Chapter 345 Charles

"It really is a dead end."

After avoiding the attack of the rolling stone trap, Lu Qing continued to walk forward for a certain distance, and thought after seeing the rolling stone that was stopped by the wall.

There was no way, since this road was a dead end, she could only go back the same way, to see if she could find another route to the root of the Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces.

Dinah was still leading the way. After returning to the tunnel that was attacked by the head splitter, the two found another dark tunnel that didn't know where it led, and got in.

"here is?"

Lu Qing looked at the steel building in front of her in surprise. She really didn't expect that in the depths of this dark cave, there was a solid base that seemed to be made entirely of metal and cement.

This base looks like it should be abandoned, there is no one around, and the surface of the building is also dirty.

With some effort, he unscrewed the rusty metal valve, and a faint musty smell emanated from the building.

Frowning, Lu Qing walked into the building, and found that the mess here was far more serious than she had imagined.

It seemed that this place was an archive room. She rummaged through the table in the center of the room and the nearby cabinets for a while. Except for most of the documents that were too damaged to be read, there were also a few relatively well-preserved documents. able to read.

Randomly took out a file and looked at it, after carefully reading the above file, Lu Qing couldn't help frowning.

"This is, an official document?"

Quickly picked up the next file and read it, skipping those stinky and long contents, Lu Qing gradually understood what happened here.

To put it simply, after the government of this world discovered the dark forest, it sent rescue teams many times to rescue the residents in the village, but they all failed in the end.

As for the strong attack, for some reason, every time an attack is launched on the forest, the soldiers in charge of the battle will go crazy for no reason and start attacking each other, which makes it impossible for the government of this world to send troops to forcefully enter the forest.

So they changed a method, that is to dig a hole in the ground, dig a tunnel to go in, and then built a research institute with relatively complete equipment underground.

The target of the research is the mutated organisms, including those tree roots that reproduce underground.

In addition, they also sent a small number of investigators to operate in the forest, responsible for negotiating with the aborigines in the forest, and at the same time providing assistance as much as possible.

As for why only a small number of people were sent there, it was worried that if there were too many people, the forest would react and the members would go crazy.

Judging from the remaining documents of this research institute, burning parasitic wood will cause the disgust of mutated creatures, as well as the design of the gas furnace, all were researched by this research institute and spread in the forest.

The production of the flesh and blood potion is a bit mysterious. It was made by an investigator when he heard a certain sound at night when he was active in the forest. It is a pity that the member was unlucky because of his madness. died.

"Phew, it's an astonishing and unexpected discovery." Taking a deep breath, Lu Qing carefully put the sorted materials into the backpack and said.

That's all the data that can be seen, and the rest of the data are all damaged, and nothing can be seen.

After that, Lu Qing walked around here again, and after confirming that only this archive room remained in the research institute, and the rest of the rooms were buried in the ground by rocks, she left here.

Not long after leaving the archive room, Lu Qing, who continued to move forward, finally heard a familiar whisper in her ear.

This lifted her spirits, and she quickly put on the earplugs that she had prepared beforehand, regardless of whether they are useful or not, put them on first.

This is the only way Lu Qing can think of to deal with the Whispering Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces. At this time, before going deep, put it on quickly.

"Well, it still seems to have some effect."

I don't know if it's a psychological reason, or because her mental attributes have improved a lot in the past two days, but Lu Qing really feels that the whispers are not as scary as before.

Going forward, some black and red roots gradually appeared in the mine, with Lu Qing's familiar faces growing on them.

Ignoring the pleading gazes of these faces, after avoiding the withered palms that were grabbing at her, Lu Qing continued to walk towards the depths of the cave.

"Please, save me."

"I don't want to die yet"

"Ah ah ah."

"Will you take a look at me?"

The weird and rhythmic whispers sounded from her ears, which made Lu Qing feel a little headache, as if her soul was being pulled hard with something, as if she wanted to expel her soul from her body.

"Hey, look who I see?"

A familiar greeting sounded beside her ear, Lu Qing froze for a moment, then looked towards the place where the voice came from.

It was on the root of the tree, no, it was a corpse lying next to the root of the tree.

The other party's body was inserted into the heart by the tree roots, and there was no trace of moisture all over his body, and he looked very shriveled.

At this time, the corpse was lying on the back of the head with the root of the strange tree as a pillow, and looked at Lu Qing with a satisfied face, although Lu Qing didn't know how she could see the expression of satisfaction from the shriveled corpse .

"you are?"

Lu Qing looked at the corpse with some hesitation, and told her intuitively that it was the corpse that tripped her and talked to her at the beginning of this dream.

"Hey, how long has it been since, and you actually forgot about me?" the mummy said in an exaggerated tone.

"No, I haven't forgotten you, I just don't know how to address you." After hesitating for a while, Lu Qing came to the other party and said.

For some reason, when she was talking to this corpse, she couldn't feel the influence of the whisper from the Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces.

"You can call me the corpse as you like, or you can call me the name of the original owner of the corpse, Charles, as you like." The corpse shrugged indifferently.

"Take it, dear Mr. Charles, what do you want from me?" The girl looked at the corpse on the ground with some curiosity.

"I'm in a good mood, why don't you come and have a look?" The corpse, no, Charles cracked the corner of his shriveled mouth.

It was really cracked. After the corners of the mouth without any moisture stretched to the sides, a hole was directly split from the middle.

"Uh." Lu Qing didn't expect the other party to answer her like this, so she could only helplessly say: "Of course, but I'm still very busy, I'm afraid I don't have time to chat with you."

"Haha, I know what you want to do. You want to burn this tree with gasoline, right?" Charles laughed twice and said, "You can't burn it like this, although this tree can only be approached passively." It's biologically polluting, but it doesn't burn on gasoline either."

"I have a suggestion, if you really want to burn him, you should use this."

Charles stretched out a finger and tapped his lips lightly.

And just after he finished this action, the corpse turned into a piece of sand and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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