The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 348 Whispering Tree Heart

Chapter 348 Whispering Tree Heart
[Spiritual bodies polluted by the technique of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces flew out of the wreckage of the tree. They followed their instincts to find the human being who burned the tree. The instinct in their souls told them that they must make that person pay a terrible price. price! 】

[However, all of this is being watched by an existence hidden in the dark. She seems to be very interested in you, and with a wave of her hand, she beats those creatures hidden in the shadows into pure dark energy and throws them into the in your shadow. 】

[These pure energy bodies do not have any powerful power, even if the resentment on them has not been cleared away, this may bring you some small troubles? 】

After Lu Qing woke up, there were more contents recorded in the diary on the notice board, which allowed Lu Qing to roughly understand what happened to her.

If you continue to turn forward, you can still see a line of information.

[You have absorbed the power of the wraith, spirit +1]

That's right, the power of those wraiths only increased her mental attributes a bit, and the rest, whether it was the experience of the Transcendent Sequence [Nightmare] or anything else, did not increase.

Of course, the reason why Lu Qing thinks this way is that she is just being good-looking when she gets a cheap price. In fact, it is quite a good thing to be able to increase a little spiritual attribute.

According to the game forum, for a normal blue player, the attribute value should be around 45 points, while Lu Qing's spiritual attribute has reached 33 points!
You must know that she has just advanced to the white level, and this dream is also the first dream she has participated in after entering the white level.

Of course, these are all related to the difficulty of this dream. If it weren't for the dream of [Abyss] difficulty, the improvement would not be so great.

"So, what is an existence in the dark?"

Looking at the information on the notice board, Lu Qing felt a little uneasy.

The source of the fear is unknown, is there an existence in the darkness, does it refer to the creatures in the shadow world?

Is it because of the side effects of [Spiritual Vision] that he is interested in himself?

So here comes the question, assuming that Lu Qing eliminates the side effects of [Spiritual Vision] at this time, will the existence in the darkness still be interested in her?
Do you just leave, or kill it after you feel bored?
Judging from the information in the diary, the opponent's strength should be far superior to hers. Being targeted by such an unknown creature, Lu Qing felt a little stressed.

It was as if a sword was hanging from his head, and the rope that hung the sword was tattered and might break at any time.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time."

It's useless to think too much, Lu Qing quickly adjusted her state, took care of her personal hygiene, and then started to make breakfast.

The ingredients are still the meat of the mutated giant deer that was hunted before, and it can be preserved for a long time after careful handling by the old man.

Lu Qing was going to make soup in the morning. After all, when she just woke up during the day, her appetite was not very good, and it would be uncomfortable to eat dry food.

Now she can only hope that the mutated tomatoes grown at home will mature sooner. These days, all three meals are venison, and she is about to vomit. If she can have tomatoes to eat, she should feel much more comfortable.

As soon as the broth was cooked, the businessman came to the door of the wooden house. After hearing the knock on the door, Lu Qing hurried to the door of the wooden house and stretched out her hand to push the door open.

The businessman nodded after seeing Lu Qing, then took out a note from his pocket and handed it to her.


Lu Qing took the note a little strangely, and looked at the words written on the note.

【Thank you for burning the Whispering Tree. Most of the creatures in the forest were very happy after hearing the news. In order to thank you for your feat, you can randomly choose an item worth no more than [-] in the bill. 】

"Is there such a good thing?" Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, then felt a little strange, and said, "How do you know that I burned that strange tree to death?"

Hearing Lu Qing's words, the businessman skillfully took out the paper and pen, and wrote on it: "The active creatures in the forest have their own intelligence network, and they will notice any major events. Everything was recorded."

"Tree roots. Can you use tree roots to sense the creatures in this forest?" Lu Qing looked at the businessman and asked expressionlessly.

Although she couldn't see anything on the surface, in her heart, she was thinking about a lot of things.

If the businessman can really use tree roots for surveying, it can explain why he will be found by the businessman even after moving.

But why would a businessman say that?

Could it be that she has some purpose, telling herself this kind of thing, what benefits can she gain?
As for Lu Qing's question, the businessman just shook his head and didn't say anything.

Afterwards, she took out the bill and handed it to Lu Qing, asking her to choose an item worth less than 800 yuan.

Seeing that the businessman didn't want to say anything, Lu Qing didn't continue to ask, but picked up the bill and looked at it herself.

Since she can choose an item worth less than [-], Lu Qing must choose the one with the highest value to her. When do I have to save?
"Hey, this thing." Lu Qing suddenly noticed an interesting thing, which was an item that hadn't appeared on the previous bills, and this item was also very special to her.

"Whispering tree heart?" Lu Qing raised her eyebrows, feeling that something was a little strange.

You can tell from the name of this thing, it is probably related to the Whispering Tree, and the Whispering Tree, isn't it the tree with a thousand hands and a thousand faces that she burned yesterday afternoon! ?

It's just that the two sides have different names. The system calls it the Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces, while the merchants call it the Tree of Whispers.

Isn't the heart of the Whispering Tree the same tree she burned to death?
She burned the Whispering Tree to death, but the item was taken away by the merchant and put into the bill, and she was told that she could choose an item worth no more than [-] at will.
Thinking of this, Lu Qing looked at the price of Whispering Shuxin.

Exactly 800 yuan.

Well, if it was a coincidence, Lu Qing wouldn't believe it even if she was killed. There is only one answer, and that is that the businessman deliberately showed it to her, just to make her choose this tree heart.

Then, will Lu Qing choose this tree heart according to what the businessman thinks?
the answer is of course
Will do.

No matter what the reason is, the value of the heart of this Whispering Tree is definitely the most expensive item in the merchant's bill. Lu Qing doesn't know what the merchant has in mind, or what he wants to do, but if she wants to give up the heart, That is impossible!
It doesn't matter if she is greedy or reckless, she will decide on this tree heart!
"I want the heart of the Whispering Tree." Lu Qing pointed to the Whispering Tree Heart on the bill and said.

The businessman nodded, took the bill back from Lu Qing's hand, then took out a box made of black metal from his back pocket, and handed it to Lu Qing.

After receiving the box from the merchant, this transaction is considered to be over. After the merchant left, Lu Qing couldn't wait to open the metal box containing the Whispering Tree Heart, and saw the attributes of the Whispering Tree Heart.

(End of this chapter)

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