The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 308 Sister's Old Doll

Chapter 308 Sister's Old Doll
PS: This chapter may make you feel uncomfortable, because I wrote it while listening to horror music to enhance the atmosphere. If you feel bad, please forget the content that makes you uncomfortable.

"Ah Qing, come over for dinner!"

"Ah Qing, Ah Qing?"

Lu Qing opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. Not far in front of her, a woman with long silver-white hair was looking at her kindly.

"Mom." Lu Qing subconsciously said the moment she saw the other party.

She remembered that the woman in front of her was her mother, and besides that, she had a younger sister and younger brother.

"Don't stand there in a daze, come and eat." With a kind smile on her mother's face, she came to Lu Qing and stroked her hair with her hand.

For some reason, a sense of fear suddenly rose in Lu Qing's heart. She suddenly felt that her mother seemed a little strange, which made her unable to help but take a step back.


The air seemed to have become silent at this moment, Lu Qing felt her heart beating fast at this moment, the younger siblings who were walking towards the dining table stopped at this moment, and focused their eyes on her body.


She couldn't help swallowing, just as Lu Qing was about to say something, her mother took her hand away, and then said with a smile: "Ah Qing has grown up, she is no longer the age to touch her head."

"En." Hearing what her mother said, Lu Qing only dared to nod softly at this moment.

The next moment, the atmosphere in the whole room returned to calm. Lu Qing followed her mother to the dining table and sat on the unoccupied chair.

As soon as she sat on the chair, Lu Qing smelled a tempting aroma. She looked at the plate in front of her, and there was a fried steak inside. The aroma she smelled just now came from this steak. emanating from.

In addition to the steak, there was also a bowl of mixed vegetable soup on the table. There were green vegetables floating in the light soup, and steam was released from the top of the soup bowl.

This greatly increased Lu Qing's appetite. She seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, and she couldn't wait to cut the steak with the knife and fork on the table.

The sharp table knife cut the steak, which made the aroma of the steak more tangy, and the fresh and tender meat juice flowed out from the cut opening of the steak, which aggravated Lu Qing's appetite.

After cutting the steak vigorously, Lu Qing picked up the fork, inserted it into the steak fiercely, and put it in her mouth to chew.


Her pupils widened suddenly, and Lu Qing's chewing speed gradually slowed down. After a long time, she swallowed the piece of meat in her mouth.

"Why is there no taste?"

Unbelievably, she cut the meat again, and then put it in her mouth.

"still none."

Lu Qing's eyes gradually turned red, she looked angrily at the steak on the dinner plate, directly picked up the fork and inserted it into the steak, and put it into her mouth.

"Why still not!"

She smashed her fist on the dining table angrily, and the veins on her neck bulged, like a beast devouring people. Suddenly, she raised her head and saw three other steaks on the dining table.

The knife and fork were thrown to the ground, and Lu Qing reached out to grab the steak and put it in her mouth.

"No, still not, why not!?"

Muttering with blank eyes, Lu Qing struggled to control her teeth, chewing the food in her mouth numbly.

Suddenly, she realized something.

There were only three steaks, why did she chew for so long?

Gradually regaining consciousness, Lu Qing came back to her senses and looked in front of her.

It was blood red, and the disgusting smell of blood spread to every corner of the house. Lu Qing raised her hands dully and found that they were covered with blood.

Suddenly, a stench that shot straight to the top of the sky came from her tongue

The bitten pieces of meat spat out from his mouth mixed with blood, and he clutched his throat with his hands in pain, two drops of crystal clear liquid flowed out from the corners of Lu Qing's eyes.

Suddenly, Lu Qing stopped, as if thinking of something, her pupils trembled and she raised her head.

Three pairs of eyes full of resentment stared at her. The bodies of her younger brother, younger sister and mother collapsed to the ground. The chests of the three were empty, and bright red blood flowed out.


A severe nausea rushed straight into her brain, and Lu Qing vomited on the ground again.

Suddenly, a familiar female voice came from behind Lu Qing.

"Little deer, what's wrong with you?"

The other party's voice was full of anxiety. After hearing this familiar voice, Lu Qing turned her head subconsciously.

"Xiaorou?" Seeing the familiar figure appearing in sight, Lu Qing said in a doubtful voice.

"Why is Xiaorou here, am I not in the abyss challenge? Wait, what is the abyss challenge?"

Covering her head in pain, Lu Qing struggled to look at the figure in front of her eyes.

"Little deer!?" When the visitor saw Lu Qing's appearance, she made an anxious voice. She quickly came to Lu Qing's body, and gently lifted Lu Qing's cheek with her hands.

"Xiaorou." Lu Qing said in a low voice with a painful expression.

"It's me." The visitor gently hugged Lu Qing into his arms, and then asked in a soft voice: "What happened, Xiao Lu, why do you look so painful, you are not."

Having said that, the other party suddenly stopped, she brought her lips to Lu Qing's ear, blowing hot air in his ear, and said word by word:

"Didn't you, all along, survive by 'cannibalism'?"

"Why, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Little deer."

"and many more!"

Subconsciously wanting to stretch out her arms, Lu Qing opened her eyes and looked around in horror.

The corpse disappeared, and the person who was holding her and talking to her just now also disappeared. With the recovery of memory, Lu Qing gradually calmed down.


Recalling what happened in the dream just now, Lu Qing couldn't help retching, but she didn't vomit anything.

Forcing herself to temporarily forget what happened just now, Lu Qing observed the environment around her, and found that she was locked in a dark stone house at this time.

There is only a stone chair and a stone table in the stone house. She is sitting on this stone chair at this time, her hands and feet are bound by tough ropes and cannot move. A familiar old doll.

"This is?"

Frowning, Lu Qing looked carefully for a while before remembering where she had seen it.

This is the doll that my sister has been holding in her arms all the time, because of the weird dream she just had, she couldn't recall it for a while.

So the question is, where is she at this time, and why is her sister's doll locked in the same room as her?

As Lu Qing thought about it, the doll in front of her suddenly spoke.

The other party's mouth sewn up by needles and threads slowly opened, and the ridiculous eyes like two buttons stared at her, saying: "Miss Lu Qing, good morning."

When speaking, this doll deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "Lu Qing".

(End of this chapter)

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