Chapter 224 Blasting
The boss of PMS company, Phan Pusen, was stabbed to death inside the company. According to eyewitnesses, the assassins were two girls and an adult man, who looked very similar to the legendary Kirk of the Night City many years ago. .

After less than [-] hours of fermenting, this matter completely exploded on the Internet. At first, everyone didn't believe it, but as time passed.

This matter is getting more and more popular, and there is no information to refute the rumors inside PMS company. In addition, many "informed people" have testified, and many photos circulated on the Internet, those who did not believe it also believed it.

In short, it was outrageous, and the rumors that spread afterwards were even more confusing.

And during this time, the three of Lu Qing started to hunt and kill vampire werewolves and players.

After Lu Qing and the others returned home, Kirk also returned to his basement. Lu Qing went to Kirk to ask about the Headless Horseman.

According to Kirk, the Headless Horseman left after losing the duel with her. As for whether he returned to his original world, Kirk didn't know.

In short, the matter about the Headless Horseman was left alone until more than ten days later, the notice board suddenly trembled.

[Special target: The Headless Horseman of the Night City (completed!)]

Lu Qing, who was on the move, was taken aback, but finally breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that it was the sign indicating that the task was completed.

It seems that the Headless Horseman has fulfilled what he said and has left the Night City. As for why it took more than ten days to leave
Who knows, she's not the Headless Horseman herself, and she can't find him.

No matter how he left, as long as he can leave in the end, the task has been completed anyway, and after she leaves this world, it doesn't matter what the Headless Horseman wants to do.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing continued to hide, looking at the hotel in the distance.

Her target this time is there, a player. According to information, the other party is resting in this hotel at this time.

Since the vampire king was dealt with last time, the three of Lu Qing started hunting separately.

Fang Qingrou was responsible for dealing with werewolves, Muir dealt with vampires, and Lu Qing dealt with players.

There are many remaining strongholds of werewolves and vampires, so Lu Qing sent the information to the police station of the night capital.

Well, the ones sent in by relying on Jackie's hacking technology were directly sent to the computer of the chief of the police station in the night capital. It is simple and rude, and there is no risk of being discovered by the undercover vampires in the police station.

After receiving the information sent by Lu Qing, the Night City Police Station tried it out, and finally found that the information was all correct, and then began to confiscate the werewolves and vampires in the Night City.

They wanted to do it a long time ago. As for the reason, it's not a reason to protect the citizens.

Mainly, I want to study it carefully and see if I can research something.

After all, according to what is said on the surface, these vampires and werewolves are creatures researched by PMS Corporation.

Now that PMS company is cold, of course they have to study the results of PMS company's previous research.

In this way, under the action of the Night City Police Department, a large number of vampires and werewolves were killed, and a few were arrested for research.

In addition, there are still some who have not been caught and are hiding in the night capital.

And what Fang Qingrou and Muir had to deal with were these hidden vampires and werewolves.

As for Lu Qing, she was responsible for cleaning up the remaining players.

By blackmailing the previous Captain Qiang Beilu, Lu Qing obtained a list of all recent candidates to enter the Night City, as well as the newly registered identity chip in the Night City.

With this list, it is much more convenient to find players. Leaving aside the dead ones, Lu Qing can recognize the remaining players as long as they are players.

Nonsense, besides players, is there anyone in this world without implants?

The existence of these players should not be too conspicuous, they can be seen at a glance.

In addition, it is not too convenient to rely on the registered identity chip for positioning.

What?Why do you say that a captain has so many permissions?
Because the vampire werewolves killed by Fang Qingrou and Muir were all counted on Qiang Beilu's body, the other party was no longer a small guard captain.

Because of this, Lu Qing was able to obtain the information and positions of these players, which is a win-win situation.

"Good guy, almost everyone is gathered here." Lu Qing took out her personal terminal and took a look, and found that in the map on the display screen, densely packed red dots crouched in the hotel in the distance.

After so many days of her hunting, there are currently 53 players left.

Well, at the beginning of the operation, the total number of players was 122, five of them died for other reasons, and the rest were killed by Lu Qing.

Because the number of dead players was a bit high, these players seemed to know that someone was hunting them, so the current scene happened.

"Even if I have confidence in myself, I don't think I can deal with more than 40 players alone." Lu Qing thought of counting the number of red dots on several personal terminals.

"Since you want to ambush me, don't blame me for not teaching martial arts." Lu Qing said with a sinister expression on her face.

Taking out the detonator that had been prepared a long time ago, Lu Qing showed a very excited look on her face, and the dumb hair on the top of her head couldn't help shaking.

In order to ambush her, these players have already taken away everyone inside, and disguised themselves as staff and residents.

Therefore, Lu Qing doesn't need to worry about hurting the innocent at all.

"Boom~" Lu Qing opened her mouth to simulate the sound of an explosion, and excitedly pressed the button of the detonator.



The special explosives made by Bucky have a very powerful effect. After Lu Qing pressed the detonator, the explosives that she had quietly installed exploded immediately.

The blazing flames filled her sight, Lu Qing looked at the fire in front of her, took out her personal terminal, and looked at the number of red dots on it.

Well, the red dots are all gone, and the identity chips should all be broken, but it's not clear whether the person is dead or not.

"No matter how you think about it, it's impossible for anyone to survive." Lu Qing narrowed her eyes and thought.

Just in case, Lu Qing waited here for two hours, and left after confirming that no players were still alive.

"My shop!" The hotel owner looked at the hotel that had been blown into pieces with a look of despair, and his heart was full of sadness.

Two days ago, that group of people rushed into his hotel and drove him and all the employees out, and then they didn't know what to do inside.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the hotel was bombed and collapsed.


The boss knelt on the ground, staring at the ruins of the hotel in silence.

After a long time, he stood up and returned to his home like a walking dead.

And when he got home, he found something extra on his desk.

It was a bank card and a note next to the bank card.
PS: How could Xiaoluqing, who is gentle and careful, not consider the loss of the boss?

(End of this chapter)

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