Chapter 335 Solid Shadows

The speed of the photophobic ghost was not very fast, and when Lu Qing intentionally opened the distance, she just left it behind after a while.

But Lu Qing has a feeling, she knows that these photophobic ghosts have not lost their perception of her, as long as she stays still in one place, these guys will come to her soon.

But it was getting dark at this time, and Lu Qing didn't have time to play hide-and-seek with these ghosts, so let's go home as soon as possible and try to drive these guys away without using light.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing accelerated the speed of her feet and ran towards the direction of the wooden house.

It didn't take long, only a few minutes, Lu Qing returned to the wooden house, and found that the wooden door that was damaged before had been repaired by the old man at this time.

A complete wooden door is inlaid in the door frame like this, although it looks a bit worn out, but in terms of strength, it is definitely much better than a few wooden boards nailed to it.

She stretched out her hand to pull the door, but she didn't open it. Lu Qing reacted belatedly, and knocked on the door with her fingers.


The door was quickly opened, the old man pushed the door open, and then said: "You are finally back, it's already dark outside, come in quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed the corpse carried behind Lu Qing.

"Is this a giant mutant deer?" The old man said in surprise.

Although he knew that Lu Qing was very strong, he didn't know exactly how strong it was. When he lived in the village, the mutant giant deer in front of him was only very rare when he went out to hunt. Occasionally catches one.

And from the traces on Lu Qing's body, it can be seen that hunting this mutated giant deer didn't take much effort on her part. From this, one can roughly imagine how terrifying this seemingly harmless girl in front of her is. strength.

The old man thought so, but he didn't ask too much. He closed the door after Lu Qing walked in, and then locked the door with the door lock he made temporarily.

Um, this door lock is not the kind that can be locked by twisting it under the door handle, but a wooden bar that can swing up and down, and is placed across the back of the door.

This thing may not be able to stop the invasion of mutated creatures, but at least it can make a relatively loud sound when it is destroyed to wake up the sleeping people in the house.

Throwing the corpse of the mutated giant deer on the cleaned floor, Lu Qing looked at the corpse on the ground, feeling a little worried for a while.

She had a feeling that she couldn't do it. After all, she didn't have the experience of dissecting animals. Maybe she just disemboweled and discarded the internal organs, and then separated the meat and skin?
If so, where to start?

Is it the neck or the belly, or do you have to peel the skin first?

Speaking of which, how to peel off the skin is also a problem. Lu Qing looked at the carving knife hanging on her waist, and felt that peeling the skin should not be too difficult.

"Anyway, let's try it first."

Sitting cross-legged in front of the corpse of the mutated giant deer, before doing it, Lu Qing suddenly thought of another question.

If the animal carcasses are decomposed at night, will the nearby wild animals be attracted by the smell of blood?

And if you want to decompose the corpse, you should let the blood out first. If you want to do the bloodletting, do you need to cut the neck first and then find a bucket to let the blood out?

For these things, only Lu Qing, who had read a few wilderness survival novels in her previous life, didn't know much. After thinking about it, she found an iron bucket from the house and prepared to use it for bloodletting.

As for whether it will attract nearby creatures
This is not important, anyway, it will emit bloody smell during the day, won't it?
And even if it is attracted, so what, if it is just some mutant creatures, Lu Qing will not feel afraid, she has sufficient confidence in her own strength.

However, just as Lu Qing was about to move towards the corpse of the mutated giant deer in front of her, several jet-black figures slowly floated towards the wooden house.

They hovered outside the wooden house, looking at the light of the gas stove inside the house with a somewhat fearful expression.

After Lu Qing noticed these guys, seeing them wandering outside and not daring to come in, she completely confirmed the fact that these guys were afraid of light sources.

After thinking about it, she picked up a wooden stick and burned it in the flame of the gas stove. After the head of the wooden stick was burned, she opened the door and walked out.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the wooden house is covered by the safety gas of the gas stove, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by the blood tide.

Holding the burning stick in her hand, Lu Qing walked towards these photophobic ghosts. The bright light shone on the bodies of these ghosts, making their figures flicker and darken.


There were strange wailing sounds from the mouths of the photophobic ghosts, and they began to back away, trying to stay away from the light shining from the burning stick in Lu Qing's hand.

However, how could Lu Qing just let these guys run away like this? She sneered and quickly chased after them.

"It's all here, what else are you going to do?"

Arriving in front of a photophobic ghost, she waved the burning stick directly, sticking the flame to the photophobic ghost's face.


A strange cry came from the opponent's mouth, and its shadow-like body instantly disintegrated, leaving only a dark black sticky substance on the ground.

Although she was curious about what the dark black viscous substance was, Lu Qing didn't stop her movements, but waved the stick to quickly get rid of the remaining three photophobic ghosts.

By this time, the stick in her hand was almost burnt, Lu Qing quickly extinguished it with a vigorous flick, and then picked up the sticky black matter that fell on the ground.

These things are not liquid, they just look like it, and when you touch it, it's like touching a water balloon.

Back in the wooden house, Lu Qing found that this thing turned out to be a game item with attributes.

[Prop name: Solid Shadow]

[prop quality: white]

[Introduction: This is a substance from the shadow world. It is very rare and difficult to obtain. Collect more, there will always be benefits. 】

[Skill: Sacrifice]

[Sacrifice: After burning it with flames, a large group of gaseous shadows will be released. People who smell the gaseous shadows will fall into a deep sleep, increase their resistance to shadows, and reduce the index of spiritual pollution. 】

[It is worth mentioning that the more you burn, the better the effect, but when the resistance reaches a certain level, the effect can only be achieved if you burn more, otherwise it will be a waste. 】

[Remarks: This is a gift from the shadows. 】

"Solid Shadows."

Lu Qing looked at the solid shadow attribute thoughtfully, and then put it in the drawer of the wooden house.

She doesn't plan to use this thing for the time being, and her intuition tells her that this thing should have other uses, maybe she can ask the businessman tomorrow morning, maybe she can find out something.

(End of this chapter)

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