The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 347 As long as you go to that place......

Chapter 347 Just go to that place.
[Secondary goal: Destroy the Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces (completed!)]

When Lu Qing returned to her wooden house, the notice board in her mind suddenly trembled, and this message was refreshed.


Lu Qing, who saw the information on the notice board, froze for a moment, then subconsciously turned her head and looked at the forest behind her.

Of course she couldn't see anything, after all, it was quite a distance away from that strange tree, even if the flames on the Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces Art hadn't been extinguished, those flames would be covered by countless trees in the middle. covered.

Well, anyway, as long as the secondary objective is completed.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing returned to the wooden house, and took out the tongue of the head splitter and the stomach of the mutated stone scorpion that she got in the mine today.

She had already collected materials for making [Nightmare Potion] on the way back, skillfully threw the parasitic wood into the furnace, and Lu Qing started to make [Nightmare Potion]. 】

With the previous experience, Lu Qing's speed of making potions this time is obviously much faster than the previous ones, but in just half an hour, a brand new bottle of [Nightmare Potion] was made.

However, the level is not very high. After all, the flesh and blood core used to make the Nightmare Potion this time is only the tongue of a head splitter and the stomach of a mutant stone scorpion.

[Congratulations to the player Extraordinary Sequence [Nightmare] experience value increased by 321 points. 】

The notice board trembled, and after displaying the experience value gained by the potion this time, there was no more movement.

Lu Qing smacked her mouth, inexplicably had the illusion of drinking a drink, gulped down her stomach, and there was no response except for the notice board's prompt.

"So be it."


Putting the potion bottle on the table beside her, Lu Qing glanced at the sky outside, and then let out a breath.

Although the experience value added by this bottle of potion did not allow her to level up, but because the experience point added by the potion last time was a bit too much, there was a lot more after the upgrade. Not much experience.

"Let's be here today."

Lu Qing asked the wolf spirit to be responsible for the night watch, and then she got into her room, lay down on the wooden bed the old man had repaired, and slowly closed her eyes.

At midnight, a group of pitch-black shadows drifted slowly in the field. They seemed to be moving in the same direction with a purpose. They didn't stop moving slowly until they came to a wooden house that looked a bit dilapidated.

Their bodies went down, melting into the ground like a pool of liquid, turning into creatures in the shadows.

Compared with moving on the ground, they seem to be more accustomed to moving in the shadows, their speed has increased a lot, and they can pass through any shadowy place.

They flowed through the gaps in the wooden house and got into Lu Qing's room.

They moved in the shadows, constantly hovering beside the girl.

Obviously they found the target they wanted to find, but at this time they were circling around the girl with some fear, not daring to get close to the target who was lying on the bed and passed out.


Suddenly, a strange energy fluctuation emerged from the shadows, and these shadows hovering around the girl kept twisting, screaming from the shadow plane.


As if being pinched and exploded alive by some kind of force, the bodies of these shadows exploded and turned into pieces of pitch-black matter wandering in the shadows.


Another strange energy was swept away, these shadow energies that had been turned into pure matter were collected, and then all of a sudden drilled into the girl's shadow.

And after absorbing these shadow energies, the shadow under the girl has undergone some special changes, like an undercurrent hidden in the seabed, which is not so easy to see.

Lu Qing, who was sleeping, suddenly frowned, as if she had dreamed of something nasty.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough."

The hot smoke penetrated into the lungs, and Lu Qing kept coughing, struggling to move forward in the house full of flames.

Her eyes were red from the smoke, and one or two teardrops were streaming from the corners of her eyes. The girl was barefoot, struggling to escape from the flames.


Suddenly, a piece of burning wood fell from the top of Lu Qing's head.

The girl sensed the danger when she heard the voice from above her head, and hurriedly rushed forward.


The plank collapsed and made a loud noise. Even though the girl tried her best to run, the ankle of her left foot was still inevitably burned by the flames.


A cry of grief came from his mouth, and a burning pain came from the burned ankle, causing the girl who was running fast to stagger and fall to the ground.


The raging flames in the wooden house made the air extremely hot, and the whole wooden house was like a natural oven, trying to burn the girl alive here.

A drop of crystal sweat dripped from the girl's body, lying on the somewhat icy ground, the girl's vision gradually became blurred until there was only a blazing flame left.


At the moment when the consciousness was about to disappear completely, the girl slammed the ground hard. In the pain of biting the tip of her tongue with her teeth, the girl struggled to stand up from the flames.

"This is not a place to rest." The girl thought in her heart.


Breathing the scorching hot air in the wooden house with some difficulty, the pain as if even the throat was about to be burned made the throat extremely hoarse and uncomfortable.

The girl took stagnant steps, step by step firmly moving towards the direction of the wooden house.

Soon, soon, just get to that place.

The door of the room was slammed open by Lu Qing, cold air poured in from outside the door, the howling wind blew the girl's hair away, and bright and soft sunlight shone down from the exit.

Seeing the scene in front of her, the girl felt hopeful in her heart. She took heavy steps and wanted to go out the door.


As if being grabbed by something under her feet, the girl's body fell to the ground, only one step away from the exit outside the door.

Looking back, I saw a group of jet-black figures tightly entwining the girl's legs.

"You can't go."

"It's so painful."

"Can you stay with me?"

The flames spread quickly, and she was about to escape from the wooden house, but the girl looked at the black shadows that caught her as if she had lost her mind.


The scalding flame touched the girl's body, and the severe pain brought Lu Qing back to her senses.

"Who wants to die with you!"

At this time, Lu Qing erupted with extremely powerful strength, and instantly struggled out of the hands of these figures, and then ran away from the flames
PS: I have a headache, and I don’t know why recently. The plot is in my head, and the pictures are in my heart, but I don’t go back to write, and I have to think about each paragraph for a long time.

I don't know how to write this chapter.
Some people say that I have reached the bottleneck period, and suggest that I read more books emmmmm, well, I also think I should buy two famous books and read them.

(End of this chapter)

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