The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 336 Mutant Tomato Seeds

Chapter 336 Mutant Tomato Seeds

PS: Thank you book friend Fanchen Jiuge for the 1500 starting point coins!

The night passed quietly, because she was still a little worried that other creatures would be attracted by the smell of blood. After thinking twice, Lu Qing still didn't start to dissect the corpse of the mutant giant deer.

Anyway, the corpse is still fresh. Although the air in the forest is very humid, the temperature is not high, so it won't be a big problem if it is left overnight.

In this way, Lu Qing, who had an empty stomach, could only endure the feeling of emptiness in her stomach, and spent another night in the dark forest.

Since entering this dream, she hasn't had a full day. Although she won't be greatly affected because of her attributes, she still feels uncomfortable. After all, it doesn't feel good to be on an empty stomach.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Qing left the bed before the sky was fully lit in the morning, and began to deal with the corpse of the mutated giant deer.

She doesn't have any experience, so she can only rely on her feelings.

"Anyway, let's let the blood out first."

Taking out a carving knife and slashing open the neck of the mutated giant deer, Lu Qing found a stool and stood on the stool and pointed the corpse of the mutated giant deer upside down at the iron bucket, a large amount of blood immediately flowed from the wound.

After the blood from the wound dries up, Lu Qing places the corpse of the mutated giant deer on the operating table in the doctor's operating room, and cuts the deerskin with the scalpel found in the doctor's kit.

Although it was the first time, but after all, she had experience in using knives, and Lu Qing was very careful, so there was no accident during the cutting process of this deerskin, but the skin was accidentally cut several times in the middle. Failed to get a complete piece of skin.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's useless for her to take this skin for the time being, maybe she can find a merchant to exchange for some money?
Thinking of this, Lu Qing disemboweled the corpse of the mutated giant deer, endured the nausea and threw the internal organs into another iron bucket.

The iron bucket was filled with water. After disposing of the corpse, she would dig a hole and throw away all the internal organs. As for why.

Because Lu Qing doesn't know which internal organs are edible, nor how to deal with them, it's better to just throw them away instead of getting sick from eating them.

Oh, by the way, the head is also thrown away, Lu Qing doesn't like to eat heads, whether it's fish heads, chicken heads or any other heads.

The main reason was that after being cooked, Lu Qing didn't have the courage to put down the chopsticks at all due to the other party's cooked head and hollow eye sockets.

However, the opponent's antlers were still broken off by Lu Qing, because this antler is the flesh and blood core of this mutated giant deer, which can be used to make [Nightmare] potion.

In this way, after spending a long time, Lu Qing finally finished disposing of the corpse of the mutated giant deer. After digging and burying all the unnecessary things in a place far away, she returned home and found that the merchant has come to her house.

The other party was standing at the door of her house at this moment, as if waiting for her to come back.

"You're here." Lu Qing greeted the merchant.

Nodding, the businessman didn't say anything, and Lu Qing knew that the other party couldn't speak, so she opened the door and walked in with the businessman.

The old man woke up two hours ago, and was repairing the broken furniture in the house at this time.

Seeing the businessman coming in, the old man didn't say anything and continued to do what he was doing.

"Do you know what this thing is for?"

After the businessman walked into the room, Lu Qing took out the solid shadow and went directly to the main topic.

The solid shadow was held in Lu Qing's hand. The businessman was stunned for a moment when he saw it, and then stretched out his palm wrapped in old cotton gloves to touch the solid shadow in her hand, as if to confirm whether it was the thing she was thinking of. .

After a while, she withdrew her hand, took out a paper and a pen and wrote on it: "Put it in when making the flesh potion, it can increase the effect of the potion, in addition, it can relieve the effect of the flesh potion on the body." Negative effect."

"Negative effects, do you mean the side effects of skills?" Hearing what the businessman said, Lu Qing thought in her heart.

Putting away the solid shadow, Lu Qing took out all kinds of rags that had been prepared earlier, put them in front of the merchant, and said, "Can these things be exchanged for currency?"

These are all weapons she snatched from the villagers, including pitchforks, wooden sticks, hatchets and other messy things, and I don't know how much they can be exchanged for.

The businessman looked at the rags Lu Qing put on the ground, inspected them roughly for a while, and then stretched out two fingers.

"200?" Lu Qing asked softly.

Nodding, the businessman stuffed all these things into the ripped pocket behind him.

Then she took out the bill and handed it to Lu Qing to see if there was anything she wanted to buy.

After receiving the bill from the merchant, Lu Qing took a closer look and found that there were many new things on the bill.

"The embryo of the Cleave (can be used as a flesh core), the tongue of the Cleave (the core of flesh), the flesh of the Cleave, the teeth of the Cleave"

Lu Qing had never seen what the head splitter was, but she remembered that in this dream, the target marked by her Thousand Jue Seal was a monster named the head splitter king.

If given the chance, she might try to hunt it down.

You know, one level of imprint is 5.00% of all attributes. I got one level of imprint when I killed the phantom mist evil tree before. If I kill this head splitter king again, then she will have two layers of imprint on her body increase.

To be honest, she wanted to buy both the embryo and the tongue of the head splitter. After all, it was the core of flesh and blood, which could be used to make nightmare potions.

The Head Ripper must be much stronger than ordinary creatures, and the effect of the Nightmare potion produced will definitely be better, but...
Head Cracker's Embryo (300)

Tongue of the Headripper (500)

"It's too expensive."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Qing, who has contributed to global warming, could only reluctantly look away from these two things, and turned to look at another product.

Mutated Tomato Seeds (250)

"Can you tell me about the mutated tomato seeds?" Lu Qing turned the bill over and pointed to the text on the mutated tomato seeds.

The businessman was unambiguous, and quickly took out a piece of yellow paper and handed it to Lu Qing.

Taking the paper, there was a strange-looking plant drawn on it, which looked somewhat similar to the tomato in Lu Qing's impression.

There is a label next to the picture, which clearly shows the size of each part of the plant, followed by a bunch of text introductions.

[The mutated tomato is a mutated plant cultivated from the original tomato. It can absorb black water and grow. The growth cycle is extremely short. It only takes half a month to mature and produce a large number of tomato fruits. 】

[The fruit size of the mutated tomato is two to three times that of the original tomato, the taste is slightly sweeter, and it can provide all the elements provided by the original tomato. 】

[However, before using it, I must remind you that mutant tomatoes have a huge flaw, that is, they are quite aggressive. As long as someone gets close, they will be attacked by vines. The toughness of the vines exceeds The imagination and strength are astonishing, and even the iron plate can be hit and deformed! 】

[You can't kill it, and you have to provide it with water every day. When it matures, I recommend using drugs to paralyze it before picking it, otherwise you will bear the consequences. 】

PS: Don't scold me, don't scold me, I know it's my fault for not updating yesterday.

The main reason is that I saw a video of StarCraft 2 on Battle B, and it seemed to be very interesting, so I downloaded it to play.

As a result, I didn't notice the time, and it was already 12 o'clock in the evening when I noticed.

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow , finished playing the human battle mode.

Maybe there will be StarCraft 2 content in the future, please stay tuned~
(End of this chapter)

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