The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 310 Classic White and Red Face

Chapter 310 Classic White and Red Face

Countless crow feathers appeared in this stone house. Obviously the stone house was already filled with water at this time, but these crow feathers seemed to be floating in the air, falling continuously.

A strange crow pattern appeared in Lu Qing's sight, and the next moment, accompanied by a strong sense of dizziness, she lost consciousness.

Before fainting, Lu Qing seemed to hear the teddy bear's exasperated voice in a trance.


With a slight twitch of her fingers, Lu Qing slowly opened her eyes, and found that she had returned to the basement of her house at this time, her mother's body was lying in front of her, and some silver-white silk threads were still wrapped around her body.

But the strange thing is that the mother's body has turned into a mummy at this time, and the silk threads remaining on her body were also torn off with a slight tug.

And the silk thread that had entangled her tightly before was gone at this time, replaced by a set of silver-white windbreaker.

But Lu Qing didn't bother to check the source of the windbreaker, or its attributes and appearance at this time. She had more important things to do.

She turned around and looked at the petite figure standing not far from her. It was her sister, holding her worn-out doll in her arms as always, but the most noticeable thing was actually the hole in her chest .

There was pitch-black blood flowing in the cavity, and it looked as if someone had dug it open alive. The other party was standing there, looking at her blankly.

Lu Qing raised her legs and walked towards her sister step by step. After seeing Lu Qing approaching, her sister did not show timidity or anything like that, and still looked at her blankly.

On the contrary, the expression on the face of the bear doll caught by her has subtly changed, it seems to be fear, or unwillingness, a large number of silk threads sewn on its body have been broken at this time, the deer Qing felt a familiar atmosphere on it.

This breath is very cold and full of ominous smell, similar to the breath left on her by Wein when she first used the mirror in the cabin.

Recalling the scene of not knowing if it was a dream just now, Lu Qing had a rough guess in her heart. She pulled out the small knife used to carve wood from her waist, and then squatted halfway in front of her younger sister.

"Are you Wolf Spirit, or Lu Qing?" She asked in a low voice.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, the younger sister's godless eyes regained a bit of life, and said, "It's all, but it's not."

"We are wolf spirits, and we are also Lu Qing, but we are not Lu Qing, because the real Lu Qing is dead."

The younger sister said in a low voice, hugging the little bear doll in her arms, staring at the doll's head with ice-blue eyes, stretching out the other hand to gently stroke its body.

"We are just fragments. If you hadn't initiated the abyss challenge and plunged yourself into a dream, we would not have appeared."

"Do you know about the system?" Lu Qing took a deep breath, and then asked.

"We know everything about you, because we have already merged together, even if the fusion is not perfect." The younger sister replied calmly.

"We are the remnants of the soul. This dream separates us and you into different individuals. You can kill us now, so that this body will completely belong to you."

"At that time, there will be nothing hindering you, and your manipulation of the body will be smoother"

Before my sister could finish her words, the teddy bear she held in her arms made a sound, and it growled sharply: "No, you can't do this!"

"She's just an outsider, this body belongs to us, we haven't lost yet!"

"Kill her quickly. As long as you kill her, this body still belongs to us. When the time comes, our lives and our friends will all be lost."

"Shut up." The younger sister's voice interrupted the teddy bear's words coldly. After her voice fell, the teddy bear seemed to lose some kind of power, and stopped all movements in an instant, turning into an ordinary doll.

"Sorry." After telling the teddy bear to shut up, the younger sister apologized to Lu Qing apologetically, but before she could say the rest, she was interrupted by Lu Qing's cold tone.

"Stop acting, I've seen enough of your clumsy acting."


The younger sister's half-opened lips froze, then closed, she looked at Lu Qing calmly, and said, "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Lu Qing stretched out her index finger and stood in front of her, while holding the small carving knife tightly, she turned the knife and said, "Do you think the trick of one making a good face and the other a bad face is not out of date?"

"Although I don't know your specific purpose, it is very abnormal for you to ask me to kill you. Leaving aside topics related to the desire to survive, if you are really on my side, then why? And let the teddy bear pull me into that stone house dream?"

"Don't say that you were negligent or couldn't do it, just based on your ability to shut up the teddy bear just now, I don't think you can't manage the teddy bear's movements."

"If I didn't have a reliable partner, I should have died by now, and it was a real death. The probability is that the main consciousness of the body will be replaced?"

Lu Qing glanced at her younger sister whose face was getting darker, paused, and continued: "And after the plan just failed, you thought of another plan, that's why you came to me, as for you What is the plan, I don't know, but I guess the high probability is related to you asking me to kill you."

Speaking of this, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Lu Qing's mouth. She is not a bad person, and she will not give good looks to this kind of person who wants to harm her for any reason.

Although she occupied someone else's body, this body was not snatched by her. Although from the perspective of the original owner, no, to be precise, it was the original owner's soul fragment, the original owner did nothing wrong, but Lu Qing herself It seems that she did nothing wrong.

A dead person should go where a dead person should stay, instead of coming over to compete with her for her body.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing looked at the silent sister in front of her, and said word by word: "Are I right, my dear sister?"

Having said that, the younger sister's face has turned pale at this time, she looked at Lu Qing with an ugly expression, she couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly, and pretended to be calm and said:
"So what, you can really kill me. You also know that killing me is equivalent to my plan."

Lu Qing smiled "hehe", thinking that you are already in my hands, is there anything I can do to cure you?

"Scare her first, and see if I can ask anything." Lu Qing thought in her heart, and then said:

"I really don't intend to kill you for the time being, before I know the consequences of killing you, but I can try other means, such as chopping off your fingers, gouging out your eyeballs, or cutting your head Press it into the water, let you try the feeling of drowning"

(End of this chapter)

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