The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 344 The Rolling Stone Trap

Chapter 344 The Rolling Stone Trap
PS: Thanks to the book friend dhveh for the 1500 starting point coins!

Thank you book friend Tang Sect Infantry for rewarding 1500 starting point coins!

Thank you book friend Xia for keeping the 1500 starting point coins you rewarded!

Suddenly three big bosses came to offer rewards, they don’t think I want a eunuch emmmmm, I really don’t know how to be a eunuch, I swear!
Not long after Lu Qing left, the mutated stone scorpion that was lying on the ground seemed to feel safe, so it slowly stood up from the ground.

In its perception, Lu Qing had disappeared into the dark cave in the distance, and after no outsiders disturbed it, it could finally go back to chew its stones.

However, at the moment it let down its vigilance, a hand holding a carving knife came out of the shadows, pierced the mutant stone scorpion's abdomen, and then slashed downward, drawing a blood-red streak. mouth.

The arm was retracted into the shadow again, dodging the blood gushing out of the mutant stone scorpion's abdomen, and Lu Qing reappeared behind the mutant stone scorpion.

The cave was pitch black, and the shadow value was always increasing. After walking a certain distance, Lu Qing, who was thinking of the mutant stone scorpion, thought of the silver-gray evening wind's skill [Escape into the shadow], so she didn't hesitate The opening skill came back from the shadows.

Because of the transformation into a shadow, the mutant stone scorpion's sensory organs could not detect any abnormality, so Lu Qing pierced the abdomen from under the body.

"Uh, Miss Lu Qing, you are so smart." Dinah floated aside, after thinking for a while, she still didn't say the word "despicable", but replaced it with the word "smart".

"To deal with monsters, of course you have to use whatever method you can." Lu Qing said without paying any attention to Dinah's complaints.

She came to the corpse of the mutated stone scorpion, and turned over the corpse that had collapsed on the ground.

Expanding the wound made with the carving knife before, Lu Qing soon knew what the flesh and blood core of this mutated stone scorpion was.

That was the stomach of the mutated stone scorpion. Even after the mutated stone scorpion died, it didn't lose its vitality, it was still wriggling and digesting the rocks inside.

Compared with the split-headed person's tongue, the process of taking this thing out is much more uncomfortable, not only the pungent smell of blood, but also the skin liquid that feels a little sticky.

This made Lu Qing a little unbearable, but even so, she had no intention of clearing it with fresh water.

After all, you are going out, and the fresh water you carry with you is very precious. If you don't know what will happen to you, it's better not to waste fresh water as much as possible.

Of course, the mutated stone scorpion's stomach can be left unwashed, just throw it into the packaging box, but hands must not be unwashed, don't ask why, Lu Qing just can't bear it.

After disposing of the corpse of the mutated stone scorpion, Lu Qing carefully inspected the items on her body, and then continued to move towards the depths of the mine.

If nothing else, this place is not far from the root of the Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces.

Dinah floated in front of her to lead the way, and Lu Qing followed closely behind her, for fear that if she was not careful, she would appear in the situation in the anime that she could follow even if someone led the way.

But fortunately, the poor sense of direction does not mean that the eyes will also be bad. Lu Qing followed Dinah without any accidents along the way.

As she walked, Lu Qing found that the walls on both sides of her were getting wider and wider, and the road that was originally difficult to walk gradually became flatter.

This made her feel a little strange. It was obviously a mine dug by hand, but why did the road get wider and wider as she walked in it?
Moreover, if it is a mine tunnel, the ground does not need to be so flat, it looks like it has been pressed by something.


There was a hint of retreat in her heart, and Lu Qing felt that something dangerous might happen if she continued to move forward.

Logically speaking, the safest thing to do at this time is to back off, and then wait until the shadow value is full before continuing to move forward.

But Lu Qing's little temper surged up at this time, and she didn't know what she was thinking, anyway, she didn't stop, although she felt that there was danger in her heart, she didn't want to stop.

After walking for about 2 minutes, nothing happened, which made Lu Qing feel somewhat relaxed.

However, at this moment, a strange earthquake sound suddenly sounded, and just hearing this sound, Lu Qing's expression became a little strange.

"This voice sounds"

Looking back, it wasn't until this time that Lu Qing clearly knew what was wrong with the tunnel.

This tunnel extends all the way down. Although the range is small, it is indeed downward.

The road is so spacious, the ground seems to be run over by heavy objects, what kind of tunnel is here, it is clearly a place of execution!
The moment she saw a huge round rolling stone rolling towards her, without hesitation, Lu Qing turned around and ran towards the distance. If she was overtaken by this stone, the consequences would not require too much imagination up.

"Why is there a rolling stone trap here?"

"Does anyone still live here?"

"What is the purpose of setting traps here?"

One question after another came to mind, Lu Qing looked around in the tunnel, trying to find a way to avoid the rolling stone attack.

The pitch-black energy surged in her body, but after a while, a strange vein formed.

【running Man】

The feeling of physical loss disappeared in an instant, and with the help of the gravity of the downhill, Lu Qing ran fast, temporarily leaving the rolling stone far behind.

But going on like this is not an option. According to the urine nature of the Rolling Stone Trap, this road must have an end. It is impossible to design the exit next to the Rolling Stone Trap Tunnel in the movie, and let the protagonist escape the Rolling Stone Trap by going through the entrance and exit. Dramatic.

However, it is really not allowed on both sides of the road, but it is OK on the top of the head!
Lu Qing suddenly noticed that a part of the ceiling in the distance was higher than the surrounding ceilings. Of course, it was only a little bit. If she wanted to use it to escape the attack of rolling stones, she needed to stick her body tightly to it. The ceiling will do.

Of course normal people can't do this, not even jumping that high, but is Lu Qing a normal person?
Of course not, with the BUFF of [Runner] not consuming stamina, Lu Qing accelerated her running speed again, and then jumped up!

Thick white spider silk secreted from the silver-gray Evening Breeze coat, tightly glued her limbs to the wall on the ceiling, so that Lu Qing would not fall because there was no place to grab her.

After waiting for about two seconds, a violent booming sound drifted past Lu Qing's body and rolled into the boundless darkness.


Lu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, she retracted the spider silk, and jumped down from the ceiling.

There is no doubt that this Rolling Stone trap was definitely made by people. The only question is, who and where is the person who made the trap, and whether he has discovered her.

If it was more serious, would the person who set the trap have something to do with the Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces?

(End of this chapter)

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