The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 225 Break through the bunker!

Chapter 225 Break through the bunker!

If someone wanted to ask Lu Qing what she felt about participating in this official event, her answer might be unexpected.

It's really unexpected. Originally, I just planned to be in the top [-], so I won't be punished by the event.

As for No.1, that's just thinking about it, because in Lu Qing's subconscious, she didn't get the concept of number one.

Why do I say that, perhaps because I have never been able to get it.

Whether it's academic performance, game scores, ranks, or various lottery activities, she has always been an ordinary person among ordinary people.

What, you mean the SSR in the prize pool?

What does it have to do with me, I will definitely not be able to draw, so I can only rely on the number of draws to make a guarantee.

How powerful he is No.1 has nothing to do with me, I just want to get as much reward as possible.

This is almost the mentality. Although she is very greedy for the top ten rewards, Lu Qing doesn't think she can become the top ten players.

The mechanical man and mantis knife player I met later were very difficult opponents, and she was almost killed by the opponent.

This made Lu Qing more convinced of her thoughts.

It's just that the few players I met at random are so good, how could I get No.1!

Lu Qing looked at the four players who looked at her as if they were watching some big devil, and always felt something strange.

"Is my luck not very good?" She couldn't help thinking.

"No, maybe it's because of luck. The people I met at the beginning were the most powerful players?"

"Actually, I'm very powerful?"

Well, Lu Qing has long known that she is very good, especially after fighting against a large number of players, she found that the collective of players is not as strong as she thought.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that only some regions can participate in this event. Lu Qing can only be regarded as the strongest player in the region participating in the event.

Not necessarily, maybe there are stronger players, but they just didn't participate in the event?

Although Lu Qing is very confident in her own strength now, she will not be arrogant to think that she is the strongest among all players of the same level.

The world is big, and there are many powerful people. Who dares to say that he is the most powerful one?

"There are only four left." Lu Qing thought as she looked at the four players surrounding her.

Fifteen days have passed since the last bombing of the hotel.

During this period of time, Lu Qing singled out those individual players and used her concealment skills to carry out assassinations.

There are also mistakes, after all, not all players are weak chickens, Lu Qing's assassination failed several times.

But if you fail, you will fail. At worst, you will switch from assassination mode to assassination mode.

What?You said the difference between assassination and assassination?
Hmm. Assassination is sneaky, killing people when the other party is not paying attention, and assassination is similar to the current situation.

I hacked you to death openly, it was the most perfect assassination!

The above is all made up by Lu Qing herself, please don't take it too seriously.

Speaking of which, among the four players, two players, Lu Qing, still know each other.

In fact, acquaintance can't be called acquaintance, it can only be said to have met.

That's right, these two players were exactly the yellow hair and black jacket that Lu Qing met when she met Fang Qingrou.

Lu Qing still has some impressions of these two people. The black jacket is a player who uses boxing armor. He has great strength and seems to have great fighting skills.

As for the yellow hair, Lu Qing is not too sure.

Lu Qing didn't recognize the last two remaining players, a man and a woman, the man was holding a baseball bat in his hand, and the woman was holding a pistol in her hand.

The two players seem quite ordinary, of course, this is only on the surface, if these two players are ordinary, I am afraid that they will not survive this time, because of this, Lu Qing will not be careless.

"Do you think four people can defeat me together?" Lu Qing said while holding a dark dagger, looking at the four people who surrounded her.

The signal on the personal terminal showed that these four people were originally in the depths of the abandoned factory, but Lu Qing was attacked by these four people just after entering.

Fortunately, Lu Qing's reaction speed was fast, and she dodged in time, which resulted in the current stalemate.

"Hmph, although I don't know how you got the personal terminal positioning system, but one person dared to come to the four of us, it would be too disrespectful for us." The only female player among the four said. .

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, can't the four of us beat her to death?" said the baseball bat player.

"It's better to be careful, I remember that she seems to have two companions." The yellow-haired player said.

"Hehe, I am enough to deal with you all alone." Lu Qing smiled softly.

[Dark Blade Impact! 】

At the moment when the words just fell, Lu Qing directly used the acceleration skill of the dexterous cloak, and slashed at the female player with the hilt of the dark dagger.

She wants to kill one of these people before they react!

The gloomy knife light flashed past, and Lu Qing looked at the phantom that had been cut in half, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Before she had time to think about it, after knowing that she had cut nothing, Lu Qing broke out with her fastest speed and moved away from the position she was just now.

The next moment, a bullet flew past her hair and hit the wall beside her.

Lu Qing turned her head to look in the direction of the bullet, and found that the female player was standing on the iron stairs inside the abandoned factory, aiming a pistol at her.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The gunfire roared, and the bullets in a magazine were quickly emptied. Lu Qing opened the shield of the necklace, quickly pulled out the white wolf, and shot the woman!

The woman hid behind the high-rise guardrail, and the bullet shot by Lu Qing hit the wall.

"Tsk, missed."

One shot missed, Lu Qing turned around quickly, and slammed the trigger on the black jacket that was about to rush in front of her.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Four more bullets were fired, the player in the black jacket shielded his body with both hands, Lu Qing's bullet hit the opponent's gauntlet, barely breaking it.

There is no doubt that it is a blue-quality prop, and there is still the last bullet in the gun, and Lu Qing does not intend to use it against the strong man in front of him.

Putting the dark dagger back into the scabbard, Lu Qing took out the crossbow, pointed it at the leg of the black jacket and pulled the trigger.


The alloy crossbow arrow flew out, and then penetrated the black jacket's thigh!

This is a crossbow made of alloy, powerful enough to pierce through steel, how can a human body be able to block it, and it is not easy to use with added attributes!

At the same time, on the other side, after changing the bullets, the female player stood up again and wanted to continue shooting Lu Qing.

As a result, just as she stood up, she saw a black muzzle aimed at her.



The female player who hid under the guardrail in time lowered her head in disbelief, and there was a bloody hole in her chest.

The bullet, after penetrating the bunker, shattered her heart!

(End of this chapter)

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