Chapter 223 Dark Dagger
Lu Qing put the light ball and the mithril dagger together, and after the two touched each other, the dark green light ball wrapped the mithril dagger.

The mithril dagger wrapped in the light ball looked like a dark green light knife, flashing and flashing with Lu Qing's breathing.

Lu Qing stared at the light knife in her hand, a trace of curiosity flashed in her eyes, she held the handle of the dagger with her hand, and tossed it up and down in her hand, doing a trick of the knife by the way.

Don't tell me, when the dagger is spinning in the hand, the dark green light trail left in the air looks quite nice.

After waiting for a while, the light on the mithril dagger completely dissipated, revealing a dark black dagger.

The shape of this dagger looks exactly the same as the previous mithril dagger, the only difference is the color.

The original mithril dagger, except for the handle, is all silver-white.

Now, both the blade and handle have turned dark black, and at the same time, there are several dark green lines on the bottom of the blade.

Lu Qing touched the handle of the knife with her hand, and felt that there were many fine lines on the surface of the handle, which increased the friction and made it harder to release it than before.

[Prop Name: Dark Dagger]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: It was originally a special dagger made of mithril, which has the effect of destroying evil creatures. After being strengthened by soul attribute props, it strengthens the overall strength of the props and increases the damage of soul attributes. It is quite good. dagger. 】

[Skills: Armor Breaking, Trauma, Evil Breaking, Soul Devouring]

[Armor Breaking: The sharp blade makes it easier for the Dark Dagger to break through armor, and it works best when stabbing. 】

【Trauma: A cut wound will cause bone marrow-like pain, and it will be more difficult to heal. 】

[Evil-breaking: The evil-breaking attribute brought by Mithril is enhanced by the soul attribute. 】

[Soul Eater: The new attribute brought about by the strengthening of soul attribute props, when attacking the enemy, it will cause soul attribute damage, and at the same time absorb part of the soul attribute energy. physical strength. 】

[Remarks: Pull out evil! 】

"This effect is not bad!"

Lu Qing looked at the gloomy dagger in her hand with some pleasant surprise, she was already mentally prepared to lose part of her attributes.

After all, the mithril dagger is used to destroy evil, and the soul attribute is strengthened. If you think of the headless horseman, you always feel that these two attributes may conflict.

Unexpectedly, not only did all the original skills remain, but they were also strengthened, and there was an extra [Soul Eater] skill.

Not to mention the soul attribute damage, anyway, it is the damage of the special attribute, the focus is on the later effect.

When causing damage to the enemy, absorb part of the soul attribute energy and accumulate it. After the accumulation reaches a certain level, it can be used to strengthen the next attack or restore physical strength.

This kind of skill is very practical at first glance, no matter how you think about it, you are making money.

"Lu Yi!"

Lu Qing was startled by Muir's voice, she turned around and saw Muir waving to her in the distance.

Seeing the smile on Muir's face, Lu Qing couldn't help smiling, and waved to Muir.

After seeing Lu Qing waving at her, Muir ran over in a little haste.

"Lu Yi, are you okay? I heard from Bucky that you were seriously injured." Muir said worriedly when he came to Lu Qing.

"It's okay, it's just a little pain." Lu Qing said in a weak voice.

The debilitating effect of the powerful heart boosting needle made Lu Qing a little bit exhausted, otherwise Muir would not have asked Muir to come over to pick her up.

"Is it Fang Tang? I seem to have heard her voice just now." Fang Qingrou's voice came from the headset.

In addition to the voices, Lu Qing seemed to have heard gunshots, explosions, and screams.

"Xiaorou's fight sounds fierce." Lu Qing couldn't help thinking, feeling a little worried in her heart.

"Well, it's Fang Tang, that's right, we are together now." Lu Qing replied.


Muir gave Lu Qing a strange look, then noticed the headset Lu Qing was wearing, and guessed that Fang Qingrou was talking to Lu Qing.

After thinking about it, she didn't speak, but just looked at Lu Qing quietly.

As for Lu Qing, she was on the phone with Fang Qingrou at this time.

"You are almost downstairs, so fast?" Lu Qing asked in surprise.

Fang Qingrou actually said in the headset that she was about to go downstairs, how could Lu Qing not be surprised by this.

You know, the floor they were on just now is quite high. Even if there are no guards to stop ordinary people, it will take more than such a short time to run all the way downstairs.

"I used the protection of the wind elf to break through all the way, and I didn't get entangled with those guards for too long." Fang Qingrou explained while running:

"The main reason is that Jackie dismissed most of the guards, so I can come down so quickly. Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, the three of you will go back together." Lu Qing said with a smile.

"You two have such a good relationship. I've sent a special car to pick you up, and it will be there in about 2 minutes." After a little emotion, Jacky said in the headset.

"Special car?"

Lu Qing froze for a moment, wasn't it just a few of them who participated in this operation? Where did Jackie invite the special car.

"It's me, wait a moment, I'll be there soon." Hearing Lu Qing's doubts, Bucky said at this moment.

He was already sitting in the car at this time, driving his modified car towards Lu Qing and the others.

While speaking, a black off-road vehicle with fiery red flame patterns on it stopped in front of the two of them.

Bucky opened the car door, with a cigar in his mouth, and said to Lu Qing and Muir handsomely:

"Well, you don't have any cigars." Lu Qing walked into the car and said to Bucky.

"I don't smoke cigars," Bucky said, closing the car door.

"Then why are you holding it in your mouth?" Lu Qing asked.

"Looks better," Bucky replied.


Lu Qing and Muir were speechless, they looked at Bucky together without speaking.

"What's the matter, can't you be handsome when you're old!?" Bucky saw what the two were thinking, and said with a displeased face.

Putting down the cigar in his mouth, Bucky whispered: "It's rare to drive out the car when I was young, pretending to be a young man on a whim, but when you look at me like this, I lost interest, really"

During the conversation, there was a sudden commotion in the building on the side. They looked at the entrance of the building and saw Fang Qingrou running out from the main entrance, followed by a large group of guards with guns.


Bucky's eyes suddenly changed, he stepped on the accelerator, and controlled the off-road vehicle to drive towards Fang Qingrou.


The off-road vehicle suddenly drifted to a stop in front of Fang Qingrou, Bucky opened the door, and Fang Qingrou said.

Fang Qingrou, who learned of Bucky's coming from the headset, nodded after hearing what the other party said, and then quickly got into the car.

After Fang Qingrou got into the car, Bucky closed the door, turned the steering wheel, and drove into the distance.

Just like that, Lu Qing and the others drifted away amidst the roar of the off-road vehicle's engine.

(End of this chapter)

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