like to watch the fighting videos of low-level players are about the same as the people who like to watch the fighting videos of high-level players.

Uh, of course, most people should like both, Li Mu is not sure, anyway, he is a person who likes both.

Noticing the bullet screen that just floated past, Li Mu was slightly stunned, and then guessed that the other party should also be the player who recognized the foreigner.

The novels refer to the novels published by foreigners, right? Although Li Mu has seen many dreams, he has also read many novels.

But the illustrations of the novels published by the foreigners are really delicious, and the black and white illustrations also look unique.

"Little Lu, are you alright!?" After the Headless Horseman disappeared, Fang Qingrou hurried to Lu Qing's side and asked.

"It's okay, at least I can't die." Lu Qing replied after hearing Fang Qingrou's words.

"Speaking of which, what is this thing?"

Lu Qing sat up with Fang Qingrou's support, and picked up the ball of green light that the headless horseman threw to her.

[Prop name: Gift of the Headless Horseman]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: A pure energy group, composed of the soul power of the Headless Horseman, externally manifested as a dark green ball of light. 】

[This is an item given by the Headless Horseman to the strong. It is a special item that can only be obtained by winning the challenge of the Headless Horseman. It has its unique meaning. 】

[Skill: Soul System Enhancement]

[Soul-type enhancement: It can be used to strengthen the body of the dead to increase its physical attributes by 10 points randomly, or it can be used on white quality props to strengthen it into blue. 】

[Note: If you kill the Headless Horseman in a duel, you will not get a gift~]

"Hey, can you hear me?" Jackie's slightly flustered voice suddenly came from the headset.

"Listen, I heard it." Lu Qing, who was looking at the properties of the item, was startled by Jackie's voice, and said weakly.

"Great, we finally got in touch!" Jackie said excitedly after hearing Lu Qing's voice.

"What happened to you just now? Why was the signal suddenly interrupted." After calming down for a while, Jacky asked.

"I don't know, maybe there is something blocking the signal in Huan Pusen's room." Lu Qing replied after thinking about it.

To be honest, it was impossible. She couldn't tell Jacky that Kirk had become a headless horseman, and then had a fantasy battle with Phantom, who had become a vampire king.

It's a trivial matter whether Jackie believes it or not, but it's a big deal if it's troublesome to explain.

"By the way, have you dealt with Pupson?" Jackie suddenly thought of this.

"It's already dead, don't worry." Fang Qingrou said.

"Oh, it's donuts. Where's Kirk? Why didn't I hear Kirk's voice?" Jackie asked suspiciously.

"Um, Kirk, what should I say about this?"

Hearing what Jackie said, Lu Qing shaved her face with her fingers, thinking about how she could make it up to get away with it.

And when Lu Qing was thinking about how to get away with it, Kirk's voice suddenly came from the headset:
"I'm fine now and have left the building."

"Yes, that's it? Hmm!!" Lu Qing said subconsciously, halfway through the speech, she suddenly noticed something was wrong, and listened to Kirk's words in the headset with a surprised expression.

Fang Qingrou on the side opened her eyes in surprise when she heard Kirk's words, and she and Lu Qing looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Oh? How did you get out? Aren't Lu Yi and the others still in the building?" Jackie asked with a confused expression.

"I was thrown out of the building by a guard just now, and I just survived." Kirk said casually.

"How could someone not die by jumping from such a high building!" Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou really wanted to say that at this moment, but forget it, Jacky probably wouldn't believe it.

"Oh! God, this sounds so cool, you are not hurt." Jackie's surprised voice came from the headset.

Well, it was surprise, just surprise! ?Oh, no, why did you just believe that!

Forget it, it's a good thing, isn't it?
"Speaking of which, the effect of the powerful booster is about to pass, and you are still far away from the exit." Bucky suddenly interjected at this time.

"Huh!? So fast?"

Hearing Bucky's words, Lu Qing jumped out of Fang Qingrou's arms in fright, and hurriedly asked, "How long is it until the end?"

"Five minutes." Bucky replied after thinking for a while.

"5 minutes"

Lu Qing glanced at the floor she was on at the moment on the headset lens. When the elevator was unavailable, it would be impossible to get down for 5 minutes, okay?

Coming to the edge of the building, Lu Qing looked down, left, and right through the window, and then found a pool.

"The pool"

The card slot is not over yet, since there is a pool, Lu Qing thought of a skill, but the problem is, Fang Qingrou is still by her side at this moment, what should Fang Qingrou do if she goes down.

"Hey, little, Donut, if I go down first, can you go down by yourself?" Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou and asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Fang Qingrou looked at Lu Qing and thought in her heart. After thinking about it, she probably guessed what Lu Qing was thinking.

"Xiaolu must have some way to go down immediately, but he can't take me with him." Fang Qingrou thought to himself.

"Of course it's okay. There are only those guards left in the building, and they can't stop me at all." Fang Qingrou nodded and replied.

"Then I don't worry, if I get home first, I will wait for you at home." Lu Qing felt relieved, nodded and said.

"Well, yes, but how do you want to get down, Xiaolu?"

Before she finished speaking, under Fang Qingrou's surprised expression, Lu Qing jumped, broke the glass of the building and jumped down.


"Hey!!?" Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

(End of this chapter)

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