The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 309 What kind of person was I before I crossed over?

Chapter 309 What kind of person was I before I crossed over?
"What does this doll mean?"

The fact that the doll can talk is very strange, but Lu Qing doesn't want to think about it at this time. She is mainly concerned about the tone of the other party when he speaks.

Thinking about the dream she had just now, and what Fang Qingrou said at the end when she suddenly appeared in the dream, Lu Qing quickly associated these two things together.

The doll in front of him seems to know that he is a time traveler.

No, it should not be said as if, but affirmation, because this is her own dream, so it is normal for the creature in the dream to know some secrets in her heart.

Moreover, the wolf spirit was in use when it first entered the dream, but she couldn't find where the wolf spirit was.

A long time ago, Lu Qing had guessed whether the wolf spirit was composed of the soul fragments left in the body of the original owner. It was partly fused with her, but not completely fused. After using the wolf spirit skill, it was automatically separated.

So, since the wolf spirit has been in use after entering this dream, why can't Lu Qing find the wolf spirit?

Did it become some kind of creature in the dream?

Lu Qing suddenly remembered that when she looked at her younger sister before, she always seemed to have a feeling that she was looking at herself.

Could it be that my sister was transformed from a wolf spirit?
If this is the case, where is the younger sister at this time, has she been killed by her mother?What is this doll in front of her?
Thoughts were surging in her mind, Lu Qing looked at the little bear doll in front of her, and said slowly, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am." The doll slowly opened its mouth, and the dense silk threads were straight because of its movements: "I just want to play a game with you."

"I'm not very interested in games, can I not play?" Lu Qing asked tentatively.

"Of course not." The worn-out doll shook its head, because the movement was too big, causing a silk thread around its neck to burst open.

The bear doll didn't care much about this, it just waved its hand lightly, and the broken silk thread around its neck returned to its original shape.

Just when Lu Qing was amazed by the scene in front of her, a hole was suddenly opened at the top of the stone house, and a large amount of transparent liquid sprayed out from it.

Well, it’s actually water. As for whether it’s sea water or what Sambaru is, she doesn’t know. She only knows that the water sprays in very fast. If she just leaves it alone, it will probably only take a few minutes, and the entire stone house will be destroyed. These streams are submerged.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing looked at the doll, and told her intuitively that the water was made by the doll in front of her.

"Is this the game you're talking about?" Lu Qing said while trying to break free from the rope wrapped around her body.

"Of course." The teddy bear nodded.

"What kind of game is this? Do you want me to escape from here before being drowned?" Lu Qing sneered twice, trying to keep herself in a calm state.

She is trying to figure out how to break free from the ropes, but unfortunately, these ropes are not known what they are made of, and they are so resilient that she cannot break free at all.

The doll didn't answer her question, the other party seemed to be a real doll at this moment, sitting quietly on the stone table, staring at Lu Qing with button-like eyes.

The ice-cold liquid soaked her legs, Lu Qing sat on the stone chair, tried everything, but failed to untie the rope on her body, she could only watch the water flow over her legs, waist, chest, the neck, and. the head.

At this moment, the teddy bear that was floating on the water suddenly moved again, it dived into the bottom of the water, and came to Lu Qing's body.

The other party seemed to like watching Lu Qing drowning at this moment, and a perverted smile appeared on his ridiculous face.

"Look at you now, how powerless you are, tied to a stone chair, and can only watch the water flow over your body, isn't it very hopeless?"

"But do you know that your mother has deeper despair than you do?"

"She loves her children, but in the end she and her children can only be left alone."

"The second son's personality is too cowardly, and he's not very smart. Although the third sister is very smart, her body is too weak. Only the eldest daughter, oh, she has incredible strength and a pretty smart mind."

"I think, you are smart, you should have seen it a long time ago. Your mother has been releasing water, but even if you saw it, you still chose to kill her because you want to live, didn't you?"

The bear doll swam forward and approached Lu Qing, showing a hint of sarcasm, and said in a low voice:

"You want to be rewarded by the system, right?"

"You know you're not going to die, so why can't you let your mother or someone else live?"

"Oh, you think this is a dream, and the people here are all NPCs, doesn't it matter?"

The bear doll's words seemed to have some kind of magical power, which reminded Lu Qing of something.

She had indeed guessed long ago that the mother released the water, and the scene she experienced was probably the same as many works of art she had seen before. The mother actually loved the child.

Is it hard to guess?
It's not difficult, but she herself forgot this idea, no, to be precise, she didn't forget it, but ignored it.

Because she wants to pass the dream, she must live, and in order to survive, she must kill her mother. As for the fact that the characters in the dream are all NPCs, there may or may not be.

She herself didn't know what she was thinking. When she saw her brother's body, she would also feel sad and sad, but she didn't care too much.

After all, this is not her real brother.

Her vision gradually blurred, and the oxygen in her lungs was completely consumed. Lu Qing couldn't help but opened her mouth, and was immediately poured a big mouthful of water.

"it's over"

Thinking of this, she slowly closed her eyes, waiting for the end of the dream, perhaps, the challenge of the abyss was still too difficult for her.

[Lu Qing slowly closed her eyes, she was about to give up at this time, she didn't know it, because of the special nature of her soul, her abyss challenge this time has undergone a very big change, if she "die" at this time , then it represents her consciousness, it will be true.]

"This notice board, don't you finish your sentence?" Lu Qing felt the tremor of the notice board before her consciousness was completely blurred, and smiled helplessly.

But this time, the content can be understood without finishing writing, meaning will she really die?
At this time, shouldn't she show some desire to survive, so she explodes or something, shouts "I still want to live" and then wakes up and beats the teddy bear?
Knowing that she was going to die, Lu Qing was thinking about some strange things, she felt that her consciousness was about to disappear.

A large number of memory fragments came to mind, and Lu Qing no longer had too many thoughts in her heart.

"What kind of person was I before time travel?" Looking at the strange picture that appeared in her mind at this time, Lu Qing subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch it.

Suddenly, a piece of black feather appeared in Lu Qing's sight, and then, a piercing sound sounded.

"You trash doll, stay away from my little master!"

PS: I feel that I have watched a lot of anime recently, and the writing is more and more like light novels.

What, you said this book is not a light novel?

I, I, uh. It seems to be true. (cross out)

This is a game article, I just named it after the light novel because it was too useless!

That's it, hum~o(^`)o
(End of this chapter)

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